fil had to secretly wake up before me to play more and get ahead in the game and get better than me (not possible) oh now it’s my turn.

fil ordered it ages ago and kept it a secret from me all this time so the photos of me holding it are kinda creepy sorry maybe even too creepy for you.



ok i’m back it’s fil’s turn, we didn’t do it last nite cos we stayed up playing mariokart til 2 and our brains were too frazzled after that oh and we were drunk i made him a ridiculously strong rum honey almond yogurt banana smoothie at 1.30 and it was so loud with the ice cubes bouncing off the blender blades the fact that fil didn’t tell me to turn it off asap told me he’s cut and extremely into MK, anyway, it was like gasoline. we made the lcbo ten minutes before closing and as you know everything’s closed today, i feel bad/good watching all the people getting turned away (when i’m safely inside) their sad faces their trying to barter with the store to just let them in they’ll be just a minute haha, one guy taking forever to lock his car and check his reflection out in the car window if he wasn’t such a douche i would have told him to just get back in his car and leave cos they’re closed.

here’s the cute bottle of white wine i got (i don’t think i can handle the red wine anymore, for the time being at least).

bonus one more creepy photo of me and MK wow look out cool no mystery there eh?


ignore the wall behind, carla and bryce’s house is under construction.

gator has an american flag scarf cos he’s a yank, from myrtle beach.

i’ve had these le chateau pants since i was 19, fils hates them. probably cos they make my AYCE stand out all nice-like.

alright my turn again!

oh yeah i’m going to be taking over jamie‘s blog while he and deb are away on their honeymoon so if you want to read more of well my stuff go there. here is my magical post. how come i can only see that post by direct linking to it, who knows wordpress?

you’ll wake up someday

absolutely none of these dance moves are redundant.


i’m also heavy into pointing you’ll note.

cupcake dress thing

waiting for a video to process so here in the meantime, EVALUATE ME LOVE ME! it’s a bubble dress, bubble dress season is over now right? ungh whatever it was only 30 bucks. it makes me dance like a stupid maniac like beyonce in that jay-z video where she is spasming all around him like a tribal burning man party on speed. not attractive, in case you were wondering.

look how clean the bookshelf is!

i think it makes me look bigger than i am, back to my point of if you wear too big a size then you look bigger and not covered up at all. whatever whatever whatever whatever i’ll spill red wine on it in no time anyway.

I don’t have plans and schemes, and I don’t have hopes and dreams. I don’t have anything, since I don’t have you.

i let fil out by himself last nite, this guy was tres fatigue, FAT AND GAY, and wanted to stay in and not drink the alcohols. we did go have dinner at samir and sharpie’s though and played gta4 you don’t realize how awesome that game is until you are physically removed from it and have a major itch to drive into a bunch of people and punch women for no reason god INVITE US OVER RIGHT NOW I’LL COME IN MY PAJAMAS. haha come in my pajamas. anyway, i ordered atonement on the cable box LOVED IT i think even fil would like it, the way it’s shot is clever and that creepy little girl is so heinous she made me actually like keira knightley, i know, that girl should get an academy award for that geniosity.

here’s some pics from our walk of shame, i had to carry my mirror and a napkin in my hands cos i did the bonehead move of lacing my eyes with mascara as usual not considering the possibility of spring gale force winds and allergens and blungh, it was a bad scene. there’s more on my flickr.

the word giggle inspires the absolute opposite of giggle within me, probably cos of that whale who facebooked fil once and said giggle*giggle SHRUG between you and me, you turned into a HOTTIE *giggle* oh i hope she’s at the OT highschool reunion so bad!

i know it looks like this is the only cardigan i wear.

rum smoothie time in the kitchen with aunt raymi!

this video includes: live action blending! danger! when i peel the foil off the rum i slice my thumb and finger! (nothing serious but i only noticed it half an hour later when there was blood all over my hand) i whistle! i suck on a penis (straw)!


Hi Lauren-

It’s me, Laura, who sent you the Hello Kitty necklace. I just want to let you know that your Guide to Weight Loss works! I have lost about 20 pounds since November. Here are the practices I have adopted into my life. I walk between 3-7 miles a day no matter what. I eat nothing until lunch and that can be no more than about 300 calories and I stopped snaking no matter what. At night still eat a pretty good dinner and drink wine, but not stuffing myself or snacking is the answer. I work at a company where there is food like pastries are all over the place and people are stuffing their faces all day long. Not important!!!! I am no where near “skinny” (I’d like to lose about 10 more) so I hate it when people say how “skinny” I’m getting. This has been a pretty slow weight loss than what I’m used to but it’s staying off this way.

