Jean Grey Raymi

And before.

Now what do I do with all the other blond pics I haven’t posted yet? For a rainy Raymi day I guess. A chance will do you good yes please. And now I do a Back to Black Raymi Winehouse homage. A duh. TGIDefinitely. See my blue nail polish, it turned lilac from this dye job haha sweet.

Bye bye this guy. You’ll be missed. And now to continue with the blond vs. brunettes social experiment called life.

Winning is everything

Tell me what you thought it’s important!!! I will hate you forever if there is no comment here. How long is forever for? YOU WILL SOON FIND OUT LURKERS. Don’t allow jealousilence to overtake you it’s a bad look. You can even say something bad I don’t care. (I do! lots.) You can also comment on it on facebook too, fine. Kay see ya! Thank you!

Ok here are the fun questions I want answers for: Beckham or Wolverine? James Dean or George Clooney? Beyonce or Gaga? Spikes or Chains? Paul or John? Kanye or Jay-Z? Sick of that Gotye song yet? Would you dye your hair white? Wonder Woman or Shera? (I asked this one, she said Shera, I was shocked lol) Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe? Michelle Obama or Jackie O? What’s your favourite part about being Aliyah Jasmine?

Check it out bromances! :)


Channeling something here, what that is, who cares or knows. I already mentioned Mariah Carey once further down in this post so lets go with Jessica Simpson’s boots are made for walking video. It’s the dukes, the daisy dukes. Makes the jealousy pukes.

I have no idea what to wear today on MTV Creeps. I think I might wear the Liz Lisa dress but I also think I will change my mind 1000 times so I’m not going to bother thinking about it until I start getting ready. I do know I will not be wearing the above outfit though ahah, not nearly tanned or chiseled enough for it yet. I bought this shirt from winners weeks ago then forgot about it then found it last night.

Look at my friend (the cat) so cute. She starred in my dance video too of course. Will she need to sign a release too?

This is me practicing it. The lyrics are so easy they’re hard to remember, I know the song so well but over-thinking it messed me up a bit. The outtakes are funny I hope the other guy’s videos suck.

It just was not working trying to be hard and street in this little pretty pretty princess dress. Should I wear it tonight? Right, not thinking about that yet.

And which glasses to wear, or none at all? Decisions, decisions.

And I will not be wearing these heels as I do not know how to walk in them as much as I didn’t try, too hard and scary I look like an idiot trying to maneuver an obstacle course blindfolded, not sexy. Well, sexy, sexy sad. Which has kind of always been my thing anyway.

I need more of these dresses.

Nice typewriter outfit. The typewriter is the dance MC Hammer does by the way.

Should I put my hair in a bun today? Probs.

I found this shirt in the young chicks section. I would never let my daughter wear this shirt and I know my parents wouldn’t either and that is why they invented a thing called “running away” as a solution lol. Did you ever run away? I partied one night with some friends of mine and elected not to go home and my folks did not like that and then the police read my journal and were like yeah, she’s coming back but if she takes off again we will not care. Mom you were so cray up in my space and you still are.

This is definitely a bringing it shirt. I noticed Rebecca and Teacher got all quiet when I came down in it. JEALOUSILENCED. Word of the day I will go tweet that now.

Doesn’t Mariah Carey still dress like this? Or did up to forever? If you have flawless legs you can wear short skirts until you die.

Havin’ our asses dropped off at the show. I’ll post the second half of those pictures in their own post.

Delivery chicken nachos from the weekend. I do not like black beans so I wasn’t that mind blown but Teacher hoovered these while I shoved fajitas and enchiladas in my beautiful fat fucking face mmm. I was full immediately but round two shit got more delicious and I was content.

Risky business.

I did not dig how I looked in the video wearing this barely a shirt so I changed into my flower onesie jumper you will have to wait for the video to see which I assume I’ll have to post and have some kind of youtube views competition which will be depressing I can’t wait.

Oh yeah I went to my cray doctor yesterday it was very therapeutic jajaja. Therapy joke.

This would be cooler if it wasn’t plugged in but I discovered I can just sit it on the plug as a base when it’s charging.

Yes I have other shirts this is just the first thing I grabbed from the tickle trunk pile after trying on several outfits.

