You ding dongs ready for a thuper post! What’s up Love Robot whuttttt ^^ #respect.
I went with Ben Miner to a comedy gala thing for blindness at the Carlu, swanky night! Sat at a table in the front row like ballers. This one comedian said a joke that I had heard on tv before that I repeated to an ex of mine and we made this joke everyday all winter long to each other then I HEARD that very same joke this night, blasted on beers dressed like a gala diva (just go with it) and it was a very zen moment for sure.
My favourite house. I asked if we could shoot a web series here. They said yes. Now I just have to make it crappen.

Another givin’er weekend is upon us. Stoked. This hot weather is so exotic. My mother said that. I would have said tropical. Same diff.
Ya guy.
Got there early, got all ma shots in there bro Lebowskis.

He did something lewd below me. This was aftermath. Only because I don’t like how I look in the photo I’m not sharing it.

There may be some monster bikini sightings this w/e.

Got a bit of sun there.
Then we multiplied into more. Good night this night plus weekend.
Bouquet of kittens so adorb.
Then went to Streetsvegas.
I used this camera in Holland. It makes all experiences seem touristy and beautiful. I used it in Aruba too. Spectacular. I have always loved photography.
Finally changed my toenails. These are neon yellow teeks my mom gave me. I had them in hot pink but were ruined in Aruba from water. The first time I went. They’re comfortable and very light.

Mom gave me a bunch of light white tea towel doiley-like shirts I just discovered that’s why they’re so wrinkled. These acid wash shorts used to be jeans. I found all these shorts from a previous life that all fit me perfectly. DOPE SQUAD.

Not a bad look Lauren.
Walk softly, carry a big stick.
Ok doke, time to fold my laundry now and edit some things and be a business lady. Oh if only you knew. Actually I am glad you don’t. Check you later.
Enjoy your day, no complaints here. For now!