Wow! Check my meth lab walking around in lingerie plus other acting skills lol. This is a series called Petrol. Love this clip. There’s a Raymi Toronto post all about being on set that day, check that out too if you’re curious. Have a great night!
Monthly Archives: January 2016
just blog
Hey sports fans!
God. Sometimes I wish I was sponsored by Heineken. Whenever I crack one I immediately start to blogging. I always bought Heineken to work to, a 6 pack of green bottle goodness like I’m somewhere further away than where I am. Heineken. The stuff of dreams. I should go back into ad copy. Anyway moving along. How’s your Saturday? Good, good. I just got up from a nap, I got my hair did today, I ate noodles. I’ll show you all about it right now in fact plus some other Raymi world stuff.
Earlier in the week and by that I mean late last week I ventured out to blow off some steam in the hood of the new bar I tend at and it was a crazy night, the end. lol.
Been putting in some late nights lately. It makes it so the days in between you’re kinda like -_- and do nothing, climb the walls a little then wait til you are there doing a late night again. You seeee, my friends opened a bar and new businesses need lots of love. So come by and be sure to love us. Not to sound desperate but I make it a point to keep my look on fleek while at work to practise being a lady and to over-compensate for all my short-comings. So far so good.
My highschool prom date was across the way at the bar here and recognized my aura as I was taking these selfies. He (rightly so!) put it together that I would be the only one taking pictures of themself in the light of a red lamp on Dundas st in Toronto. I’m going to let that sink in and guage how much of a loser I should be feeling like right now about that. Whatever! A zebra can’t change their stripes brah. Prom fact: I unexpectedly got an award for MOST HUMOUROUS PERSON! I got a certificate and everything and had to shuffle across the dance floor under the disco ball in nervous shock in front of everybody. The reason I won was cos the two chicks on prom commitee sat behind me in business class and were within perfect earshot of all the stupid crap that came out of my mouth everyday and turns out, it was some funny shit well I’ll be! So like one part laziness, one part all me.
Last night at work.
Perez Hilton used to meanly call Jennifer Love Hewitt “Jennier Love Desperate” and I think about that and laugh at myself when I see pictures like this. I know a lot of useless things they need to go somewhere.
We keep the bar pretty dark it’s a nice and flattering swan dive like that so here I’m just taking advantage of all the lit spots I can. We have free pool and wifi.
Wifi and thigh highs.
And baby heads.
Maybe some babes too.
Baked goods we get daily.
Free sass too. I’m working Monday night next fyi. 1631 Dundas St W.
Here’s part of my day. Lamest singapore noodles ever. I ate the entire thing (later on at home) thinking it would eventually get good. Nope. Did not occur. No change. They have always been bad. I guess their specialty is pho and it is only a headache to make this for me. I’m like, with shredded pork too and she goes you want pork instead? I’m like no it’s supposed to already be in it. I am very particular with my singapore vermicelli if you have been reading this stupid blog for years then you know this. I eat it when I’m sleep deprived (hung) it’s basically like polysporin.
Having a killer hair day on the day of your salon visit is like what are you even going for haha. I had roots that needed attending is what. Been dying to see Donna Dolphy Yorkville Salon since before the holidays. Timing salon visits is a science.
Purple sky tonight loved it.
And this morning. It was a really cold day. Didn’t realize how cold up in the sun here. My knuckles bled, that cold and dry when I walked from Yorkville to Spadina noodle town without gloves.
Hello hello.

Best hair ever. I love how she cut it this time, to a point, to give me a bit of a tail and length. She knows how much I whine about not cutting it but it always looks healthy when she does so I abide. You have to relinquish control sometimes.

I love the I dream of Genie blow-out she gave me. That’s from her non-kiss blowdry technique. I turn heads when I leave her salon. Oh yeah my cousin Kristi had an appt with Donna’s sister today too, bonus for Raymi!

Oh I see your smirk there babe lol.
Pretty flowers for a pretty salon. Thanks Donna love you! Okay goodnight guys.
Raymi Toronto goes to Sign Source Solution
Check out my adventures in vehicle wrapping with Sign Source Solution over on Raymi Toronto! TTYL
Sign Source Solution vehicle wrapping are experts in all things signs! Great for promoting your (smalle) businesses. Check ‘em out and be sure to say raymi sent you.
David Bowie memorial parade New Orleans
GUEST POST – My gf Leslie is at the David Bowie memorial (and henceforth gets complete credit for this post) in NOLA right now and sent me over some pics. Love that place. Loved that guy, so without further ado here they are and I guarantee this parade is still going strong God bless N’awlins wish I was there.

Very nice shot. It’s like, fun and sadness at once.


