Heaven is inside you Heaven when I ride you

The Quebender began, the first morning there.

The sun coming up on my domain for four days.

It was like a mini apartment for three nights. I really truly cannot wait to go back. First Spring of 2012, I will do just that. I have roots here after all, The Kerouacs are french you know.

I brought the tickle trunk.

I captured every second of the sun coming up, in the calm warm silence.

It was beautiful.

That window was my perch, you could sit in it. Crouch. Read a book. Write.

It was magical. I pretended I was in many enchanting places.


It licked every wall.

Listened to Edith Piaf on rotate. Another french lush.

He scrame shake it baby

We got in a fight after this, I told him to be nicer next time people can’t help their drunken reactions to the Raymbo, shoulda seen it at wakestock Oh the stories! If ya can’t handle the Raymes, get outta the kitchen. Though I gotta hand it to him he handles my burlesque stuff rather well and is a big help too.


He was so my muse, so playing to my little weird headwreath.

Full Penny Lane now.

Australian too. They’re freaks. Just you and me and Crocodile Dundee.

Total genius.

VIP is the place to be. Everybody watches you and thinks you’re someone and you dress like a someone anyway and encourage that notion. Dancing with other bandaids/ Miami Horror. PARTY.

And who the f- is Raimi? I dunno but I got her drank tix whatsup!

And then I get hit on.

The moment it went down. I liked his accent. Teacher got jeals. Sheldon is posing like raymi. Shawny and his date plus Stew, the total crew.


I might have an art show about post show beer can piles.

Live shows make me feel alive. It’s going to be a long winter.

This was like rubbing stardust onto my goddamn eyeballs I basically partied with mickey mouse fantasia and you didn’t. Tran and ginger and I have been reply all emailing each other hilarious ridiculous shit all day long and that’s why this post is delayed (plus I was doing a proposal).

Look at him in that hair shirt thing over there. I almost wore the bear coat but was like NO, people will make fun of me LOL then we see a live sushi fish head gymnastical affair.

Everyone in the audience was laughing dancing loving it such a great vibe, thrill, rush.

Weirder and weirder kept happening.

Those girl dancers have couture white fluffy tutu for a shirt and golden crystal full body faces (ballaclavas) it was bananas. See.

Hey I like your hat.

We danced together, I know weird right? It happened.

Dude, your starfish looks like a 420 rally hat.

Omg and this was amazing too.

I could do this I could do this! I want to tour sign up!

It had elements of the fpp too. Black lights, people as that big ghost ghoul goblin ahh so much, something Katamari Damacy-ish too Hahah how lost are you right now Dad?

Roman hats are also hot. I need to buy an actual tickle trunk.

I was front row centre for a live King Kong sacrifice, man behind the curtain at the emerald city and LOST. I was thrown into the sparkle cyclone and a Unicorn was kicked up my nose with rainbows flying out like boogers.

It was hysterical. Who wants to come to the next big weird thing like this? Stew and I were like, to hell with moping at Mitzi’s any night of the week we can just take a cab to the cirque du soleil gratis and be kings up in vip. Then we can roll out our new Raymi as Nardwuar TV SHOW.

Raider’s of the Lost Ark. I can speed reference every single influence to this Masterpiece theatre.

And then the show ends with requisite almost famous penny lane moment. I’ve toured before, have you?

Total girl p0rn.

Uh maybe another night. I’m not thin enough for a crop.

I noticed a few Third Reichy Connotations too. Dictatorships are so hot right now, well in theatre, music, performances. Deities are on pedestals for reasons yeah? What the hell do you think I am sitting on as I type this to you haha.

Writers are personal Gods anyway, they lead monastic lives. I read this.

The new thing is 40 things going on at the same time. Brilliant.

When the flashing strobe light subsided for a second I noticed there was hair EVERYWHERE!

If my brother were here he’d go, “those are dancing Laurens.” to burn me cos of my big nose hahah a-hole.

This is Third Reich to me. I want to build a podium for my next Gulag dance.

Also look what I just found.

So weird.

That scary ghost thing loomed into the crowd then floated away when a person put it on. It was like puppeteer stuff.

Gorgeous crazy fashion. Futuristic. I want to wear a Yak too!

