It was an awesome time warp and city break. I’m still on whatever’s fuckin’ clever time. Way to be! Night. I’ll make good on lost time tomorrow, sim simmah.
It was an awesome time warp and city break. I’m still on whatever’s fuckin’ clever time. Way to be! Night. I’ll make good on lost time tomorrow, sim simmah.
Yo that sh- is weak, LAST week. Just kidding it’s not weak, it’s just aged like a fine wine to perfection but truth be told It’s hard to focusalamagocus at the moment. I’ve extended my long weekend one more day, why not bro? I can internet from anywhere so I’m getting back to work in the kitchen overlooking a pool and it’s uber hard to concentrate when a big lagoon is staring at you from your peripheral vision and the skimmer is just aching for you to pick it up and meditate while skimming out adorablah little purple flowers and it still has not rained! Most brilliant weekend weather ever each new day of sunshine, a blessing. I seriously went back in time this weekend and it was a blast from the past.
But anyway enough about that lets talk about this! In part responsible for why I am so ty-ty still this week, or was. On Thursday I combed the rest of King street west, ate and drank and filmed it, then I went out with the gals and ate and drank the rest of the night away, it was a great week spilling in to long weekend and well here I am now clicking over three hundred spam comments from my blog and catching up on email. I never really take weekends off including email, and it all piles up. I can recall late night facebook correspondences with this brand or that, offering this or that but wanting THIS and why are you sending this late on a Sunday when tomorrow is a holiday, well not in America but we are on Canadian time now and acknowledge all important statutory holidaze especially when they involve drinking and explosions, duh. Your pitch is in peril of dying in a black hole of forget when nocturnal emails get sent, the best is if it’s a tail end one sandwiched between drunk texts from friends and random cray blog fans. If you received an I’ll get back to you on this from me or let me think about it you should probably email me again tomorrow or in a few days and say what’s up? (ps. check that chick’s dance move back there).
Habits certainly turned it out for us like I knew they would and for the rest of the night my mom repeated “how amazing that meal was.” Thank you for being the perfect backdrop for our belated mother’s day girls night + mom meeting Bechnique for the first time. She asked me about her this weekend, the same questions (mom has a repetition memory problem) with the, yes, same answer. No change. yes she still lives near me, yes I like her, yes “she is good for me” and of course Bech stuck up for my mom when I lost my patience a couple (hundred thousand) times like they’re besties now. Fine. Ps. don’t I look like a nice little girl in this get-up. Double ps. why is my mom red?
Mum had the steak special. We all had a piece. That’s truffle butter ah gad ah gad ah gaaaaaaad yes.
Exactly. I find myself pulling similar goofy faces I’ve seen in my parent’s photo-albums of their friends and themselves partying back then. The nut does not fall far from the tree.
Charcuteraymi. I honestly will eat anything if it’s presented like so on a charcuterie board, pickled fish lips, fermented parking lot garbage, bear testicle pate. Food is so futuristic and ridiculous right now the sky’s the limit, it’s hip to be disgusting. However this charcuterie borders on normal high-end fare. No monkey eyes today folks.
When you’re done taking in my lovely essence you’ll note from right to left, we have the wild boar apricot (yum, tried that one the week before) some foie gras, then a bunch of meats and mustard. It was hard to pay attention being one of four cray ladies but trust me they have good meats, Luis is portuguese. Those are the rules.
Thank god for a pretty mum. Something to aspire to and compete with.
Oh hi! I let Bech have that necklace, cruise jewelery and black beads aren’t my thing. It looks great on you though.
Who eats grilled calamari and octopus. Rebecca.
And sardines with roasted tomato balsamic relish (deadly delicious!) it’s smokey and sumptuous, everyone loved it.
My friend the carpaccio and I, sweet sigh. Next time I am getting this for myself. I’ve sung the praises of other carpaccios before even finding one to be unrivaled until I met this one. Yes those are crisp onions.
Muppet Raymi.
Gluten free personal app for Rebecca the diva who will die if she eats bread or wheat. guac and chips. I was jealous.
Jeremy said he’d never been called eye candy before. Own it bro! We all had secret crushes but were well behaved. The drunker mom got she was like, where is that guy bahaha.
Now that I’m out of team platinum Tracey gets all my hair doodads for blond chicks. She wore this braid headband (from Sephora) on the boat this weekend, looked cute with the braid on her dress. Quite gladiator looking.
Another dress from Lois. Michelle saw me trying on the mint one and was like, what are you doing? Mother’s Day presents.
My arms are more toned than they look here, it’s also the cut of the sleeves so looks like I’m doing triceps like a motherfuh- tonight. Photoshoot tomorrow morning.
