Part of blogging on a daily basis is that you need to create spectacles, go out and have adventures, and otherwise try to create interesting content from your everyday life. Most people aspire to be adventurous, be open to new experiences and to be confident enough to try new things. What is your advice on how to lead a “Minxy Lifestyle”? How would you encourage others to go out and lead their everyday lives in as interesting a way as possible?
It depends on what people want to get out of life, are they living this life on social media or is it truly for them? I would say live balls to the wall and just enjoy your life and if you have the inclination to capture and share it, then yes please do because people get off on that and want to live life through you sometimes if they so happen to be too busy to party, rockclimb, surf and so on. A minxy lifestyle (to me) is a detailed one maybe even a selfish one. If it’s not fun then it’s done. Changing it up is important too cos no matter how fun your scene is, it can get a little tired eventually. If I discover a new restaurant and say they have cheap drinks and free food on a certain day, I am bringing all of my friends there so they can get in on it too in a How to Live your Life My Way fashion. If I’m invited to a ballin’ event I am going to see how many +1’s I can get so that the experience will be as fun as possible. For the same token flipped over to the other side, if there’s an event taking over the city and I am not feeling it, I’ll leave town and do my own thing and enjoy that immensely. I do not dig over-saturation and sometimes glitzy affairs can be stifling and stressful. I’m in to pampering self days that turn in to weeks lol.
I wrote this months and months ago in another life but by all things scribed from your hero with time, the seasoning is still pleasening. TOT featured me and asked me a few questions along with that piece of which they wrote their own very flattering RTM kudos profile (scroll below the video for a refresher). Here is one of the questions I fleshed out a retort on. I’ll share the others in a separate post to not overwhelm you all at once by. Less is more.
xo Raymbot.
Do I look like a genie in this hat?
As a dedicated blogger, you live in the public eye. What is it like to have your entire life on display? What does it feel like to feel compelled to update your readers on your private moments on a daily basis? You are your own paparazzi. What are the ups and downs of sharing your most intimate moments with everyone? We’d love to hear what you think about your day-to-day.
It feels great (most times) to live life on display, it’s instant gratification on attention I’ve demanded, commanded. It can get a bit speedy at times when I’m doing a lot of events and projects at once plus trying to cover it all on my blog and maintain a semblance of me-time. Of recent however, I’ve slowed down on my content output timing it with the change of season from winter to summer (kind of how it is in Toronto with no spring in-between) because a lot of people get busy now. They go out more and surf online less. I’m trying to make a healthy balance and I had a schedule I stuck to of doing one thing every other day as a means to not let content stack up and overwhelm me as it is at the moment but that’s life and it’s good to keep busy. I try to keep my private stuff private because bloggers seem to do more of that lately but also because trolls and haters and those with no lives feed off scraps of personal information like parasites you cannot be rid of. I created a monster with my lust for traction and infamy and I got what I wished for so now “every little thing” is juicy and with almost 12 years of footprints and tracks behind me, my readers can read between lines, assume ghosts that are not (or are) there about me and my comings and goings, demanding information like it’s a right. No matter what I do next THEY WILL ALWAYS KNOW. It feels. Hahhaa. It’s fun, I can toy with it, fuck with them, script my own life, detail my destiny and construct the final picture in this certain scope that is unique and entertaining, even to myself. I am in love with sharing I am in love with life first and foremost and that shows. It’s only the ego and that of others that ruin everything. The only downside to sharing your everything with everyone is if or when I get fat and old, but that’s it. It’s my vanity that will take the hit but I know I will always be beautiful in some capacity so I don’t care. I don’t tend to worry about the future because I like living in the now and I take things one day at a time. I don’t do more than I can handle, I don’t blog and spin my wheels like crazy and use every internet platform there is to get people to love me. I am patient and calm and I know that they will come, it will come. Not to sound like a wizard but I feel the times they are a changin’ (Bob Dylan) and I like it. I am about to dump my life on its head again and it feels good.