I want to get mascara and eyeliner tattooed to my eyes do you know how much time we would save then?

You can request me to move my piles of jewelry and junk from the mantel but you can never make me hide my best friends the designer salt and pepper shaker birds NEVER!

Neatest most weirdest wax-less candles ever. Well I am sure there’s wax but where did it go? The other ones are legit wax though.

Okay it’s getting late ya gots ta go ha ha Stella is running for me.

Nice insecurity blanket shirt. No really, it’s nice. Kay bye.

You down with FPP?

Welcome to the gun show bro! Yeah, I work out. NBD. I hope I never turn in to the type of person who will one day eventually scream I INVENTED YOU at her. We love Alyssa I am very proud of her for being her with a little bit of me okay I will stop now (no I won’t)(but I will try).

Celeb chef Chris’ Woods hot little wife Dorothy. She danced in a cage before when she was a wild child I asked if she could do that again at her pool party this summer.

Evidently this is upon arrival as my hair is a mess and there are little old ladies still sitting everywhere.

Sat at the same table pretty much as last time. Remember the last time? The mayor was there and so was Dan Aykroyd and I sat on some radio personality’s motorcycle out front and it caused a bit of a scandal. It made the Grid and part because I was doing sh- like this all night long.

and this.

This too.

Dream team.

Well anyway that was then this is now.

And we had an exquisite time as much this time as we did then. There were VIPs peppering the room, one hot shot split after a quickie appearance before Miss Minx’s entourage arrived. His loss.

One of these things is not like the others, come on Rebecca get in here.

Getting better.

Our beet salads.

Roast chicken for main course. It was juicy and succulent, like me.

This is Diane Dupuy and she’s the leader of the pack and is an incredible woman. She runs the ship of all the special darling employees whom both serve and perform at the FPP (Famous People Players) which is one of my favourite places and causes to support. Check out the newly redesigned website for all bg info it truly is an inspiring and magical place and once and awhile Dan Akyroyd rolls on in for a good hang lol.

Throw ‘em a donation if you’re feeling giving someday or get involved there are so many ways in which to do so or go see a show take the kids take a ton of kids old and young it’s fun for the whole fam, a very trippy experience and fancy dining environment.

I brought my non-sexual lesbian life partner Rebecca as my date and as it turns out Rebecca has been to the FPP before fifteen years ago. It does feel like a time-warp going there you will dig it if you’re at all the sentimental type.

I dressed less adulterous this time.

Show time. This post is going to be disjointed because I’m working with two sets of photog’s shots. I recognize that logo I didn’t know Afrim was a thespian the man just does it all. The festival of chefs was the reason behind this particular event it was the launch party.

Nice creeper shot colleague.

It was cool seeing them come out after the show and show us how it’s all done by throwing more light on the performers, that is a great addition that I didn’t get to see last time.

And the players are all adorablah of course too everyone is wine drunk from dinner and in utter awe and by everyone I mean me. I’m glad my dress had white on it and announced to the entire frigging audience our last guys in the theatre arrival, cool one Raymi.

I love the zany puppets, they’re dated-looking and it works and is unexpected so it has the wow-factor when each song and scene changes. There’s just so much going on they really are savants at their craft standing-O bravo indeed.

Look it’s me. Also there was an element of burlesque added to the show which I will just go ahead and take credit for right meow ha ha.

When it was done I didn’t want to be stuck behind all the slow crotcheties so I went through slot in the riser and boy it sure was a farther down drop than expected and it happened in front of this gaggle of elder birds and startled them completely and then, I ran away. I retold the incident for the rest of the evening and chuckled inwardly about it.

This high roller got us a round of wine and told us about his fancy film business life. Apparently he threw one of Toronto’s biggest parties ever during the film fest and no you cannot have his contact information I got dibs.

Blinky Alyssa sitting in a tree and Rebecca is trying to nuzzle my wuzzle.

Everyone was saying I was skinny all night long even though I was skinny the last time I was at FPP maybe they forgot that but it was nice to hear that on a fat day.

Another day where I win for longest toe.

That chick told us a dirty joke in the bathroom. Loved it!

