another day in the life of awesome

so i think i’m really going to quit drinking this time guys after the total feelin’ kooky of yesterday all day long i thought to myself gee i don’t want to feel like this ever again no amount of 99 cent pervert on vacation hats will fix it. i woke up after 3 in the morning for the millionth time and had to stay up reading until i was tired enough to safely go back to sleep without a world of nausea raining down on me. i have also come to realise that not getting enough sleep also creates this clusterfuck within me, so no sleep plus hangover plus a small glass of wine equals all nite long nausea. another also i now know about all this is i get so nervous and paranoid that i am going to get nauseous that that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, i worry myself sick. god getting older sucks everyone!

i was having the stupidest dream too it was about my camera settings being all warbly (i noticed that in some of yesterday’s photos the pictures aren’t as sharp) and so bunny’s face and my camera and panic and then wake up sweating. oh well i at least made a decent dent in the nirvana bio i’m re-reading and added an entry into my journal come diary chronicling being nauseous all the time.

ha half pasty tanned face yes i know i look especially creepy in this one this is the outfit i chose to wear to the supermarket last nite all the women loved it. we had dinner at home and watched antm and rock of love and john and kate plus 8 nothing too punk rock.

i think i have the blues i’m going to work out in a bit then maybe go shopping and cry secretly amongst racks of impulse clothing KIDDING i’m broke dudes yeah right!

i dunno if what bunny’s up to today is a secret or not so i’ll just say uh i’m going to see her later k bye.


how to make lemonade and generally be demented


Hey Raymi,

I really like the little video you made about setting up the mother’s day gifts. Do more of those!

I grew up in Vancouver and so everything Toronto to me was always such a novelty. Like, oh man, much music is there! Then I moved toronto this summer to live with my boyfriend and I just saw Cabbie on the street in the corner store scoring some cookies and I was like, meh, not so cool.

Anyways, I know you get a lot of random emails but I just wanted to say I liked the vid of you talking, never knew what your voice sounded like! Seriously, I’m trying to make this email NOT creepy but i’m failing.

I didn’t want to have to get a shitty job but because I always move cities I’m starting from square one. Sooo I have an interview in WAIT FOR IT….SCARBOROUGH!!! Fuck, what the hell. Like I wanna commute from downtown to scarmpit everyday.

Anyways, so my boyfriend works these 16 hour days and I’m always chillin in the apartment by myself and it’s borrrring. Are there any cool parks around here I could go visit? Or maybe just cool things to do downtown? I like this place, okay don’t laugh cause you’ll probably be like ppfffffttt but java house on queen past i dunno, spadina-ish. They serve this avocado coconut milkshake that blows my fucking mind. And the waitresses are all drugged or something. They always look at me though like, uuuggh why are you here alone….AGAIN. Whatevs bitches, i like my milkshake.

Honestly, I can’t even tell you why I’m writing this email. Sorry for the creep factor. I loved the video and was liek oh man, you have a captivating voice. You should do a video of you making those appetizers. Or just a cooking video. That’d be awesome.

okee dokee peace out,


PS- I like to knit and stuff, where do you go to buy crafty stuff?

PPS-If you don’t want to answer my retarded questions, no problemo. But seriously, think about doing a cooking vid.


oh hey guys guess what, bunny has the smallest head i have ever seen!

bunny fluffintosh has landed!

she‘s really here and i just took her on a bathroom tour of toronto! also i bought a hat for 99 cents that i think makes me look like an arrogant penis so like watch out!

she brought me a harajuku hair ornament from japan.


it was important to take this picture why i can’t tell you apparently it’s classified info. trust me it’s gay you don’t want to know.

i told her camilla scott is the riki lake of canada, err was. burn.

we bumped into lise too, not featured.

palmerston pride.

penis head hat.

someone got some new shades.

i think i’m gonna have to go back and get this guy.

i had not one but TWO number 2 emergencies it was pretty close i am a bad host.

i wish this was me right now

the nxne conference was yesterday at the mill street brewery and as you can imagine right now i am HUNG capital H and bunny is going to be here super soon and this place is a sty there is like 4 squares of tp left wow we/i really know how to adequately prep for a house guest.

me, last nite.

me now.

i’m just trying to figure out how to get through this day. seriously now, after seeing that above picture i think i got a second wind that dude really pulled through. here‘s the post to go along with it.

oh look it’s my body:

this one’s just to prove i didn’t pull that one off the internet:

ungh goodbye.

update: not only do i hear a chainsaw in my head right now but good news, there is a dude chainsawing some bushes right outside the window in real life oh i am the luckiest girl in the world and nothing is my fault ever. oh yay here comes the lawnmower.

i’m thawing some pink lemonade and deluding myself into thinking that will solve everything.

in a word, i’m fucked!

picture a thousand of these in my hand this is why i don’t drink beer well not really, mostly cos it made me fat.

i really have to stop making that stupid face in pictures. lindsay and i danced with this little girl for an hour, making up dumb dance moves and she copied all of them and it looked like we had a routine and everything she was so cute.

i understand how you feel.

my arm is sore from the punching game last nite.


now i get to punch you two times. oh man brad sucks at this game so much oh bunny is here!

this post brought to you by

what the fuck are you doing?


i just let cid out of the time out dungeon and he is purring like mad and trying to attack me cos i’m laughing so hard at this video clip he is in a world of confusion right now. he’s also trying to plant himself on me somewhere but he doesn’t understand it’s work out time. oh no now he is nuzzling my ear and air kneading with his huge paw, would you let this guy crash on your couch?

me: lunch?

Phil: turkey breast and pancetta with bocconcini on organic granary whole wheat


Phil: i cant go there from here

me: stuff white people like
its a joke
about you
starring you
featuring you and your sandwich