He danced with his fans.

There’s the money shot.

Princess Maid Marion Carnage.

Then more on the homefront.

Diet Coke night.

Jerk Nachos. Melted Brie and smoked gouda, green salsa and siracha.

Teddy Bear picnic-sized. I am going to dance with Goldilocks. HOT right?

I look like I got punched in the eye. Stew said this looked good but that was at 3 in the morning so haha meh.

You look like the bad kid from a Christmas story. That was on my nipple. I should give it to Rob.

We made the wine rack by seconds and I had to go pee so bad. We had an amazing cab driver.

The big clock is so we know when to kick people the hell out. Windows work too.

And these dopes crash on it. I mean, when they’re not too busy puking, crapping with the dog. I just dry-heaved.

OH LOOK! I have decided to crowd surf, cross-dress, french kiss crowd surfers, mosh, take my kurt clothes off down to my skimpy anarchy bikini all while belting smells like teen spirit out at least 5 times in a row. F- UP will be there, Tokyo Police Club! and other notables, its made Pitchfork Media. I got to it first! Come experience this during Nuit Blanche it’s the 20 year anniversary for Nevermind. I will be rick rolling everyone from my neighbourhood/school/life. Last year I went as Courtney for Halloween, I do Kurt better. I’ll wear my docs for protection, high-end chic plaid shirt with cut offs. Maybe a dumpy lingerie negligee. Hair is perfect already.

I am going to full body performance art recreate this. It’s the moment I have played over and over in my head as an Emo little teenager. I bought every Nirvana cassette with garage sale money. People made a rumour that I smoked weed in grade 7 cos I smoked cigarettes (i was uber cool) and carried out grunge to a tee and I still became Valedictorian of that school. Born Leader.


Our minds were blown inside out last night. The visuals, the costumes, can only imagine what backstage looked like. It was Cirque du Soleil on Daft Punk on speed. ie. exactly what I wanted. The opening was gorgeous and serene, felt like a disney production of Fantasia and the opening sequence to the two towers (listen to the first video up there)(ok it’s not the twin towers it’s the other LOTR, the last one I just got lost in a vortex of various themes on youtube), spooky and ominous and then this happened a lot:

And this.

That too.

And this.

Stew and I stayed up til super late again being idiots and wearing my bear costume I mean, “working”.


BRB with a post cavorting as some form of review.

Almost went out like this too but felt it would be too weird. After Empire of the Sun, I now know that I never even knew what weird was. Listen to this and feel happy.

So we’re drinkin drinkin drinkin drinkin Coca Coca Cola!

Colleague and I took 800 shots last night. Widdled down to 150, he said 50 tells the story. HA ha yeah right you wish start your own blog then OH wait, I just looked through 4 more pages worth o_0. Lets trip down through the vortex shall we then? Ps. Do you know that song lyric (post title) by modest mouse’s Tiny Cities Made of ashes song?

I’m going to play it right meow! You should too.

I dressed like a spanish ballroom dancing fly girl. It’s going to catch on, watch for it.

Now here is why this going to be a 4 part post if I’m not too selective.

I spy Ally on the red carpet, the beginning of 30000 familiar faces. What an amazing party list! I throw my head over one shoulder, BAM fifty faces I recognize. I kept pinching myself about it only being Monday night.

Flipbook. Adorable.

I’ll post a video of my book or you can just super scroll.

It’s like this son!

I look the same but the image on the screen isn’t.

Bahah I am ridiculous.

What is this Etalk Daily?

I look like Madonna. Slight gap too.

Or Monroe.

In we go to the Hoxton. Kenny owns it. Bumped into him, he tells me this and my eyes go like this 0_o. Out of sight. I was trying to say how this was like Night at the Roxbury and we are living it but I lost the ability to speak at that point.

Glamorous little figurines everywhere I hope they didn’t feel ostracized by how hot they are or were last night.

I spy linds! :)

When opportunity knocks…

Capture the pearl necklace moment. Would you believe that was staged, he missed it initially. SPOKESPERSON. Plus point person capital me. Ok I will stop pointing that now.