For my business cards. Yes I have business cards. Yes I have a business. Idiot. Thank you Lois for glitzing and glamming me up. The black shirt you picked out looks adorable with shorts I wore it to the variety store yesterday. Must be worn with a bikini top though. It opens completely in the back, no tie or button clasp at all, va va voom.
That’s me opening it. I should curl my hair more often eh.
Bech liked this picture haha.
Ooh what’s this. Okay yes I gather we all know now.
Blogging is so indulgent, I get to re-experience things all over again when I blob. Thanks be to blob. Lois was looking dynamite this night, we all did. My mom said her personal trainer saw our pics in his feed and didn’t realize they were of her he said oh I saw pictures of some young chicks at the same restaurant as you and she goes D- that WAS US. Lolz.
The Habits caesar comes with a shrimp maybe that’s why she had two of them but no horseraddish which is a cryin’ shame if you ask me (thank you for asking).
I found those other glasses of mine with the pink side frames, I likey.
Do I look tired?
Do not ask questions if you can’t handle the truth which was a lie anyway because I do not look tired it’s just proof that she doesn’t listen to me. EVAR.
Little miss scarf a lot. Wrap it again bro.
Lois had the salmon. mmmmm. She loved it. She has a restaurant too so she knows good when when she eats it and poses with it. my mom’s photo of this is nicer, she makes the colours pop more me I am lazy and don’t edit my photos.
Octopus! I had a bite too, very yum.
I had the caesar and it was delectable and rich with a brioche crusted egg, pancetta, regianno cheese, red wine vinegar & roasted garlic dressing. If the dressing is right it makes the whole salad and this caesar dressing killed it. Sometimes when I do weird diet restrictions I will only live off caesar salads so I make a point to road test one everywhere I go for the day when I have to pack in my foodie pants and go on a low cal diet of some sort.
The mac and cheese I shall tell you again, is magnificent. This is what you bring out to a thing like Brickworks to show off your menu. Let Lois take the rest to go. This mac consists of woodland mushrooms, smoked bacon, black truffle, asiago and parmesan cheeses. It’s super gooey and creamy, exactly what you want. I don’t normally eat pasta but if there’s a sharesies on the table, I do. Break your food rules sometimes to balance out all that restricting.
Being the VIPLEASE table we got to try this interesting concoction of a beverage, can you guess what it is? I can’t! It was for mom she likes to Carrie Bradshaw it when out on the town, her and her cosmos oh my.
Is this a booze drink or a dessert I forget. I was feeling eater’s guilt so I held off the desserts and let the ladies sabotage their diets on their own lol.
Okay this is when it gets a little cray, I’m using my mom’s pics and mine. Here we are walking to Lois’ car.
Here it takes four people to figure out the parking machine. Four tipsy people. Rebecca is helping most obviously. That parking garage on King by Spadina is a godsend.
This is what Rebecca looks like in pictures. Lois nailed it.
Last night was the tits. Yesterday was incredible, I ate and drank all of King west, went up to Habits for more then back down again. Party machine. So naturally, I’m calling it quits early for today as it’s coming upon tan o’clock. It’s been a crazy non-stop 2 weeks and now it’s long weekend hurrah! I’ll check in later. Keep it sleazy.
The last picture I took yesterday, now lets go backwards one week. Maybe two actually. I can’t tell time anymore.
Grindhouse basic burger with cheese. Amazing dip sauce for the fries plus I got to try the salsa for the spanish fly burger, wowzers.
Ha ha so emo.
Haha so housewife. Welcome to my garden.
I need nachos for this asap!
Race ya!
Chi chi no no’s toys.
Oh my god how I have missed lemon pepper wings.
And hurricanes. Doubles.
Love it.
If I wasn’t experiencing crippling menstrual cramps at the moment I’d go buy more hair dye, it is nowhere near looking like this at the moment. Think I have to go more brown less red.
Trade shows make you damn thirsty. This was Cinco de Mayo.
All it takes is sunshine.
And bright colours.
Start ‘em young. Oh my.
Christ. Ha. When you pick apart all the things women undergo to beautify it’s kind of gruesome, no?
Another day another burger. We missed brunch as usual.
Jean Grey it up.
Dying my hair dyed my Justin Bieber “baby” blue nail polish lilac!
Tuna melt to die for. Those are half hard boiled eggs beneath the cheese. Saved the pickle for Snooki.
Glad we filmed yesterday it was spectacular out.
That rooftop is heaven.
Ha ha samesies.
Wino Wednesdays! ANTM finale! Peace out! FTS!