Monthly Archives: September 2013
video treat and pics
Thrift Shop Aruba from raymi lauren on Vimeo.
Not to jinx but I think she works now?? Hello?
One more week to go.
Orig pidge.
Insta. Okay back to loony town now. I finished watching Orange is the new Black. Perfect show for the mo but now it’s over. Le sigh.
I’ve been scattering bits and pieces on my tumblr/s so check those. Cathartic mammories there. I’ll write about my feelings tomorrow.
We canoed back in time to the eighties where I got my hairdo.
Being bossed around caught in action. Oh have another cigarette I got this. I was kneeling like a professional, it hurts having sand grains slice into your skin and on your feet if your foot is fucked like mine.

Don’t forget to say hi to MY BOYFRIEND IS ANGRY. If you had a cool blog I’d read it. There you go t-shirt sloganator.
Bet you miss the heatwave now.
Be patient not doctor
Lots to do. Fill you in later. Sorry for being down, happy that we’re back.
Septembre V Spot
V-Spot 3: Psycho voicemail from a guy (warning screamy swear words).
So this chick pulls the brakes on meeting a bro from the internet who wanted her to commit to 30 days of exclusive dating (unheard of) and rightly so cos he completely loses it on her over voicemail (who voicemails anymore anyway, red flag) plus it turns out he had a previous arrest and harassment charge, well la-dee-dah. Note to selves: when we have a weird feeling there’s always a good reason for it so listen to our guts, amen GODDAMMIT AMANADA!
For more of my Viral video selects of the past week go HEEEEEEEEEEEERE. I also really adored V-Spot 9: Wedding trend forecast: Slow-mo Photobooth compilation vids
Quang + Ellie: Slow Motion Booth from Super Frog Saves Tokyo on Vimeo.
Hell yeah sign us up! Love watching the personalities of various wedding guests shine through, who looks drunk and who can bring the funk from the wallflowers to the peacocks a keepsake like this reveals it all and it’s awesome when the relatives get in on it too. Very enjoyable to watch and I dunno who the f—k these people even are nor care!
More V-Spot vuh vuh vuh v spot. Already cooking up the next one the vids just keep on coming you should see my folder collections oy vey spot. Happy Monday Love Raymbo Bunnylicious.

specified coolness
Ready Shreddies? Wednesday night hit up Fashion on Yonge with Darren cos his gf was in the fashion show + face of the campaign omgz hell yeah we’re down for that. Plus red carpet contest so I put together a ridinkulous outfit to try and get noticed. I made the right choice cos the second we got there I was swarmed by cameras. I should make Craymi effort more often. ps. that’s how red my hair is for real no filters or anything, it seems to appear differently in each photo that’s taken of it. After I posted the one of me on the couch the other day and then another where it was less red y’all were like WTF. It’s nice that people super care though?
That’s Niki. She’s blowin’ up right now.
She’s my girlfriend I swear. Ha yeah right.
There she is on the right working it.
And here we are, also working it. Fashion show support can be hard work too if you have attention deficit disorder. Luckily it was a standing-up thing. With food and the occasional hobo passing through.
This camera makes photostalking pictures look like high-art. Her bag killed.
There’s our girl.
I like the random in-between pose shots best.
Best eyelashes ever.
Between shows mom and dad had a little R&R. Luckily our buddy was working at this pub too, score and then all the models and show people went there for the after party. It was supposed to be at the Hard Rock which honestly sold me most of all to go to this thing but that ended up being a boring buzzkill bust and the models didn’t want to leave the cozy pub sanctuary (who would?) so it was just us three losers trying to get through our pints asaplease to get back over to the pub. Called it, we should have just gone there first. From now on my bf gets NO SAY in my city. He doesn’t know city “things” “ways” or people over that of my own extensive T.O. 411. Stamped it.
My bangs at mo are still in a flock of seagulls format. I told her to do whatever she wanted and she said she loved when people say that. I saw a woman getting a sick blow-out and I was like that’s it I’m tired of my flat hair. AT first I was turned down, they were doing models only. Then she came over to me and was like do you work here (I tend to carry an air of importance with me I guess) I Said no but I’m a blogger and blabbity blah. Then when I was in the chair another guy was like ok we need to get you up on stage NOW cos he thought I was a model. I guess I should have been a model, even Darren’s gf was like you should and still can. Just let me lose 20lbs first.
I’m not even really wearing any makeup either. I wear so much less than I used to. You only figure that out when you get older I suppose. The stylist asked if the height worked for me, at first this Janelle Monae thing was ten times higher and I burst into nervous laughter. BF and Darren watching from across the way were like oh f–k Raymi ahahhaa. It worked with my outfit huge time though, this chick had a sound vision and there is only so much you can do with my hair I think in a small amount of time so I wasn’t worried. But then for the rest of the night I was stared at like cray and was like WTF? Oh right I look like a peacock I forgot.
I love Mercato and their bathrooms.
When you do a shot by yourself it doesn’t matter how thick or thin you are and if you have a unique look even better yet. Something to consider.
