If you go out in the woods today you’d better not go alone. It’s lovely out in the woods today but safer to stay at home.

See this live on DEVIL’S NIGHT @ The Bovine. October 30th. Gonna be HUGER than last, which was HUGE so, just so you know. I bust up laughing at 40 seconds in. I’m going to get Jasmine to wear my red gingam dress and dance with me lolollll. Someone needs to submit this to fark or one of those nerds for furries sites. That is all. Wait, no it’s not, here is the first ever Teddy Bear’s picnic I represented at what’s up holla Sarah! That Panda Bear was purchased from some trip my nana and papa went on coinciding with those famous Pandas? And ps. Sarah, your “bear” looks kind of funny. Do the bare minimum I guess blahaha.

Set the bar

Post show dance celebrayshe encore peep show!

The sister video to this isn’t rotated, albeit darker, and just as it gets good these other chicks show up and block my dance moves with Jasmine. It’s a minute long. You can deal craning your neck, I requested this song specifically thanks to all of Toronto’s poking fun at my alleged ainwrecking-tray ways and similarity to one notorious Courtney Love. The girl who grabs my bewbs in this video that I classily and politely allowed (but pissed me off) I totally thought was a family friend of ours I hadn’t seen in over a decade. It wasn’t her but my confusion and thinking it was bought her more drunk groping time. Girls get away with murder.

Check the smoke coming out of her mouth! I love Starlight Burlesque Troupe. So many in the city eh? Brb with a treasure trove of goodies. My godmother finally downloaded her camera’s photos, I cycled through half a year of shots of all our shenanigans and you can clearly see my metamorphosis from drunk fat bloated face to skinny slim. Awesome! It’s good to see that shit and a total lesson not to ever go back. Canadians get booze bloat in the winter.

My ska Minx nails. J’adore!

It’s still totally hilarious that my mom wore the same dress as me this night without any prior discussion.

this is the pro show now boy

I’ll even let ya click on it. Other than the obvious, I am pretty amazed by how fresh I look despite not insecurely coating under eyeliner globs beneath my peeps which was my signature Raymi racoon look since I was 19.


Unbelievable amount of delectable shots from last night I’ll blast your back to school blues away with tomorrow. What a great long staycation weekend. Big Brother catch-up here I come!

Bovine Burlesque

thanks gavin for the shots!

This song is in my head.

Last night was so bloody awesome. Doing it again. and again. Next time I will remember that my garters are still attached to my stockings. I also couldn’t get my frigging gloves on. Thank you for coming out if you did. We packed the house, such a success. I am floating. Oh Seska showed up and danced it was amazing, she did The orig Cruel Summer. Perfect. Can’t get it out of my head now. We did extra numbers because they wanted more so I did California Girls (Beach Boys) in my lifeguard outfit hah but more details later I have one more entertaining engagement to attend to. Happy Labour Day folks. Should I wear my white shorts tomorrow just so I can get in a fight with someone?
