Holy it’s hard to do this shit now. What I mean is it’s hard to make time for it. To blog. I get it man, I get it — when they were always like “Oh my god if I didn’t have to go to work every day maybe I could be a popular blogger too” which still sounds like an excuse parading as an attempt to extinguish my own talent and dedication to the craft what is blogging BUT all I’m saying is I have been meaning to update pretty much every single day for the last month okay, and I am sorry about that. I received a spike in traffic the other day on my 17th year blogiversary and I thought it would have been a good idea to have something new up at the time. I am your classic gifted under achiever smug af writer. “I’ll get around to it”. Yeah um, years are flying by asshole. Give the people what they want now. Show this alleged writer’s craft marinating around your head day in and out. Make the moneeeeeeeeeey.
Alright. Lets start with thanking the audience for participating in my psychopathological (majority of) life-long obsession social experiment-in part that has gone on for too long in only that I should have published a solid book my now. Just think of me as one of those very cautious (lazy) and waiting for “the right moment” types of authors. Like the guy who finally wrote a book by blinking it all out painstakingly one, letter, at, an, insufferable, time. BY BLINKING IT TO A NURSE.
Then when he was done he died!!!!
Lol it’s true and is a movie you can rent… the something and the butterfly.
As you can see I 1. barely care and 2. have a terrible memory. 3. this is not wikipedia
I feel I have just consumed so much information from consuming the internet for so long it has wiped my hard drive. Like someone who did too much acid which btw, I have never tried. No need.
Where was I.
This post is an exercise in finding my bearings again and just to simply pleasure write again, in essence, and spin a yarn for the superfans. I really hate when bloggers stop blogging and it’s nice to live vicariously through other people, your favourites to stalk there is only so much one can derive from Netflix. Spying on each other is so f–ing good! Facebook, Instagram, am I right? They’ve dominated blogging right out of the running in terms of instantaneousness (I make super blog posts, I don’t do micro pointless clickbait ones). It’s easier to be an instagram star now. I am old(er) now and can’t do all the shit I used to for attention, so like, here are my words bro.
I just went into a blog post draft I started the night before my new job and yikes guy. Talk about over-thinking it. The post is entitled, “highly woke” and is pure useless nonsense about my fashion sense unlike this astute piece of Shakespeare before you.
Got some new office duds. Invest in yoself! pic.twitter.com/IBk0mx8i0x
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) October 31, 2016
I am tired now. Does this suffice, yet?
The reason I don’t smile in work selfies is because I don’t want people to know that I am taking them so if I always hold my phone like a statue and don’t smile they might think I am checking out stocks or like, intelligent websites that I am usually sleuthing for work purposes anyway (not lying we got content calendars to fill yo me bredren) but yeah it’s fun to get your work fashions on over the weekend I picked up a bunch of shirts from Burlington I had chilling just waiting for me, nice nice.

I have to write stuff for work too and I know that writing this post will help me with that as I am rusty and need to get back into it again. Talking, writing, just language in general. There are so many formats in which you need to communicate to various types of people, be formal professional and fun, but mostly the formal and you may hazard a guess at how good I am at all of that. Sometimes you wanna go off the rails and write an all caps lock rant idk, that’s fine but it’s better to do it without swearing or burning a bridge, insulting someone. Maybe perhaps it’s best to stfu and say nothing. Not every emotion or thought needs to be expressed.
Anyway. I am loving my new job. It is quite rewarding. I will tell you more about it in time.
This was the AMA (American Marketing Academy) event from earlier in November. Going out is important for networking, and is always worth it because you get great ideas. I always say any (good) event can make me for a month afterward if I work it enough. Some people don’t need to, fine fine, good for you but I just mean you will always meet somebody new to collab with and I am social af, I like to chat and laugh. If it’s not fun, I am not there. It all feeds into itself. These are my lifestyle blogging roots in play. Trying to tow the line between being myself and being what I think they want me to be and, who is they? Hahaa.
I am starving right now my brain is eating itself sorry for being incoherent or insecure I am going to press pause and order delivery now brb.
I ordered Peking Express I can’t wait. Update it’s here and I didn’t tip very well oopsies.
For the last month I have been re-watching (spacing out during some episodes) Mad Men and now I am a few episoes away from completion. Julian has been watching with me and got into it. You can picture me eating chinese food watching it tonight if you have nothing better to do. I enjoy it because I spot newer things I like watching people work I guess? It’s not as interesting now though because there is less work happening. Wow I’m a super funaholic.
This was on Halloween. We didn’t do anything. I feel like we stopped into the bar on the corner. It’s likely.
I was on a tv show. I don’t take acting as seriously as Julian does so I will legit spill the beans and tell you which show once I confirm that I can at least say that? I got more air time than him for once. He’s been in a babillion productions since summer and is surprisingly not a braggart about it or posts costume selfies or wardrobe or any of that. One day pretty soon I’m going to post this Elizabethan kinda gown I wore on another production that I will not name so that there is no way they can sue me for it. Fuck it. My blog comes first! I have gotten gigs specifically because I am Raymi The Minx and non-actra aka “a somebody” or requested talent so I don’t bow to the whims or ways of “acting world” rules ya feel me? The pay is shit. The hours are shit. Most of the people are shit. It makes you look like shit (tired) and you get sick. You watch everyone before you get to eat. There are so many laughable things. You are basically annoyed the entire time. You have to listen to stupid people all day long that you can’t just tell to shut up. So you listen to them talk and talk and get shushed or screamed at by AD’s or Directors. Sometimes it’s fun and okay. You just need to be the right person for it. I’m hangry and I am not trying to be biased, just reporting. It’s good when they book Julian and I together but I can only really do it on weekends now and you can’t predict when you’ll get a call for something. We were in the Nutcracker too and I am only saying that to impress any little old lady reading this now.
I probably also hate acting because I always feel ugly because the look is out of my control and the MUA doesn’t know how to make me look pretty how only “I” can tbh and there are no instagram filters on set. Okay this post has degenerated into abbreviations gtg xo haha zzz ilu bye!