The party never dies there and you never have to grow up. Rest in Peace David Bowie!

l’enfant terrible

Bonjour everyone who sort of gives a shit. Today’s blog post will include many images I have clogged up my phone with the intention of one day blogging. My phone is now dead asf but as fate would have it I emailed myself a flood the day prior so I at least have these. I am not exactly depressed about all the other stuff I’ve lost from the device, it can be freeing, but moreso I’m depressed about losing my contacts (headache) and being unable to connect with my loved ones and all of my friends. A phone is more than a phone, end of story.

It was fine Sunday night, but when I woke up yesterday it was sending me the same text message in a loop all day then it would turn off every 5 seconds before I could say hi to anyone or thing on that thing. Enraging AF. In a couple of days a replacement phone will arrive but I had to do a lot to make that happen and doing a lot is not one of my favourite past times. Someone also played a cruel trick on me during this ordeal which made my layers of rage and hell out of this world. When it Raymes it pours, bruv and no I will not look back on this experience one day and laugh about it. I will be equally as pissed then as I am now.

I remember this outfit garnering a lot of looks on my journey through the streets. Sometimes when you put together an outfit that hyper-works you feel like a caricature. Wait til you see what I wear tonight at Swan Dive!

Spent a week in July in PEI. Was awesome. Ate so much fresh lobster and drank great wine. As a Canadian, I feel it is a duty to visit as many provinces as possible in your lifetime and maybe save the boring ones for last. Everytime I hashtag #PEI on twitter it automatically gets retweeted by some Prince Edward Island bot account, love it.
If you’re a Raymi superfan then you’ll know this image isn’t redundant exactly. The other one I posted over the summer is of me jumping in the air like an idiot. We were hung asf then checked-out and drove to the coast. Over the course of our one night in Charlottetown, we hit every hipster bar there was and found all the things I needed to find. Reminded me of a night in Ottawa, it’s not a huge city so you can make your moves to see all the right spots in a night. You can’t do that in Toronto unless you have a time machine.
The post I had in the pan for a night at The Spoke Club is kaput now as I have lost all those images except for this. It’s hard to be organized as someone in the creative sector when I am the only employee I have. My job is at night, these events, so when I’m recovering the next day there is no one to get on board and just do it for me. When I was younger I was able to get out many blog posts in a day. My life is fuller now I think is why, I do “too much” and am satiated for the most part so I don’t see the need to blog it right away desperately so. I should be though because when I do, traffic goes up, more clients, etc etc etc.

So many awesome things happen from this blog and when they do they are great motivators to keep doing it. It was a trip to meet Ollya and her husband was just like what is going on here I was like, I am her hero I know you can’t tell by looking at me sorry hahah. She was posing with me in a line-up of chicks and I asked my friend, who is she to remind me how I knew her because I didn’t want to look rude and he (mistakenly) said we met her on Halloween. Wrong. She has read my blog for ten years, knows peers of mine and when we started turning up in each other’s pictures she was like you know Raymi?? She didn’t know I’d be turning up to Shanny’s party last Thursday. AND. All these other women were majorly nice to me and praising it really lifted me up. I really fucking hate mean girls so, when everyone gets along it’s like a high. Meeting people who love my blog and hearing it has gotten them through some rough times makes me go FUCK YEAH.

This summer I didn’t beach as much as I’d have liked to. There were hot girls in bikinis all around us hating the fact we were taking pictures. Oh get over it this isn’t about you.

On way to a lunch meeting I’m checking out if my disaster of a hangover is noticeable LOL. My boobs look big here cos I’m wearing a bikini top, no magic to it actually.

Don’t think I ever posted this. Forget where I wore this ding dong outfit probably just to metro. Sometimes it takes time and space to be comfortable posting the silly pics I take.

What a day this was. I’m bummed to lose the loads of pics on my phone I never got around to blogging. Boat owner was at party other night and I am invited back on the boat if I bring girls in bikinis with me. Guys and their jib bunnies..I don’t write the rules I just play by ‘em. I always seem to have leg bruises. I am tall and my thighs graze the bed frame here or a counter, table. Tall girl problems.

Managed to save this. It was a paid shoot but I didn’t receive nearly enough of the photos we took together which makes me curious as all hell. Let me know if you find them floating around on some overseas pr0n site jeez.
Nip shot! From same day as shoot. I get as slender as I can but different lingerie pieces can make your body look blobbier. Meh.
Me and all my friends. ha. Actually four girls were watching and heckling me so I party-monstered them into feeling really bad about themselves for bullying me and then we all posed together and became party besties. Wonder if they still read my blog ahah.

