— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) February 5, 2023
Omg you guys! How are you?
Just kidding I don’t care! This moment is about me thank you, okay? and for those in the back without senses of humour, you may kindly stop reading meow. You. Are not cute. Because if you were, so would your personalities be.
Anywho. You may remember me from my last blog post in which I detail a phenomenally bullshit date I had the privilege of attending. Hi it’s me!
I had forgotten that I was happy again. That is alarmingly the only impetus that guides my passion to write. If I am not happy enough. Centered. It will just not come but it’ll surely spill out in other useless stupid fucking ways because I am tenacious and there’s no off button.
In elementary school I was a social butterfly as much as I was shy. There were lots of us like that I gladly stand on the shoulders of other giants like I, but anyway we all loved each other goofed around talked to one another so fucking much the teacher would eventually always snap and move us to the other side of the room at another kid’s desk then I’d just end up talking to all those new people over there haha. Up and down the hallways of our Catholic school you’d see multiple desks outside classroom doors with a solo kid sitting at it. The chatty kid. The dunce. How shameful! Is that even allowed anymore? And of course being ADD and “needing” to be excused for the bathroom you’d go and high-five all your little asshole outcast friends sitting in time-out along the way ahhhhhhhhhh the good ol days. My brother let a cat in our hippie highschool one day and as I was sitting in law class I see this farm cat just walkin’ on by down the hall I died lol.
The chattiness has never left me in fact its probably gotten worse over time but it comes in handy at work. The trick is knowing when to shut up. Each person I encounter is a new opportunity to practice my material on. Yesterday a woman asked me to leave work early and go riding with her. That was pretty adorable. I made a thread on twitter about it which inspired this blog post actually.
A mature-aged woman wanted me to sign out of work today to go riding with her. I considered it! I wonder if she is lonely, wealthy, hitting on me or just genuinely dug my vibe. I am a natural social buttefly and it comes easily to me to make people laugh and smile.
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) March 1, 2023
I also do NOT enjoy riding horses altho I would've gone for it. So bizarre. Several others witnessed our exchange and were like, I thought you "knew" her.
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) March 1, 2023
I feel like this could turn into a thread now. Another customer bought me shoes on my #birthday last year. I love freaks lol. Another old bastard shows up and slams his Bently into pole out front leaves th3 car running high beams on and flirts mercilessly with me we love him.
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) March 1, 2023
When he leaves he always says I got some advice for you. Keep your prick up. Lmfao!
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) March 1, 2023
One of my schticks is acting dumb when I accomplish some amazing small feat or impart knowledge/info on em I say, "I don't know much but I do know that." They fall in fucking love lemme tell ya. Be the salt of the earth always.
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) March 1, 2023
At times, school kids I grew up with come by and they don't know I recognize them. Admired them from afar. Blows their minds I tell them I remember them, mention our school. My brother. They look the same but weathered. Saw one today. There is nothing to say and everything to say
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) March 2, 2023
This is the part where sadly I break the news I’m turning 40 at the end of the month (ew disgusting) and we know that I don’t identify as an old person but happily I will be accepting gifts and donations in the charity that is me. Thank you in advance. God I hope these jokes are landing. I wrote the majority of this post last night and I’m running out of steam now plus got things to do so bye for now xo.
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) February 4, 2023
40, pffffft that’s so 12 years ago…
You always have enjoyed entertaining people and making them laugh even in sad times you try and change the mood. And the next time someone asks you to go ride a horse, GO, you only live once xx
ilu mom
Gratz on level 40. I just hit that in January myself
It’s interesting what motivates different people; I need to feel angsty, but not depressed, to write. Do you find that it’s easier to briefly talk to random people where there’s little to no “investment” cost but that otherwise it’s often really tedious?
ya the short and sweet exchanges are key. there is also always a point in the day where i lose the ability to speak i hit a fatigue wall and go into auto-pilot robot get them the hell out of here asap mode.