Hola el duderinos. Follow me and you will see a world of pure imagination!
So sorry if you can’t handle how greasy my hair is I mean, how sexy I am. Bet you didn’t know you loved skids til before today. No judging. The heart wants what it wants.
Last week we went kayaking! It took a bit of cajoling to get me to go because I was totally overwhelmed by my life/schedule however, I am SO incredibly glad and grateful that I went.

Here is an excellent post about our trip last week Rob did: Kayaking the Madawska River, Exploring the Opeongo Road. You can stay here and enjoy MY style sequence of events though, I just uploaded 41 pictures so if you don’t I super hate you.
Fishfinder for kayaks check it out bro.

I had a great time sunbathing by myself, daydreaming, sleeping, listening to Lana Del Rey on the dock such pure zen.
It was just so much win, I died and was resurrected again. I paced in circles. I combed the compound. I crushed some brews, still party from the TIFF party the night before no sleep it was epiiiic.
That doggy had slobber dripping from his stupid smile it was just too much. Someone on Facebook goes, I hear banjos. We got lost on way there and on way out. Meh.

What a ding dong. You love it.
Love it.
We were there for two reasons, Kayak Fishing Magazine (Rob did a talk) and we also had that fish finder device to test out and kayaking the 23 degree Madawaska river too which I got to do solo cos Rob was too beat from driving he just let the current take him and floated away from me LOLOLLLLLL I was like peace. I did the whole stretch of the river up and back down again alone with my thoughts. I loved the view of the trees which reminded me of my Canadian childhood up north listening to Joshua Tree in our Mazda. The trees were still green which was a marvel to me. As I drifted and watched the lone cars and trucks, each passing along the highway splicing through tree openings, it affected me because I am one who gets affected by things that remind me of things. I paddled over to this lonely lawn chair that some old goat likely spent the summer on no doubt watching the water pass by. I kayaked over toward it through lily pads hoping he would come out to greet me. A lot of abandoned homesteads and cottages, gorgeous vantages and moments of life set on pause. I did not take one photo of any of these moments it was purely for me. I was getting a major tan too. I looked down, taking in the sculpted physique and cut of my upper arms, going yes, yes yes with each paddle, each stroke. Then I’d lean back, enjoying the rest and the current taking or fighting me. It was joy. I fantasized about shit. Staring at rock faces, pine trees. What if something happens to me? I don’t have a life vest, a phone, I drank all my beer. Lol. I wrote a nice anecdote on my FB about this at the time the moment I got out of my kayak. The water was golden, the sun created this loner planet lake of fire and I paddled silently through it in circles, maneuvering my amateur hour into novice, am I saying this right? the water dappled, the driplets drippled I needed to tell everyone immediately. I wished I was in a romance novel lovesick for all that glowed around me.
Okay there ya go.

So incredibly early in the morning here.

Do you remember the raft by Steven King?
Oh here we go.
Oh no my contact lens. jk. I’m perfs I don’t need them.
That’s it I am screening Dazed & Confused before it starts snowing and I kill myself from autumn emo.
Love this so much walked through it barefoot it was kind of disgusting.
Jump right in baby.
If you’re ever going to be left alone this is the place for it to be. I felt like I was in heaven. No sounds. Just me and the loud silence.
Lying on bed blanket with pillows outdoors like bed was a floating outdoors was not lost on me it was fantastic especially since the blue velour was heated by the sun it was almost Raymographic.
Cottage mansion.
Lip piercing hole on fleek.
I saw this guy peeking out of the forest. Hello there eccentric friend.
Beautiful place full of great people.
Baby cup came too.
A feast a feast.
That’s the mag! Get it. Rapids. kayaks. Hyuk.
Could you imagine this. 8 in the morning you are barely awake. A must-do.
Too legit to quit.
It’s never too early for a black panthers salute idgaf.
St. Anns does not f around. Creepy candleholders. Pilgrimage and shit. We drove through the town two days before the triple murder, town called Doymount. Of course we did ughhh O_O!
We were lost, basically in Quebec. Everything was abandoned here. In short it was scary AF.
From Massachusetts of course. Dated a guy from Amherst, also lived in Maine and visited all over New England so I can make jokes like that. Go Pats!
And that, is all I have to say about that.
Thanks for watching and for havin’ us. xo the great rlw much obliged.