Do you think they are hiring? Lolz. Oh look I am being checked out WHAT ELSE IS NEW. I think my tv show will be called Yuppie Baiting.

I want a kitty shirt, I had one very similar to it from the Cat’s Meow Motel boutique that my mother used to manage in Streetsville, you guys think you know cats, bro, you don’t compared to me and my moms. Man we got stories.

I want to be the guy who operates that thing or I want to watch someone learn how to do it and make fun of them I want that person to be Rebecca and we can sell tickets so you can watch it too.

Lookin’ a little UN up in hurr.

One of my pointy shoe points hooked in to a woman’s jacket drooping over her chair beside our table and I almost bailed as my entire leg became ensnarled in it. She didn’t help me either. I found it inconsiderate. If I have a humongous coat I am super aware of it bothering anybody, you know? I find that people often treat me poorly just because. Not elaborating but it is annoying to deal with passive aggression you don’t deserve CONSTANTLY. It makes me a bitch because I do not treat people like that.

You’re adorable.

I missed out on those.

Oh hi Tony baloney. He always has something funny to say to me so as I pretended not to notice him come up to me waiting in line for cheese I braced myself for impact and quick response. I didn’t disappoint.

Chris Woods loves him some Raymi. See how charming I am haters?

Rebecca said she knows more about food than me a million more times this night too. Cool.

These are Alyssa‘s shots now. Thanks for being my event personal photog. You can do anything you want when you have a photo pass AND get evidence of it too it really isn’t very fair at all when you think about it bahaha.

Delish apps with freshly sliced prosciutto and bufala ah gad the salt and whatever drizzled on top put us in heaven.

No bread for rebecca though so Afrim made us the Raymi special.

I saw a few keeners taking photos of the oldschool slicer.

Be careful!

See how uncomfortable people are when they first show up to things?

Great job Chris!

Alyssa is hotter in real life, yeah she’s hot here too but what I mean is I found myself staring jealously at her throughout the night but then I was like she is of my own creation what have I done then I was like I have no business taking ownership of anything, mindf-ck which rolls out to equal that of a girl crush.

Hi hi hi.

Yes yes feed the monster. Okay I have to wrap this up for now but I’ll add the rest in a few hours I have ‘tings to do boo. xo raymbo it’s gorgeous out!

I want my MTV pilot right meow

Interview stance, calm cool, caj. I was nothing of the sort. I know I did better than the other two I think, but the task was for likeability so it doesn’t matter if I stumbled or knew how to talk no one needs to know how to talk anymore thanks to the internet. WRONG. It is harder but the more you do it the better you get but on top of that she has to of liked me, that was the challenge. I am also fucking dying out here trying to get a reaction from the Jersey Shore cast, they don’t count The Situation following me as enough. What are you kidding me that is HUGE!!!!!! That is a win he has a babillion followers and follows just over 1000. I am trying my brains out it is uber humiliating to harass them all one by one on twitter since Saturday. Today was cut off day but I threw one more at Sitch. I appealed to the business side of things and asked permission to link sitchnews on this blog. This is the hell I have been in lately. I also have to make a song about myself and put it to a 30 second track of STUPID FUCKING MUSIC ahaha yesterday at MTV I was like who wrote this? No answers. I can write charming blog posts but I cannot write songs. It’s go time though so I guess now I am a song writer. And I will not cheat either. I could get a hip hop lyricist friend to write it for me, that would be obvious right? Therefore it must suck and be apparent that Raymi wrote this shitty song now dance to it muthafucka! Update: Sitchnews retweeted this post. I hope I get a flood of blog traffic!

Cody is a nice kid though but I am so gonna smoke him sorry brah. You too Arber. I will save all of my opinions til after the episode which we shoot on Thursday. For some reason I blanked on that fact. Tonight I will be live tweeting Creeps, the final episode of the show.

Do you like my unassuming little outfit there? Who’s a genius oh I am. Cody thought I was 22, he was almost blown out of his chair next door at the pub where we went for a drink with his friend, I think they are twenty.

