Hey guys this stink eye’s for you. Jay-kay, in actuality while I was street vamping for this shot I was staring at the girl laying on the ground all drunkies and I was trying to pose without showing that that was what I was looking at. Oh King west you beast. It’s a living. I don’t remember if I told you about this new gig we have til NYE but it involves ipads and collecting data for a brand about blabbity blah prob not at liberty to say but anyway there is a job for everything and everyone out there if you can tell all the right lies ;). In between that I have my personal asst/social gigs, and now acting. I’m kind of dead tired between it all but I am majorly excited about my acting/wrestling card girl gig this weekend most of all because I get to go as Raymi the Minx. Remember her? You can see it all broadcast on Rogers TV 8 days later I heard. I’m going to steer clear of the drama as much as possible, there’s some scripted scenarios I am going to be part of too oh fuck lol. This can be a re-appearing gig for me if all goes well. After I blog today I’m going to squeeze into some tights and put my RTM look together for it. LMK if you want to go I’ll pull some strings. They kinda want hot girls (who doesn’t?) ha ha shrug. The last one of these things Julian and I went to we laughed our heads off 3 hours straight. We “could not”. It’s like over the top wrestling fake fight acting and you’ll recognize a lot of local Toronto legends acting in it. It happens again November too as if anyone is reading this part right now haha.
Time to chisel down. There’s no time!
Just you wait.
I could stare at that for awhile. I kinda did.
This night of work was a Blitzkrieg cos I bumped into scoundrels I know long story short I was useless the next day.
Hello old friend.
My cousin died last week. I’m glad we were able to make it to the service. It is a tragedy how he died. I have a lot to say but I’m not going to say it though. The funeral home had these memoriam bracelets. I took one for my mom as well. Family is important. We had a good day afterward my Dad and mom, Julian and I. Touring Oakville. Seeing the church where my grandfolks on my dad’s side are all laid to rest. Sat on my great grandmother’s bench as is tradition. Then we went to a patio in Burlington then back to the house to visit etc. We shared happy memories and funny stories. Julian thought he was playing matchmaker I said this isn’t the Santa Claus bruh. So. In dark times you must cherish the good times at the same time and those in your life. Even if they’re your enemy and pissed you off before I like to abide by the one last chance model, more of a syndrome rather. Life is precious and is short and it’s scary enough for the lot of us no? Make time for fun and if you need help, ask for it.
A ship and the view of Toronto from Oakville. That one last smokestack line by the ship is the beaches where I am right meow.
I saw a girl plop backwards yesterday into the mud. She fainted. She’s a fainter. I was on the phone in the middle of being scammed by that hot scam of the moment where they pretend to be the CRA and it almost worked. I am still pissed off and stressed about it and probably going to report it. Had I have seen the CBC feature on it last week I wouldn’t have been so stupid and if I wasn’t so sleep deprived and tired on set and had better focus… It was just an absolute gong show but I want people to know what happened to me so they can avoid it too. I can see why old fogies fall for it these guys are VERY crafty at what they do. I want to set them all on fire I could hear them in the background scamming other people it was so believable and I am such an idiot.
Dude the scammer emailed me back. pic.twitter.com/F8Smr3HOmH
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) September 26, 2016
They actually wrote back to me. If 1-613-707-3639 calls you IGNORE IT. I flew too close to the flame on that one by God. They had a fake 3 way call with my accountant and I and I bought it. I canceled my credit card but waiting on hold with VISA for ten minutes was an eternity I was like cancel my card right away! Also why did this take you ten minutes to answer in cancellation land and your automated system they could have been depleting my card and most definitely were trying to. I think I lost a year off my life from that I was walking around in circles in the parking lot on my phone I bet the shuttle driver enjoyed the show but then, I canceled it in time and we had wrapped on set – instant relief and elation we went straight to thai food and netflix I had this weird high like, I felt lucky but I felt sick to my stomach at the same time. I have enough bullshit in my life and now these scam artists come along. Great!
The torrential downpour added a nice touch to the gong show of a day. I am never staying up late again before a shoot. Lesson learned.
I just got off the phone with the passport peeps and thankfully my passport is expired and therefore useless to those bastards so once again my laziness has saved the day. I am going to replace it this week. I just need to take a decent photo first. This is fake movie money fyi. Me and another actor took turns passing it back and forth to each other over and over again in the background and pretended to trade corn actually we forgot about the corn and became money OCD fixated instead. Acting is hilarious. I made so many stupid jokes about corn. Sometimes the personality shines through strong bringing joy to all those surrounding me. An AD that morning said I had a great voice when all I said was “no problem” as they were passing through. He said say something again I said, “say something again. Hello good morning how are you.” I need to do voice over work before it’s too late. Sorry all these stories are about me it’s kinda about me and my life here.