Had absolutely no idea the theme of the party. I stepped into my tickletrunk, found my AA tube skirt, my one piece-piece from nearly naked (miss you dudes!) snob girl (it’s fake gucci) purse and voila. ALMOST wore the hot pink gauze around my neck, but that ages you so no. Not yet.

Tweet wall made my drink order take forever. I invented in my head that the bartendress was purposely avoiding me. Later when I moved along to the middle part of the bar, deeper, way faster to get drinks. How many did I have, Colleague?

OH right the oyster bar. I had twenty. I love yuppies and oysters, standing with yuppies while eating oysters, messing with yuppies and hogging all the condiments then braggarting my hot sauce skills. I did all of that.

Open bar too. S- Show. Classic.

The Fairlie sisters!

Coke bottle chandeliers fabulous and I never noticed. I guess colleague gets bored when I am infecting people with Raymitis. Ohh that sounds scary!

Another stunner.

Seriously serve me!

I rolled a cigarette out of my tip money. She still didn’t care.

Zzzz. I got three Jack and diets, slid one over to colleague like a smooth criminal would and made like 5 guys burn up with jealousy over him getting a drink like that. THAT is how the singer of Queens of the Stoneage passed ME a shot of (I’d love to but I can’t) vodka at sound academy. Ask Darius. Evidence here (scroll to the end and I kept the shot glass). Speaking of Sound Academy, taking a fleet to sound academy for empire of the sun tonight going to be gangbusters. It’s not sold out yet fyi.

Me and Christine and Ameet who was going to cast me in an H&M ad but couldn’t in the end cos of my tattoos (BOO!) checking us out. HI! send me more work thanks please :).

Here I am telling him off about it. I was on FIRE last night!

Here I am turning into Sharon Stone.

We had the same outfit. Brock was like who is she? He is like a mini guy raymi ahahhaa groupie. Me and casie like to push him around. He’s coming with to SA tonight.

Lisa said she liked my style regarding bringing my colleague as date/in-tow. My secret weapon.

Place was packed all night long. Estelle was the performer. Amazing divarifique :).

Sean and I are going to do another video segment together like old times. THE ISSUES! My hair is really greasy and flat and I look like Duncan. I’m gonna have to put a tattoo on that burn mark. Gnarly.

Sean & Raymi discuss the issues from Sean Ward on Vimeo.

(music by my friend Unagi, that’s his rap name real name is Brolin, still wicked).

LOVE pumped up servers! speaking of pumped up kicks i’m seeing foster the people, maybe I’ll take my dad! hey dad I have plus one for that wanna be my date? I’m also going to Portishead.

I love her hair!

Some kind of tartare what is this? Give me this I know this!

Shawn is also coming to Empire of the sun tonight.

What’s up Cory did you go to the Bunny ranch while in Vegas?

Dan Levy, do you have ANY sort of relation to Eugene or your brother, also named Dan Levy? bahahah ok I just got it. I like that you were dressed like Tom Hanks in Big and didn’t get that significance. EVEN!


Casie’s little hat.

OMG sorry to interrupt but the thing I am singing in just made pitchfork media!!! HUGE!!!

Me and zach. He was shooting for diet coke. He always puts me in NOW when we bump into each other at concerts.

More Oysters.

Holy crap full on oyster vortex.

I terrorized that cute yuppie beside me. He liked it.

Bathed in the ATM glow with Casie.

Colleague and I provoked lots of people, you must in order to get them to come out of their shells, easily, I coax them out. Hello Mr. Nus back there. Looking good.

Yo said you were fat again. Liar.

We should do phoney ad campaigns together posing as husband and wife. “Your daddy’s rich, and our mother’s good looking…”

ROXANNE! YOU don’t have to wear that dress tonight! Hahah can you imagine a dude screaming his guts out at his woman of the night woman? Sigh.

Why do I look like putty?

Jenny we missed you!!! Project Jenny McBeth soon.

HAHAH the background the everything. This is me discovering my flipbook.

WOah relax there, get out much? nahahaaahahhahhaa.

Doesn’t take much. Oh I have welsh eyes. Know what that means hehh… ask my friend Mr. Jack Daniels about it.

So cool. Luckily I did a pin-up pose combo, I thought it was just going to be 6 stills like photobooth I dunno. This idea is way better.

Then an extra.

