Hello friends! Mamember me?
As we know I’ve been blogging for a long ass time and in the time that my blog ages, so does your hero. Sad but true but it’s all about maintenance and upkeep. Look at my grown ass niece. And Heather, she’s my bestie who used to read this stupid blog for years and now she’s mine. Magical, magical, that blogging tho.
We spent the day after my bday hobnobbing around Queen West, the mall, mimosas, brunch, shopping, back to the hotel for martinis and nachos then went to see a movie (Get Out) which I passed out during a good portion of the “best part” so I will have to see it again.
Here is that same pic without filters, I don’t look so bad considering haha. The trick is to extend your checkout to 2pm and sleep every second up to that. I think I recall babbling at one point before it was lights out and my mom or someone goes, Lauren, you’re asleep, shut up. Hahahhaa. Heather did that happen?
My niece has a big heart. That’s her giving some change to the dude.
As you can see I wanted to do sweet f all for my bday. I got a full time job yo plus I’m a date machine right now, it’s killing me. I rented a movie then my mom showed up, then Hailey, then Heather, then my second wind showed up too. Mostly I wanted to provide a space for us to all chill and be ourselves and counsel my niece whom I don’t see enough. This is how you stay forever young, remain childlike and try to have fun. It’s hilarious this one hater attacks and attacks me and will no doubt chime some bullshit on her twitter after seeing the time my fam and I had. I hate haters. Like, you’re such a disease. The gift I wanted most of all was to see my niece happy. It wasn’t about me and making fun of us for “acting like toddlers” you are a sad ugly creature and you don’t know fun, never have.
Great photos all taken by my mother as usual, thanks mummsy.
It started like this though. All I wanted was a burger. I actually had a chill, the curtains were drawn my mom was like uhhhm? When I initially checked in alone I felt like a cliche but also a sense of independence and thrill at being alone for a couple of hours for a luxurious nap.
Heather and her sparkle boots won the weekend.
More examples of how much I didn’t care I packed the dumbest shit to wear. This was Sunday, went for a walk with a friend.
New clothes help shake the fog of winter off y’all. And if it says babe on my shirt people might think that I am one.
Tess brought me that hat to work. The sprad we had to dine on from Cheese Boutique was phenomenal thanks again. You shouldn’t really gloat about your bday at work but I did it for my fans. If I didn’t acknowledge the milestone of my birthday every year in some obnoxious way you would feel sad for me. I realy don’t care about my bday. right.
Hi mom. Nice shot.
We were hot messes after checkout and had to fix our situation. Thanks Heather.
Yeah I’m gonna need to get that taken in.
Brunch was so fun.
These are out of order because that’s how I get them from my mom’s facebook. Nothing changes.
One guy brought me up cake when my mom sad it was my bday, did not request (I don’t like cake tbh – gasp) but anyway he was swell you’ll see a picture soon.
So adorbs. Love you three dummies. xoxox

We do have a beautiful city.
My mom’s Facebook was lit this night. I am hesistant to post some of these best-ofs. Its’ funny how you “change” your approach to blogging exposure.
Pretty nice.
Pretty nice too. Heather fits in with my fam like, I didn’t even have to do anything it was great and seamless and it’s nice to have another Auntie for Hailey. Jesus take the wheel!
It was cold. DT is a legit wind tunnel all about that area jeez.
We had a wonderful time taking photos and changing costumes. I am very lucky to have a friend like Heathe who has lots of head accessories and love and makeup and life.
To be Continued gotta go!