Another Raymazing thing to happen to me was my phone went in the pool my first day on set for a different show. I wanted to just give up and die. In this business you see the same actors around on different projects and sets so yesterday we all made fun of me for that. YES that was MY phone. Yes I was THAT girl. I was basically crying when I got my voucher at the end of the day at 5:45am when we wrapped. We did 17 hours. So the last few scenes at the end my face is all fucked up and then I just leave altogeher LMAO. Anyway this photo was on Julian’s phone cos I needed something to post the few days I was phoneless. Nice shot bud. Rob retweeted it I assumed out of passive aggression but he said it was cos he liked the composition pfft.
We just looked at this again for the first time and died laughing. So many questions behind it bahahha. In Future TO was great I hope you made it out to that. We walked the log chute (waterless) at Ontario Place and these idiots were peppering the path along the way. Decapitated deers and other out-there art, nice and retro, nostalgic. Everyone has their Ontario Place memories I kept hearing them all night long plus we bumped into lots of close friends of mine too. We had to get out of the interpretive dance silo asap I cannot keep a straight face during that shit. This guy danced through some papers he made shuffle and flutter all over the place in a spotlight with some crap projected up on the wall put to MEANINGFUL music and narration in a black spandex outfit NOPE too immature for that buddy but good job though. Kyle’s gf from France being majorly into it didn’t help much either cos I immediately wanted to make fun of it with her but then we had to talk about it and I had to pretend like it instead while Kyle and Julian made jokes over in the corner gahaha.
My phone crapped out the next day so I lost all my hoarded pics ho-hum. Luckily I hyper-actively overpost sometimes and could take scraps from facebook and what not. If you haven’t seen your own phone sink to the bottom of a pool before you might imagine how emotional and awful it feels and all the shit that goes through your mind regarding media for clients and your to-do lists. I hope it never happens to you.
He knows how it feels.
This was a Sunday night. Oof. #dreamteam.
It’s Noel! I liked that his installation included a pile of dust and rubbish he couldn’t find a dustbin for. Good ol Noel. There are legendary Noel & company stories it was good to have the gang all back together again. We had oysters and made fun of stuff, yay.
After pooling the audience I picked up these shades that I would have regretted for the rest of my life had I not.
Praying my bodytype will suit the dresses they’ve ordered for us for work. I’m not bragging but I kind of fit in to the 24 age-ish set but sometimes I feel like they really for real think I am. I can do skimpy to a limit. Also I am a little “juicier” lately and you kind of need to be emaciated for some dress styles out there. I don’t lose sleep over it though don’t worry.
The coconut was the best sorbet could do without the rest next time.
Eavesdropping on this patio is pretty sweet. Some kids tried to hustle chocolate bars to all of us it was kind of amusing to see the nerve of them. The host would not let them in so they asked us all one by one over the fence. Oh that city life.
You get accustom to the facial hair then it gets shaved off for a role and you’re like but where is your face?
I wonder if he owns the stables too.
Skulls and cherries.
I love the city but I also lurve the country YEE-HAW!
I am always cleaning up our tickle trunk.

Just going through the motions here.
I will give this hairstyle a whirl again and refine it.
Our new friend/co-worker Danielle was rocking the Charlie’s Angels thing and proclaimed, am I the only one doing it?? I guess you had to of been there.
I was 22 when I made that book. Man I use to be a go-getter af.
Kristin was dressed like a Legoman ILHer. Known her since I was 19. She started Magic Pony fyi.
Nice pic Julian.
Sex on the beach. I needed to be comforted by a ridiculous drink. I didn’t even want to drink. You know how I feel? It reminded me to make a point to drink more cranberry juice if anything else.
Funeral-bound on Saturday.
From the first show I was on. I lost more selfies this is the only pic of me I have. I survived though. Life goes on.
Still trying to make ponchos happen. Now that it’s on tv it might actually happen. Sometimes I wonder if my sense of humour is so dry it just goes right over your head. I am kidding. I don’t care about ponchos.
Earlier that morning I was all, how am I going to get through this day?
There’s no fun in funeral except that there is. You make the best of it I guess. You get to see yer fam. I was pleased that there was no dramz.
When you don’t blog often and then you compile all your selfies at once you see how many you take and you’re like ugh cringe shrug whoops sorry guys. I actually seldom like how I look but you would not know that if you read my blog now would ya!? Being a woman and “aging” really does a number on your self esteem I see mean shit written about me online all the time. I read a crazy one recently in a forum I will not mention about how I better hurry up quick I am old I can’t remember but it definitely left a bad vibe feeling. Anyway. Celebrate when you like how you look and literally everyone else can shut the fuck up who try to bring you down for no reason other than they need some company down there.
Okay last one I have things to do bye now!