Hee hee we are all busting on this photo on twitter right meow.

Then I danced on the top of the stairs so everybody in the room could see me.


HahHAha my hair.

I thought that was the social network guy. SWOON. You have my card dude we can pretend! Steph I’m doing Steph face!

You’re my gal Val. I’m waiting on your blog post about Raymi’s Runway Tips. Brinner Soon! (Brunch at dinner time, during a hangover) (gahahahaha!)

Casie and I slightly match as usual.

I like my purse strap over the shoulder mom thing. Hard to dance with a long purse. Worth it cos I look like Heathers. Well, this is mean blog girls after all. lolz. Hisss!

My head is getting skinnier.

It was such a fabulous time thanks again!

I spy a girl that caught colleague’s eye. I got her card too! Wing girl!


We need to get another look. She might come to devil’s night burlesque. Hot Raymi army is growing. RAYMI ARMY Should be our burlesque name cos then I get to jumble it around like Army Raymi yarmi amy? Uh confusing.

My arm is ripped and I fanned the crowd with Christine’s purse fan. I am nice to the world. I felt bad for those wearing leather jackets inside a club as their outfit. I didn’t even bring a scarf cos I knew it would be sweltering.

Had many roast beef rolls throughout the night.

Kept saying OK JUST ONE MORE lol.


Trippy I like.


Getting ready for Estelle.

She just went from my hair to her hair and I said that’s interesting as I lived many years with YOUR hair. We are going to be great friends.

SUCH a great performance. I spied Kardinal in the crowd, we go way back:

She was perfect. I boogie’d.

Lauren O’nizzle looked like a politician’s wife. Without missing a beat she waved like Jackie O. I almost wore my bow headband. I wore bow earrings instead. Too much bow.

Side stage view was grand.

Why are you behind a pillar?

I look like Eileen here (my nana). OH COME ON EILEEN! I spy Dekel.

Cutie cutie cutie!

And I spy Shawn again. I overheard two girls discussing Estelle’s skinnyness ooh good point something else to be envious of.

Then there is the “other” world of Raymbo Bright you’ll be experiencing some of pretty soon, the music “industry” part. That’s Dekel.

We go way back, but who cares I certainly don’t!

And from the cheap seats.

Dance party!


Hi Kenny!

There’s the mark zuckerberg actor guy behind me ahha and we both look uhhh…

More good looking people.

Ok time to go.

They were girl versions of tin toy sexy soldiers.

I made them do this. SPOKESPERSON!

See? I am such a Madam and they just listen. Teacher said I would make a great teacher.

HAhaha aw see how they’re still standing like that?

The one on the left looks like Megan Fox.


Fabulous Night thanks for the treats Diet Coke :).

Want captain Raymbo to cover your party with my colleague? E: raymi@raymitheminx.com I’d love to! (While finishing this my blog traffic/numbers were cranked. Not one cuss word to be found in this post either could ya tell?)

But there’s a side to you that I never knew never knew

i set fire to the rain from raymi lauren on Vimeo.

I drank a billion jacks and diets last night, was a good time. Colleague sending shots over now, I’ll give you the sloppy story v soon. This was getting jacked up for the party and determining if I can do burlesque to this song or not, not sure how I can tie it in to Halloween. I like to do burlesque themes and get a bit psycho about sticking to them but this time I am sticking to the theme through and through. You think Hitler was bad. I am way more relaxed now though because I am confident that we have something no matter if we roll out with trash cans on and suspenders. Actually, that would be somewhat hot.

If you go out in the woods today you’d better not go alone. It’s lovely out in the woods today but safer to stay at home.

See this live on DEVIL’S NIGHT @ The Bovine. October 30th. Gonna be HUGER than last, which was HUGE so, just so you know. I bust up laughing at 40 seconds in. I’m going to get Jasmine to wear my red gingam dress and dance with me lolollll. Someone needs to submit this to fark or one of those nerds for furries sites. That is all. Wait, no it’s not, here is the first ever Teddy Bear’s picnic I represented at what’s up holla Sarah! That Panda Bear was purchased from some trip my nana and papa went on coinciding with those famous Pandas? And ps. Sarah, your “bear” looks kind of funny. Do the bare minimum I guess blahaha.