I was like no man I just turned 29. I downplayed how much I knew about twitter to both of those cats, sorry but it ain’t no cake walk. Thanks for the extension on my little Raymi rap video til Thursday morning otherwise I would have had to write it after the gala instead of being a lazy waste of space some more last night. Actually, this whole creeps thing is reminiscent of high school. I feel tethered to my homework assignments of tweet insanity feeling like I am about to fail at any and every juncture, there are a lot of stress eating days between Thursday and right meow as well. Ps. Lucky had just slapped my ass and I am saying Hiiiiiiiiiiii! at her here.

Hi Cody! I will let you and your friends hang out with me in Niagara Falls sometime (which is where he lives).

OH I haven’t even said who I interviewed yet on here, it was Aliyah Jasmine. I lurked her tumblr yesterday morning for two hours, pretty amazing life and she’s dating one of the guys from the Stereos. She’s done it all and is a hard working role model for the entire nation why couldn’t I be this smooth in the interview I dunno I am not smooth guy that is not my style I am a rocky road. I asked her how to be poised and smooth like her and she said vodka and I laughed and DID NOT SAY that I had helped myself to a glug of it before colleague picked my ass up to chauffeur me across town. #spoiled. Anyway, I went first and I hope they keep that in mind. I didn’t get to ask her my fun questions either boo. I will type them here now for you and you can be amazed by what could have been kay?

It’s blurry I like it. Here’s another “could have” if my stupid friend wasn’t so stupid.

This was just two days ago. Now the world is white and bleak looking. The sky is never grey, it’s white, anyway just saying you blew it for not hitting the roof Rebecca. I understand your cray friend was in town sorry. Ps. Aliyah asked if I said cray in real life and I was like yes. I asked her how cray Tom Cruise was and she flipped the question back on me and I was trapped, she also asked if I “partied hard” another trap. I said yes, duh.

I said Kanye West was a misunderstood genius. I pick and chose things at random from her tumblr (which you should follow btw) that popped up most, I dunno, I fucking sucked I am going to beat myself up about it for the rest of my life but the moral of the story is I sucked the least and that’s all that matters kids stick that one in your hat.

Ow that hurts right now even through a picture.

Stella loves it up there but she over-heated pretty quickly well, 15 minutes, not even.

My hair is pulling out some interesting looks lately. Interesting is the one universal inoffensive compliment/slight that there is. I put feather earrings on to complete the look. They feel like hair on your shoulders. On MY shoulders bro. I am a bro without a surfboard wahh haha. Hey remember when I said I would show you the questions I didn’t ask right? Yes I will get to that.

Oh look I made a feminist statement lol thanks Anna. I have a stack of Xtra’s on the living room floor teacher went out and grabbed some for me aw thanks sweetie pie. He texted “proud of you” baha thanks! Ps. I need to eat a plate of perogies now I missed out on those.

Here’s the original.

Here’s a different version. No regrets, tons!

Meowcifer. Ok here are some fun questions: Beckham or Wolverine? James Dean or George Clooney? Beyonce or Gaga? Spikes or Chains? Paul or John? Kanye or Jay-Z? Sick of that Gotye song yet? Would you dye your hair white? Wonder Woman or Shera? (I asked this one, she said Shera, I was shocked lol) Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe? Michelle Obama or Jackie O? What’s your favourite part about being Aliyah Jasmine? Can we go back in time please ahhhhhh. Whatever one guy “winged it” and we all know how those approaches pan out jajaja.

This was Rebecca’s favourite page out of the Jem colouring book because she is sleeping. Wow. What an unimaginative child ahahah I think I win for best and most burns most often in this friendship it’s what I am here for and she loves it.

We laughed at this photo when we saw it because we were white winosaurs. All of the funny and inappropriate things I said and did will come back to me when I blog all the shots, so far I only have Alyssa’s pics. We had our own paparazzi girl in tow, one who has gone through the Raymi Celebrity school of hard knocks, from gym ambassador to “other shit she does now” thanks to me.

See. Laughing hard. She reminds me of Sarah Jessica Parker in the Family Stone, all uptight and prim and proper. I want to borrow that dress Rebecca.

See I am multiplying. Sexy Litsa was at our table too she popped out a kid 14 months ago now look at her thinspiration incarnate. I have to go blow a fart on Stella’s belly now brb! Not! I mean, to the coming back, it’s toy story 3 xbox 360 time I’ll get the chips and gingerale see you on the couch.