My first time in Detroit. Ahh, Detroit. Where to begin lol.
As crazy as 2015 was all around, and by cray I mean amazing. It has been eye-opening as an artist. It’s not hard to just DO THINGS. Have an idea, then fucking do it. Then do it again and better. What does this all mean? It’s got to mean something. I’m a special breed and some people discovered me, shon a bit of light on me. Don’t ever listen to your haters. They hate you cos they ain’t you. It’s such a waste of time and unhealthy. They mean nothing to me. Look at my enriched life don’t I look busy being a ding dong? Happily so.

I get to see this all the time. It’s like my power wall. Good memories. Even when it’s overcast the paint is bright blue and glowing. Detroit has it going on again. You’ve seen these before but for some reason I sent them to myself for this post so enjoy them again!

TIFF party.

Another film fest party. This summer was bananaanannaas. We dashed out to the car at one point and on this adorb street I jumped into this walkway for a photo.

Hmm gauging by this pose and face I am probs about 70% licked by this point. When we bounced from the party we drove to the country in the night and I was wrapped in a blanket containment bundle in the front seat because I did not want to do this trip just before going to Detroit but we did it anyway.

For some reason there was a Bill Cosby one up on the wall too.
I got about 3 glasses of champagne out of that chick.

My hair looks like a total wig here. This was an excellent night.

Shorts weather. Sigh.

