Hello and thanks for stopping by. I feel like if (once) I have my blog redesigned it will be easier to get back into the swing of things here. Maybe I am boring myself with all the selfies. They are kind of like, really shitty trophies. Personal vanity accomplishments. They stake a place in my timeline and when I post them I can either disassociate or I can recall, or say nothing at all.

As someone with a big mouth, I tend to err on the side of stfu more so than in the past. I used to air everyone’s dirty laundry here (mostly my own) and didn’t have a clue, or a filter. The next day during the hangover, texts and emails would come in telling me to remove this, this, and that. A picture. I was pretty greedy with this content because it was always the juiciest, best part of the story I would have to delete. Like the punchline. No fair.
Anyway, I just like reasons to excuse myself from being more assertive here, diabolical blogging, and consistency overall.
This drink is called the BECK Taxi. Lol. It’s supposed to resemble their colours.

I wonder what my cholesterol is and then I stop wondering.

Me today.

This weekend’s weather was bullshit and hilarious considering Toronto’s snowplow contracts were up and yet it was a four day assault of slush ice rain snow etc etc. Walking to lunch on Monday was Hell. Over 700 collisions over the weekend too. Suffice to say I didn’t go out once. Okay once to the supermarket for wine and beer huzzah.

ya know how I likes me emo face.

Yep ’tis I.
Can’t wait to get ripped and fit and just be able to power walk outdoors without freezing. This is why I hate fall because I know winter lasts forever and once that warm weather goes it’s GONE BRO.

Attempting to smile and be good looking here it’s almost like I am obsessed or something.

This pic makes me feel cold.

Dumb ship in our way ruined the shot. I kinda like it though.

Love my dumb-dumb dramatic poses.
Just here to inspire y’all.

woah relax.
This shirt is still the bee’s knees.

Oh hi there my sweet Marie MISSU.
Okay I think I’ve said enough for now. Just keeping tabs on you keepin’ tabs on me have an excellent one!