Blushing Crushing in Detroit pt I
Hey tiger. I always wanted an industrialized portrait like a teen runaway model, such as this. Boy I have a way with words. I am trying to “give more” here okay please, will you just!
I love collaborating with these two. We have another project on the go after this and I won’t spoil it so don’t ask. Okay it’s a video. But that’s all you get so quit asking.
Two words: these shoes. Great wardrobe costuming Lizzy. I lucked out eh.
Sorry this post is a day late but who’s the boss here? I am.
“Samantha!!!!” (Can actually do Tony’s voice perfectly, ask me if you see me IRL).
How about this top hat right? How about seeing someone wearing it riding around their apartment on their bicycle? We went down the rabbit hole madhatter perhaps? Oh, artists. Am I right? I am. I always am.
The majority and basically only work Reggie did to altering or cleaning up these photos was just covering up my bruises. I crashed my bike before I went to Detroit. I was coasting on one peddle then decided to hit the brakes for some awful reason and toppled over but don’t worry, 20 people on the starbucks patio in liberty village saw it. I have never seen my facebook crowd so happy to hear this news before. So anyway these are my flawless Mariah Carey shiny legs. Thanks Reg.
When we pulled up to the Fisher body plant I spied this tire so after the shoot up on the roof during sunset and beyond I was like, “I am so funny. I am going to push this tire down the street.” So I did. Then Reggie made me get on it and I was not into it because I’ve rolled an ankle before and it is NOT fun. I got over being a wimp and we did some tire pedestal magic.
Now with hat. I watched Straight Outta Compton the night prior, so.. I might be Ice Cube now.
Sick opening track (one of).

You bet my hands were dirty after that.

Couldn’t resist. Sometimes it is true. But I think I am so addicted to my facebook feed and snooping on the lives of others that I actually LOVE people. We can talk about this later.

Not to expose the trick but when you shoot from below you get to look way taller.

Prepare yourselves for a racy one meow….

Trying to make some pot of gold leprechaun joke here.

Lizzy likes this one.

No lying but am I entering my Mariah Carey phase? Naw. It’s my Amy Schumer phase. Bitch I’m hilar. She gets away with what I have been doing for years and trying to get away with but never did. Well guess what? It’s “mah tahm now.”
I could have gotten my hair profesh done but I was too bagged my last day to get it together and go. Regretsy. Looks neat here tho. I am Aslan of Narnia.

Getting a little stretch in there. As we age it’s important to stay limber. See how I be rockin’ the big D hat? I grabbed it as a last second thing and glad I did.
Okay um we’re almost done for now. Saving all the rest for another post I don’t want to overwhelm y’all too much.
See you tomorrow with part two of Detroit. xo rlw (missed you).
It’s so hard to stop posting pics lol. I have a ton on my camera from brunch at the Whitney. Beautiful times.
I will not dispute the above charges on my person. okay x-oh for real tho!
Nice photos! I’m glad you are doing more modeling. I would love to go to Detroit and roll tires and stuff.
come then dingaling
Motor City Marvelous! Those are really some top notch classy awesome beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.
Great pics babe, love industrial settings.
minxy-bunny-chakka-woman, the D awaits your return, as does the champagne and your new creative collaborators xo LG & RSSR
See you soon!