Cool pose Darren.
Yesterday we um, went for a walk to get hangover food.
Had our hearts broken at the pet store.
That same pic from before but cropped up.
Work in progress.
Omg I hope I win.
Thanks for the fun Fashion on Yonge. Oh and ps. I’m up for some Canadian Weblog Awards again. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT + LIFE. I hope I win. It will be my 14th year of blogging in November. That’s insane. DO you know anyone who has blogged as long as me? Me either.

Have a great weekend!
Don’t let your jealousy speak for you
Hi friendly fires. How you is? Good, great. Don’t care.
Lets take a journey through some normal shit that I do. Like cooking. This turned into a thai coconut fry but bf 86’d the kale cos he’s a dick. Beneath the zucc was green pepper.
Speaking of sickness ahmean thickness, this smoothie was wicked dense. But not as much as you, burrrn.
Prezzies for my aunt. Also a scarf you can see a bit of there.
Hi people who pretend to like me.
Lets just get through this as quickly as can be kay, I got pretend important things to do (hella tv to watch and lots of eating, it’s Sunday holiday Monday DEAL FOOL!)
Rocky actually loves this treatment. He was meh murling mewling away and kneading at me omg that cat is so gay I love him when you simplify your life down to doing not much and then a cat is around you come to find that a lot of crap revolves around “finding the cat” asking about him, poking him, holding him like a baby. Wow that sounded so cool. Right now he’s sharing a coconut cookie with bf, uh kaaaaaaay.
This post was suppose to be about rib fest but then I found all this other jazz on the camera yada yada here it is.
Ergh. Travel insurance people are, excuse my french, totally selfish. Yes I loved spending an hour on the phone in the car jumping through hoops only to be treated like a liar about my foot injury and fysio claim like I have to pony up a bunch of super human proof of the accident and why on earth would I need fysio in Holland (um, a little thing called walking) but then I bungled it up a bit by saying the accident happened on another holiday which should be irrelevant and that claim coverage was refunded to my mom already but the ten days in between Holland and Aruba there was no time for foot babying so I waited til Holland. Anyway the fight’s not over yet. They do this to you so that you just give up and don’t bother trying to get your euros back. I’ve been with my bank since I was literally a baby (mom got us bank accounts young) so that’s thirty years of using their coverage and like why? Triple-A and everywhere f-ing else provides better everything for you and when I go into my bank NO ONE knows how to even sell it to you it’s a total joke. BF is disgusted by how Canada does it he said he’d be off the phone way sooner yeah well if you’re not going to do the talking for me then shut up dude. I just sighed the hugest most annoyed sigh ever, I finally received the email detailing all the next moves I have to make but it may as well be written by someone from Saturn. Thanks for letting me unload bros, can’t wait to see what I type next!
In the jungle, the mighty jungle.
Love big crazy wild english gardens. Low maintenance, high bushes. I especially loved the orange and purple contrast, those two go together quite nicely like pairing blue and yellow, it just works. “I know things!” I gots an eye for colour.
Some of my friends.
Clearly a flying-v gang had settled down to scope out these grounds. This is at Paletta Mansion, steeped in history and situated here cos the bro who worked at (or owned?) the steel mills across the water in Hamilton so he bought the place to keep an eye out on those constantly burning fires.
It’s quite a gorgeous little sanctuary of a place. Tons of weddings here. You can walk through the forest, sit on the rocks by the water, stroll by the flowers blabbity blah I sound like a forty year old.
Speaking of age my bro’s gf’s son asked me a million times how old I was yesterday and I said 20 each time ahahha. He guessed my bf was 50. Ha burn. I said do you think I’d go out with such an immature fifty year old? (Probably). Okay enough about me.
I’d love to have a wonderful garden someday. Can only imagine what the backyard in Holland looks like right now. Before we left we did some major maintenance back there and in the front yard, I filled up 6 garbage bags of chopped branches which was pretty therapeutic to psychotically hack them into tinier bits. We also cleaned out the hoarders packed garage for the car which if you were reading back then know all about. It was a tough job.
This was a boiling hot day.
This be the fantastic fully loaded Ford Fusion Titanium it is reminiscent of the Lincoln but pared down a little some. It’s pretty boss, we love it. Dad LOVES IT. He updates my uncle each week about what car we’re driving now lol. This is definitely the summer of cars.
I think she just smiled at you. Go for it dude.
A guy in a Mustang was watching me take these photos. I like how strangers get it in their head that what you’re doing somehow has something to do with them so he swift and aggressively peeled out of there, chill out shady man relax you got skeletons and we don’t care not taking pics of you at all. God, people. AMIRIGHT.
Glad he left it’s hard to work when a weirdo is staring at you inquisitively all judgmental like. After about 4 photos you’d think people would get it like oh, this is some sort of project ABOUT THE CAR. We prob just killed his buzz is all, no big deal. There’s loads more parks to park all along the water so go to there.