RAYMI BUNNY BIO…My entire life I’ve wanted to be a famous writer and I feel like I have achieved that for the most part. Writing and sharing are my favourite passions, I was born to storytell. I’ve got the infamous half accomplished but I have my sights on becoming a legend. A word that comes to mind when I think of Playboy Enterprises Inc.
I was in a music video the other night too, it was a late one. Thanks for hooking that up Andrew! In the biz all you have to be is available sometimes. And been around awhile at that. Glad for my music groupie days of yore accruing contacts and friends. It’s what and who you know and if you don’t know what, then pretend!
John & Yoko have hung out at this guy’s place back in the day. Barry (Director, old friend of mine) said not to smile. I took that very seriously.
Mark Loughman. It’s his songs with other big names. They shot 3 videos at once or over the course of their time at The Royal York. I am so pumped for my video cameo and the band that plays the song’s edit in to our gangster storyline. Fifth time being in a music video now. I have more pics from the shoot on my camera I’ll blob when I get some time.
That one piece has been getting a lot of action lately, first PBE then vid-ay-oh. It came from Nearly Naked on Queen, I love Nancy the owner and local lingerie shops, so convenient and independent.
When we bent over to pick up our helmets we bonked heads. Oh dear.
My pizza. (I made this btw if it wasn’t clear). I had some more of it just now. I was crashing. It is just as delish today as it was last night. Cheeseless. Steve gets bloated from cheese so I decided to eat like a vegan too. I know they are super skinny people so why not. You have to restrict in some capacity or other when you drink a bottle of red wine and demolish chocolate bars practically every night. Seriously something’s gotta give I bet I make Dan Aykroyd look like Zoey Deschanel (is known to have ridiculous diet restrictions/allergies. Hates tofu, allergic to everything else, is vegan. LOLOLLLL).
I buy two bags worth of greenery each shopping trip now. Lets go to the farmer’s market soon, where are they please supply a list thank you. Also Brickworks for sure, is it only open weekends? Steve hasn’t been. He has no idea! I always make a time of it.
Also what’s going on Nuit Blanche when is that again? This year I just want to roam and not be tied down to something, I dunno. Someplace warm would be good too like being an installation at the Gladstoner even though I just said I didn’t want to be tied down. Make me an offer I can’t refuse. Make it VIPleasey. I got hired based on just bumping into my friend Rob in my bear suit last year. I rule therefore I am.
I miss Stew.
Stew said that is no way for a ladybear to behave. Stew is Gaymi by the way.
That was fun. I am only wearing one giant earring in this video too. One fell off. Check my wizard hair though!!!
I skulked in the tub yesterday. It was terrible weather out, just terrible. I will probably stay drunk all winter long. I treated myself to lunch in Russia today (a cucumber soaked in vodka from my jar) after eating a slice of my homemade pizza. It’s Saturday. Like days of the week matter to guys like me. Hey, I’m a guy like me!
I can’t facebook pics from phone anymore because I upgraded my blackberry fb app go figure but anyway had I been able to I would have captioned this one “on a looking at pictures of food only diet today”. When we went food shopping at the hipster loblaws last night I was zombie-stupid. Girls are stupid. The world is stupid. I ate the second half of my mac at the Drive-In because I do what I want. Steve wouldn’t have any, there are onions in the mac.
Another present to add to the pile of others for my niece. She will be 14. My bro was like NO THAT’S FOR ME!! Nothing changes ever. Dad said he took her out today and bought her all this stuff. They went to Harvest Table even. I was like oh you have another Lauren and he want oh awww. He’s reading the bio Amy Winehouse’s dad wrote and says she talked to him like I talk to him. Don’t make me post that Raymi Winehouse video of us playing Wrongbar, Duncs. I’ll post this instead.
Dad what is that guy doing behind you? Lol.
Steve-o picked up hair clips off a bud in Yorkville he was just talking about then the guy appeared and he told me twice how much of a good girlfriend I was because I wanted to pay for them, “she’s trying to pay for them behind your back Steve.” Steve pays for them, I get all the credit. Score one Raymi. Btw sometimes when Steve calls me Raymi it’s weird. It’s weird when I call him Steve too, is that weird? He then says Lauren in this serious way, then we laugh and say I love you for the millionth time that day.