My wardrobe for a tv series I am in that will be airing this month. I have a lot of scenes and I snort (pretend) drugs. Can’t wait.
That’s all for now. Come see me at Swan Dive tonight 1631 Dundas St I’ll be there 9-FOREVER xoxo.
I am being annoyed
Hi guys. It’s me again. My blog traffic has been snowballing I keep telling you, so now I gotta feed the monkey and be somewhat consistent with my bullshit here like I can even recall what I said last, the rich content (images/youtube) blerh blah. I have two lives. I have two names. Can you blame me?
As I turn the page on to part two of my life now that I am back in Toronto, with new eyes. It feels pretty cool. December was hella stressful, a lot going on and January is only phase II of crazytown for your hero. Lots of changes this month as well. I have several ongoing projects alongside clients, new gigs and things to do, see, endorse, show up to and so on, and the social media correspondences that never. seem. to. fucking. end. I am snapping on a few of my elite fans lately and being gifted sweet merciful karma in the forms of obsessive compulsive texting messaging me relentlessly dept. and my patience has been beyond tested. I also have a psychotic stalker who talks about me to herself all day long (libelously!) in a messageboard as well as subtweets me and emulates everything about me while bashing me obsessively. I’ve just super had enough.
It was a struggle to communicate hey I am on vacation in Detroit LEAVE ME ALONE I was anxious about returning to Toronto to this shitstorm of people just wanting to drag me into their lives again, their drama. I still plan to not be a part of it like fuck I’m busy let me work. I designed my own life please let me live it.
Despite all my rage I’m still just a whatever in a something. Moving along now! I bought the three ding dongs these hats. Mom said I left mine in Oakville godsarnit!
I am excited about my shift today at Swan Dive I am blogging my nerves out here as well as just blogging for the joy of it. Blogging is great for your metabolism because it can be stressful asf especially when you are squeezing it between doing other shit on your list.
Bloody Mary bar. Not called a caesar bar like I inish thought. Bloody Mary is American. It goes down to the differences in our tomato juice, so stupid, who cares!!?!?
Wasn’t in drinking mood too bad. You get a glass of vodka from the bar and off you go to town here. Click to enlarge.
One of my ratchet looks. Funeral procesh went by. Sad. Crushed a burg in a min. Happy.
I want to become a better dancer. I will become a better dancer. Dancing at the bar is gonna be tight. Maybe Babysitting Money (one of my dj alter-egos) will get to spread their wings and soar.
Am probably wearing that little wee green number tonight. I will be a human jungle. Oh lawrdy.
When the neighbours are completely brilliant too and you are like is this even real.
RSSR wanted me in these glasses from day one. I wear a lot of specs. I have a thing about the bridge part of the nose being too wide, too much for my nose. Anyway I like how this photo turned out okay I am not always right.
Bruv that passport has been around the block and then some.
This is a mod trench. feeeeeeeeeeling it.
It was so good. I still ate a bag of chips afterward. I just love American chips. I want it I eat it the end.
Like the Slave for you Britney spears video pink thong over her jeans you know I already tried it on like that as well the first night when they showered gifts on me and I was beginning of trip skinny. One of my favourite gifts thank you!
We support this Pure Detroit store all the time.
To be continued… see you later!
when am I
Hello fraus. What a week it has been. So wonderful. I have like, a million stories. I guess we can begin at NYE. The Royal Oak Music Theater. L and I and R were the best dressed assholes in the joint (Deren said so) and speaking of, I finally got to meet one of my e-besties Deren Ney of Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers. He’s one of my fav whatsapp collections. Nicki has been in a GAP ad, they’ve played the national anthem at baseball stadiums and shit. Big times.
You know how we became friendly fires? I did a dance video to their Hall and Oates cover song and boom. History. We were supposed to meet on April 1 but I went to Aruba for my 30th a couple year’s back as he blew into Toronto – sad face. A few near misses since 2012 as he is a touring rock and roller but not this fucking time! It was a moment asf. I spread it that he was my brother and you would not believe how quickly it caught on and he said all my and Lizzy’s front row antics were hilarious. Best time yassss.
The music video in question. fun trick. mute this. play it to ANY SONG YOU WANT AND IT WORKS.
Minxed all up around the joint.
The next morning. I don’t look so mangled do I now. If you fall asleep in your party dress then you weren’t so much a devil the night before. Party girl rule of thumb up yer bum.
Go big or go home. Or. Go big THEN go home. As we did. Lul. This pic brang in some star quality attention whup-wuuup.
The voyage began in a small town called fonthill. So many joyous computer font puns just ran through my head you don’t even wanna know. We stayed in a modern home. A big part of modern homes involves cement. Such as these steps. The floors were heated but lemme tell ya from my bare ass, this particular step wasn’t. I am trying to build more confidence with nude modeling, artistic and candid hipster Raymi magic etc so yeah. Just in posting them. I always feel the sting before the burn of my ego’s grapple over should I or shouldn’t I plus WHO am I? Just fucking do it, right? Slutever says if you’re going to post one nude you may as well post nine thousand. And how dare I say!
We spent the night and had a nice late brunch of beautiful homemade quiche, mimosas. It was lovely. It has been a nice holiday. Been dying to unwind for a month now and shut off my phone.
An adorb, spooky, whimsical and oh so perfect treehouse in the backyard. Said I slept in it and the internet believed me like a firestorm. YO CHILL!
You know how much of a glory hog that I am so you know I loved the vip treatments of Kame & Kettle brewery the new mastermind godsend to the tiny beautiful town of Fonthill. That’s my second FH endorsement! Drop in for a gorgeous pint of craft OPA beer in this brewery if you’re one of those roadtrip date artists, take her here. L and I serenaded them to Adele’s Hello when it came on and all the regulars loved it. They have board games too! Bring your own picnic even.
Then we drove to Detroit and crushed some A&W along the way. It never ceases to amaze me how fast I can eat a hamburger.
Our Christmas festivities continued over at Daddy Doc’s. He was supposed to head out by 8 but the dream team kind of changed those plans once we arrived with a bottle of this crazy chocolate coffee liquer shit woooooooowhee Bethlehem it was good asf times. We went over again to play the other night and I got into a chainmail body suit let me tell you it was a bit scary and exhilarating I have newfound respect for the S&M scene you crazy fcuks! Getting it off was the scary part I am very protective of my blond hair which is loads more delicate now. It took all three of them to get it off me and we had to put a hipster toque over my face, head, hair and neck. It pinched too a bit. Okay more on that later I haven’t even uploaded a picture of it.
My traveling workspace takes many forms and shapes you should see what it looks like right now haha.
Selfies at Doc’s are funny and fun. I’m overwhelmed with murterial for dis blog.
Orgasmic chicken was had in Mexican Town once we left Doc’s place. I have a picture of the name of this place on my phone if you really wanna know. We got a bird for the road too and ate it over the course of the next 48 hours. Just sharing my life with you people!
I was extremely spoiled in gifts by these people. Can’t even. Hashtag so blessed (that’s a Jonah Hill joke rip-off) but anyway it’s so true.
I heard on facebook that we should not humble brag anymore but to just straight up brag. So fine. This guy chased me down. Twice. To tell me I was an unbelievably hot beautiful woman. That has not happened in a long time or like maybe ever? I felt I should mention it. Lizzy and I were little rascals hehe.
Getting ready for the night. There was another awesome one of these where I am flipping the bird but I thought the sky would fall if I posted it so I went the safe dumb dumb route. Lizzy’s face brings all the boys to the yard.
Our pal Doc is a man of many hats. A photographer, music show producer guy plus day job but anyway he has a collection of props for said photoshoots and it is fun to hang there.
Oh my gosh the day has just flown by. Time to wrap this up. Soon.
Lurve this coat.
Might shoot another video tonight. Very very fun.
Learning where to stay within the lines of. See how I can’t take authority at all lol.
Arm bling blang.

Lots of new dresses spoiled and rotten. That’s my thing. Come see me in action Thursday night at Swan Dive btw.
Nostrovia! Over and out.