See the little orange light, that’s when you’re driving and something comes a little too close to comfort for you in your blind spot or anywhere up alongside you and it beeps too. It’s fun discovering all the little bells, whistles and gadgets each Ford vehicle has to offer. Everything is a helpful and appreciative bonus. There’s also parking assist and adaptive cruise control which breaks before you when there’s something up ahead, BF loves that one. There’s cameras all over the car always watching out for you and your loved ones.
I enjoyed the grey on ruby red. Note to self for future outfit.
How appropes to drive by a Ford dealer. Kay no more car talk lol.
Watching him consume so much sugar concerns and worries me. Like, I know he’s going to get diabetes. Thanks Diarrhea Queen!
The other day I tweeted I eat french fries mayonnaise and crying. It’s true. Somehow I’m getting slimmer too wtf world? Maybe it’s cos you get filled up then eat less despite fries being so so totally bad for you.
Hi. Love the Sat/Nav Sirius disco lights console. The challenger was awesome on the outside but it didn’t have this, had a diff system but no crazy ballin’ display. BF says he’s renting it again this week. Oh Lord.
Queen’s Head never changes, love that place. G-pa drank here with his buddies and colleagues years ago. We had an order of fries while we waited for my bro & company to arrive. A woman was rude to us, snappy, then didn’t have the decency to look us in the eye when we rightly so responded to her big mouth. Some people do not know how to operate socially in public, like, don’t go out for supper if everything irritates you. I know how I used to be really over-irritable when I went out to eat and I am not that person anymore, I used to blog minutiae about how everything annoyed me in a funny way but when I encounter different past versions of me sometimes it is infuriating to witness, I was never “that bad” I mean I tend to gravitate toward other moody people aka ex bf’s with mood disorders that you swallow and swallow and step on eggshells around so then when you go out you’re just as crabby as them. I hate moody people and people who don’t know how to just let go and enjoy themselves, haters, phonies and so on. The husband or date or dad (he was old) of this sea wench looked over her shoulder apologetically at us throughout. BF and I were too in shock to rip in to her and it wasn’t worth it because at the end of the day she has to live with herself and be that person but for future reference if you snap at people you better have the courage to back it up and not just slink down like a miserable sod, how about just don’t say anything at all and focus on yourself. I told my brother what had happened when he arrived and he goes WHERE IS SHE!?!?!? He was so mad haha.
Rib time.
These guys hooked me up. If you hit Ribfest today definitely go to them. They gave me a rack two years ago too. It wasn’t about the free though it was about line-skipping the massive line. I can’t do lines. Ha isn’t that what Lilo would say?
Mmm chicken.
Uncle Sam’s you are delicious. My bro favors Bone Daddy’s.
Ha. This guy called me over to taste his sauce real quick unbeknownst I was already on my way over. However they’re the nicest of all the rib people, I encountered some too cool for schools and rude ones and they will get zero mentions on account of their piss poor attitudes. I am Uncle Sam’s all the way go see them and say Raymi the Minx sent you.
It really is a sight to behold and it’s Canada’s largest ribfest, so, yeah. Bands and beer too. We were sober though, it’s fine it’s fine I was totally fine staring at the King Kong sized inflatable can of Canadian my mouth wasn’t salivating or anything and I wasn’t dying on the inside no not at all. ahha.
Sticky Fingers gave me some ribs too and they were super good. Hit them up, they’re the one with the Survivor thing going on.
Very nice people.
We are bbqing today and were so inspired by the sauces we bought budweiser bbq sauce yesterday from Metro and two kinds of burgers (on sale!!!) so it’s safe to say I’ll be meat sweating it out later on today and you’re welcome for the visual.
She could make some nice coin from that or some cancer patients quite happy.
Funnel cake whatsuppp except it’s on a bear ear cos there was a long wait for the funnel and they ran out of whip cream too but we went back yesterday for BF to have a funnel cake cos they don’t exist in Holland and also he’s like sugar addicted. This group of older folks were like you’re gonna pay for that in 30 years and “he’s not even sharing with her!” I was like I do not want to get fat!! BF ate it in 4 minutes.
Hey little buddy. Uncle BF grabbed him the big bag instead of the little one his mom paid for cos he was so inspired by all my minxing then they all ran away from me while I was taking the following photo and I didn’t know what was going on haha jerks.
Meanwhile the candy floss tent people were distracted by my weirdness so I was a good distraction.
Love weeping willows. What if there was a tree called smiling smiles?
I’m glad we went and bf could see how Canada do and I’m glad we went at night, in the day it’s too hot and kinda TMI the night has more of a relaxed vibe.
Protesters. Yeah good luck with that, convincing a big burly guy to get a salad when he drove all the way from the States. Their sign said pigs are smarter than dogs, bf goes yeah so they know they’re getting eaten and what so we should eat dogs then? Like I said it was a fun time.
And last night’s.
Oh yeah I bumped into Francine, hey girl! How was the beach party? We went to my mom’s so had to bail on it sorry. Anyway gotta split and shower and get some work done, aunt is coming over later. Enjoy your last day of freedom.