Dropped off luggage, picked up bike. My glasses were perfect for my pants you’re welcome.
Needs more hotel.
This fell from the side table or I forgot about it on the bed (doughnut) and it smashed, I picked up the glass with my bare hands lying on the bed while Steve got the rest and we put a towel down. I think you can buy these glasses from your room or if you take one they charge you? Well good luck with smashing one bro. I told them when we checked out like a good guilted-Canadian conscience ought. Then someone was like AND I TOOK A ROBE from behind me. Just kidding, but that would be awesome. Probably happened in a movie. Like where all things happen. Movies > Friends.
Had those stupid chicks not stopped us to chat we would have gone up to the room and seen our credit then eaten downstairs in the bar instead of real sports.
I shouldn’t have left my camera in the room. Still haven’t gone through Steve’s haul of coverage.
Free Pussy! Oh guess what, I am in the New York Times again today. In the Blogrunner from the Headlines around the web. That’s my FOURTH TIME being in The New York Times now. Were you out takin’ a wizz or sumthin’? I am a New York Times Blog source. I requested a NYT from Le Germain and my cosmic psychic powers made that happen I suppose. Also the word MADONNA. Madonna. COUGH COUGH madonna. Madonna. Aruba. I mean Madonna. Lol. Maybe this post will make it too.
See why this angered me?
That was cool though I liked that. It was all Eyes Wide Shut spooky-electrifying. Monks chanting chill and thrill me.
Action figure doll pose. Sorry for the pigeon toe.
Great thinking going down at this perch. Steve got us Stoli to give thanks. Thanks to the Vodka Gods.
Madonna’s tour buses for the dancers and whatnot. She was probably housed somewhere swanky.
Our little kingdom (Moonrise, moonrise!) for 24 hours. It was a scene.
I don’t get drunk. I get awesome. Well then folks, I WAS THE MOST AWESOME EVER! I wore this dress cos my Jackie O woulda been a Jackie No based on my blotation comfort zone.
Dinner at Ki was delish, and quick. We were on a time budj. My first time at Ki actually. I’ve heard the stories so, no need mes amis I get it.
Thanks Stoli!
Getting ready in the room.
It was an interesting show. What did you think Bechnique? (She went to the second night).
Big-ups to Steve’s shirt.
We discovered an envelope slipped beneath the door of our room after real sports (food after the concert, amazing wings).
We did not last to the end of that movie (Dark Shadows) and this is at Le Germain, Hotel Le Germain? I dunno. We had a grand time. I always struggle with 24H time-telling.
We made fun of that Honey I shrunk the Kids ant leg pillow, what is it? Multi-purpose and scary! Your head does not sink in to it no matter how long you wait. Yes it looks like beads. It keeps you upright when the movie is on. It’s for night owls. Stop staring at my bruise.
And the guy doing the never-ending crunch portrait on the wall…? HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHA
Having a crashpad right beside the concert venue is super fun. More costume changes made possible. Going down for a smoke, walking around a very convenient small circle for 24 hours it was just too indulgent.
Thursday October 4th: Tapping of the Keg (ballin’ with traditions now brah!) Includes a complimentary beer (Liking it!) 5-8pm. THEN it turns into Rocktoberfest 8:30-12:30am – Includes a complimentary beer.
Friday October 5th: Bavarian Happy Hour 5pm-8pm Includes a complimentary authentic 34 ounce beer stein (AWESOME!) and then the Oktoberfest Closing Party begins 8:30pm-12:30am Includes a complimentary beer.
I am picturing Steve with a feathered Robin Hood hat on and it’s so cute, I die. Get your tickets by Friday kay thanks bye.
You know how I take things 1000% seriously. Now’s your chance to too. Rememer that my discount link is for individual ticket purchase discount, so more savings. Use it bro! Or bro-girl. Fraulein I mean.