OK without gushing, I have to say that you have great advice and it’s so honest and funny too.





fil got a slice of depression pie because we walked all the way to the dominion plaza on college to get a new modem and it isn’t there anymore then his camera fucked up and he got hella crabby (it’s fine now).

we drove to the rogers on bloor/jarvis to get a new modem and now we are back in business hooray. after that i got a butter pecan skinny latte at second cup and that panhandler who goes please help me please help me in this fake pathetic voice on his trolley old person on wheels walker he uses cos he’s wicked huge, anyway the point of this is we’ve been seeing him since forever, since we moved to this neighbourhood (i can remember him from before that even) and he’s still pullin’ the same please help me bullshit he barks it at you and i dunno today it just made me want to scream in his face HELP YOURSELF ASSHOOOOOOLE! i didn’t. when i came out of second cup he was gone and fil said he didn’t see him leave, we have never actually seen him walk or drag himself away or whatever he does.

so he wants help right? no he wants money and he’s clearly been getting it by way of panhandling for years, i want to be like dude, this thing isn’t working and you’re full of complete shit please refrain from asking me for help when i walk by thanks.

and yes i feel like a prick for writing this, but sometimes i just have to say these things, on the internet, for thousands and thousands to read. ungh.

-bipolar out.

things i got done w/o the internet

hi internet i’m so PUMPED to be on you!

transcribed all of my journals and then some into MY BOOK word doc

took out some recycling

tackled the retarded book shelf, got rid of a ton of books, cleaned that shit right up, took forever, still looks a bit sloppy, brought a huge bag to bmv, they denied so many (they prefer paperback) made 5 dollars, a homemade copy of BOOGIE NIGHTS slipped out of the dude where’s my car vhs (thanks jeff) we bumped into chloe so she was there to witness that, i selected some of the reject books for her to take home.

went through the change drawer separated the quarters from the dimes nickels and pennies, brought that to coinstar at dominion (everyone LOVES to watch this event it’s like vegas)(no quarters, those are for laundry)(tho i did get fed up sorting and threw some in anyway) and got 62 bones! fil was impressed, the bag weighed just under ten pounds.

called rogers made appt. for techie guy who just came by now turns out our modem is crapped out, he changed all our ancient cables though and he was really nice and impressed with fil’s bottle cap collection.

i made a cute video of me making oj banana rum smoothies

we rented this is england the last nite bunny was here (i didn’t have any booze), it skipped the whole way thru, returned it and demanded a new movie no not the same one we watched it skips and all and no i am NOT taking advantage of your movie store it’s the other way around no i don’t know the policy yes i’ve been a custy forever this is the first time i’ve bothered complaining about it, same chick i was forced to be passive aggressive to in the past in order to get her to stop being a witch to me all the time.

went for a walk

made a salad

ate it

i feel loads better, i spent 30 bucks on pepto, eano and sleeping pills (just in case) cos with the tone-downed drinking my mind starts racing at nite and i can’t sleep then i narrow in on fil’s loud breathing. sigh. i hope i don’t enter a mania again. howevs, mania = tiny waist!

walked by the chinese consulate vigil last nite got some pics and vid it made me cry and makes the disaster real.

fil is trying to declare internet free weekend yeah right i’m rippin’ someone’s signal right now see how long it lasts.

i took bunny to h&m (her first time!) and the change room girl asked us if we were going to a theme, uh what, uh no, we’re just crazy. i tried on the marimekko design bikini and dudes my body is NOT ready for the beach, the one piece was ok but not sucky-inny enough, i grabbed everything in the wrong size too cos i was just reading off the hangers. if i had grabbed it in an 8 i probably woulda bought it. bunny talked me out of the orange/pink print shirt i wish i didn’t listen to her, not everyone gets my vision. i had a fluorescent orange shirt back when i was cray cray very similar to the one i DIDN’T BUY but traded it for this shittier shirt at a party many summers back and never saw the girl again. i got this other pink shirt and a cutesy dress from winners.

note to self: don’t try on swimsuits when suicidal.

our home net access is pooched today so raymi asked me (fil, px, phil) to let you know that she is still thinking about you and that your entertainment remains her primary concern (actually, i call bullshit – why else would ask ME to post something).

so, uh, well, hey… here’s a another spy photo i took of that trailer park rapunzelian the other day:


man that has got to be a pain in the ass to deal with. things to consider: washing it, conditioning it, drying it, brushing it, deucing on it… (so totally could happen).

this went on my blog yesterday in honour of pitt’s birthday, but assuming that you didn’t see it (or pitt’s own caption):

jeffey likes marathons!