It’s time to give an ITshirt!

Hi guys! have I got an exciting post for you listen up geeks! SO much exclamations!!
This is one of my new ITshirts it is adorable the front has a bunch of cute gibberish coding on it too. I have a vast and varied tech bg (heck I am writing code for this damn blog post too sorry I sound so defensive I was born that way!) as I use to work for a tech agency for a few years and one of the guys there invented ITshirts so we decided to do a Raymi thing on it, groundbreaking I know.

Well anyway, he is snarky as hell and has injected that humour into these geeky one-of-a-kind (free shipping on orders passed $29!) masterpieces – tshirts, mugs, other swag and I am all about it whenever I come up with a Raymism I paint it immediately and merchandise the fucking shit out of it so everyone knows that that’s YOUR quote it’s undeniable but anyway enough about me. God it’s just so hard not to shut the fuck up sometimes see, there’s another shirt (oh how I wish). Well anway, ITshirts are great T-shirts for Techies, Nerds, Geeks and Gamers! There I said it.

did’er a little photoshoot there around the building it was fun and funny when people were waiting for the elevator and we made the lobby chair area our own personal studio. You always know when someone is watching you and can time it exactly when they’re going to look again. It’s mentally-exhausting being a hawk eyes but anyway I had a vision and actually there is one more location or two to do in the building, some of the hallways have a posh hotel vibe soft yellow lighting… you’ll see.

Yes also if you have any questions as always allow me… sorry I do the “…” ellipses all the time it is a bad habit I picked up from an older colleague it’s a boomer thing and so lazy grammatically but effective so I choose it.

The last time my bf modeled was as a teenager I think we nailed it the models on the ITshirts site are pretty pro like stockphoto pro haha so we needed to nail it let’s give him a hand good job babe. – actually he never modeled he said he just got hosed HAHAHAHHA
Geeks like drinking beer because they are so stressed out from all of that work so we used that as a prop and not actually as normally habitual laundry accompaniment refreshment no no no way not that at all..

Nerds like talking a lot so if they are drinking beer and it’s Craft you better get the Hell out of there before you’re cornered and it’s too late omg if I never hear a Craft beer mansplanation ever again it will be too soon. jkjk we have gone to lots of breweries I have been converted but still, keep those factoids to a minimum there bud I got shit to do.

Top Gun glasses (a must) from Dollar Tree one of my favourite stores. Doesn’t he look like De Niro in Taxi Driver?
Okay maybe just a little bit it’s the Military green shirt which this I LOVE IT WHEN THEY CALL ME BIG DATA design is available in (as well as other colours) which is also a Notorious B.I.G. play on words but you knew that because you’re cool – every shirt has something punny involved, classic geek humour obvi.
The UI is dope and easy to navigate while shopping AND the holidays are coming up school is back phase 3’s upon us time to strut your opinions out on the town the people got to know that YOU know what’s up and speaking of that there’s a #BLM tshirt too.
Awesome. I also like the #GRL CODER one and the DEVS RULE one if I were a DEV then I’d get it love the RUN DMC vibes if a dev saw me out in the wild wearing a devs rule shirt do you know how much bullshit talking I’d have to do to get out of that?

And I’d get this in True Royal Blue because blonde and blue is like peas and carrots when I wear a blue shirt I see people fainting in the streets at my colour compositioning.

Okay I am going to order this one too I have decided Lorem sounds like Lauren and I am into alter-egos so plus I am a actually raging fuckin geek (but a cool one, they can be rare) which is why I make fun of nerds so much projection is everything. I remember we had a debate about the differences between nerds and geeks and it got scary lol.

Always wear your masks down in the laundry lots of old bitches up in that joint can’t be compromosin’ ‘em!

LOL I love it. Eye contact, eye contact, thank you.

Ok let’s do the glasses and really smart this up. He said he wore these on a work trip to look smarter intelligent (but yes also for reading) but mostly the former. I will need to check to see if that’s okay to say here. I do the same with my glasses too or to hide looking tired.
An ITshirt is the perfect thing to wear while patiently waiting for your next order of ITshirts and other Amazon garbage! Which reminds me, we are low on bath bombs babe A woman came in and sat on this bench and watched us for awhile so we kept shooting all professional and stuff you can honestly bullshit your way into anything in life if I haven’t taught you anything after all these years reading my blog please at least let me teach you that if you can just act like you think this person is suppose to be then others will believe you like look at televangelists and other scam artist two-bit hustlers anyone can make it baby you just got to believe! Anyway I have an issue with shyness sometimes it just gets in the way but you have to say fuck it and keep rolling.
and that’s a wrap *Austin Powers voice* cheers babes. Use PROMOCODE: RAYMI15OFF at checkout to save some dollars in your little pockets there and send me your ITshirts selfies please stay tuned ever always forever your pal RAYMI xoxo.
Those are some cool shirts but do they come in extra-medium? I think that’s the hardest size to find, NOBODY has it…
you should put some pics and jokes on the ITshirts site