Hello my friend. Here’s a Valentine’s Day selfie from Detroit and a blog photo post starring such travels, the food I ate while there and maybe a bunch of read between the lines typical blog fare idk lets go this lead-in is so done.
That’s one famous diamond, Jim.
Striking a pose. Blowing off steam in a spotlight.
Oh who’s that? I am wearing insanely high goth heels here. Higher than my wedges from Holland. Ankle-rolling high.
Grabbin’ mix.
Saw this on the train. The other cloth OG bag was also real asf had elephant Vishnu on it. I made a video of them both haha I deleted it though. I try and diversify my content. I accumulate and then I’m like, okay stop Warhol.
We started off in Windsor. One of us has a crush on Vito. Vito had eyes for the other though. Story of life no lol. It’s a great restaurant and was PACKED. I always get the pesto ravioli. I am not a huge ravioli fan no offense but will eat anything if pesto is on it.
Creamy pesto. They add more pesto less cream for me specially but I think literally this time they just put extra pesto sauce, no biggie. We dumped a salad into the leftover sauce and tossed it about. Faaaaaabulous.
Presentation en pointe.
Today is National Wine drinking day. Enough said glug glug!
It’s like I wiped the colour of my hat on my eyelids. What a wiener.
Earlier on in the voyage. That egg sandwich was actually amazing. We drove through a white out blizzard it was kind of freaky. I’ve been on a speedboat in a fog once and it was terrifying, the pier rapidly becoming closer to us. When you blindly do a bullet like a freight train it’s exhilarating, and scary af. When you’re in the bathroom and the whole train is shaking, rocking back and forth at some points as it’s taking a turn you think this is it. It’s happening. I have seen many reality tv/National Geographic train derailment, world’s greatest disasters episodes, action movies, plus my own odd anxieties combined. But then it doesn’t happen and you do survive. Okaaaaaay weirdo.
I brought three plates with me for a thing. I left one behind as a gift and managed to get the others safely back along with READ : not smashed. This particular photo resulted in an IG war with an idiot on the photo itself. Sigh. other little raymis got involved too tho and were like just stop. LOL. thx guys.
Best burger EVER it as so fall apart tender and you guess it. American cheese. I died. I was lying down eating it very Beavis and Butthead styles. Good times. I had the rest the next day for first breakfast.
The day I left. Monday. Vernors is made in Detroit it is the shit of legend it’s like bubble gum gingerale to me that is how I describe it. I have one can left.
Top of the Pontch. V Day. Very nice view and interesting setting. Hotel vibe meets I don’t know, outerspace?
Packing the night before interlude.
One of my machiavellian brainchilds.
Book Tower Building.

Ding dongs.
Hopped around on Sunday to make up for mostly doing sweet fuck all this weekend. Started at Pho Lucky. This is coffee. It’s sweet and syrupy and my teeth feel brown just looking at it. So good.
Lychee sake. Brilliant. Live large.
My pho. Rare beef. Extra veg. I piled more crap into it of course. We shared an amazing banana leaf rice thing to start.
I made a bit of Valentine’s effort.
and so on.
Love that substance.
When _____ vans are rad. Held off on posting that cos I don’t think people would have laughed with me like I wanted them to. It mostly just had a ring to it and come onnn look at this thing! Plus he is smiling. *harmless af*.
Ughh me in ten years.
Motor City Wine Bar is uhmaaaze.
Been there. jay kay.
View la la. Detroit River. Windsor on the other side. The more you know.
Shrimp with lobster sauce is so delicious. we did not eat off that wolfdottir plate. That would be crazy stupid. Plus I needed it for the next day.
Food diary much. This was last meal before train. olive tapinade goat cheese truffle oil.
Could you tell this is at Vito’s again. I needed that pesto. It was family day and everything else was closed. President’s day in the states too and also a holiday.
Seafood soup. This post is making me hungry. Well, that’s that for now. See you at Swan Dive tomorrow (Friday) come TGIF with me I’m opening (4-9PM) buh-bye.