lets tawlk

soooo since i’ve “been single” (it’s complicated)(and kind of no one’s business anymore) a lot of crazy has come my way. no doubt. specifically an old guy friend of mine (claims to not read my blog also i do not give a fuck anymore so why am i protecting him?) has been steadily badgering me and i have been steadily ignoring him. he wants to get together to tell me some bullshit about his life but his emails read like intends to kidnap and murder me, not kidding. one friend refuses to even read them anymore they are shockingly that bananas.

now i feel a teensy bit of obligation toward this guy cos i feel for him as he is a giant fucking loser, no offense guy. while i have also lost a boatload of respect for him as he has not done a solid thing to better his plight (depression, head issues, i dunno all of that and more). anyway i told him straight that i am no good friend to anybody these days, my life is a giant fucking mess how am i to give a shit about anyone else other than myself right now? it’s just not possible.

the guy is grappling with whether he should abandon me as a friend or not. while i was with phil this guy and i had little to no contact but now that it’s out raymi’s possibly on the market, in flocks the crazy. like why all of a sudden so demanding? i’m not an idiot.

this guy and i hung out a lot just prior and overlapping phil and i’s getting together, we had another friend too. all we did was longboard and drink and fuck around, it was fun. i miss those times because i was young and who knew how my life was going to turn out i didn’t care it was a sunny day perfect boarding weather yeah? so then of course these two dudes get crushes on me and it gets complicated, and messy. to someone who is depressed and lonely and more or less fine with the way their shitty life is sprinkle me on top of that and POW it changes. yes i am saying i am awesome. i am vibrant and zany and hot and totally extreme and should probably never be allowed to be near unstable men ever fucking again cos it always turns out the same. the problems and disasters of their lives magically wipe away for a little bit and then when they realise i am leaving i become the catalyst for all that wrong. it’s total bullshit. i saw it a mile away with these two guys. each had a girl who fucked them up prior to me that i got to hear all about and all i thought the entire time was wow you guys are giant losers get over it you’re 21 oh you tried to kill yourself too? brilliant.

i had a point when i started slamming on my keyboard but now i don’t know what it is anymore. i felt pretty sharey and i guess i’m going to start with more of that maybe. i am tired of censoring myself and putting up with everybody’s bullshit. i haven’t been this depressed since i was a teenager. i was so exhausted yesterday by it i couldn’t keep my eyes open passed 7 o’clock. this letter/reply is what partially inspired this blog vomit. i have more to say on it but just hit an exhaustion wall plus i have work to do so who cares what more i have to say.

proving that readers of Lauren White’s decade-old blog will do whatever @raymitheminx politely asks them to do.

white trash ballad

no one wants to be in a band with me because i would violently hog the spotlight. it’s ok i “get” it. fully. way to miss the biggest potential money pot ever though, retards. i wrote some punk songs regardless of all that. there is no sense in depriving you of my amazing one song a decade writing skills so here she goes no laughing!

WHITE TRASH BALLAD by lauren white

i know a boy
he said to me
you’re very ugly
it’s plain to see
i said why don’tcha
check your fuckin’ eyes
i’m gonna give you
a big surprise

i know a girl
she’s dead to me
she was my best friend
since we were three
i said why don’t you
just run away
and so she did
that was last may

i knew a boss man
and i don’t care
for any of his
bossin’ affairs
he told me baby
that this is it (point to crotch)
i told that fucker
i fuckin’ quit!

and then my baby
he ran away
i didn’t need him
why should he stay
i told my baby
you give me head
or else dear boyfriend
you’re fuckin’ dead (cringe!)

my dyin’ wishes
i ain’t got none
don’t want no cryin’
just drink ’til sun
no hocus pocus
no churchy rhymes
take out that bill roll
and bust some lines

HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA ok some laughing is allowed. i wrote this in the car early summer in like 15 seconds and it’s kind of a rip of a song we did in an old band i was in.

the other song i wrote is too gay for typing you would have to just hear it which will be never so bye have a great case of the mondays!

beautifully depressed

subject: fell in love an hour ago with you


I met you an hour ago on the internet. Me- at work at pool store in St. Catharine’s Ontario, right across the lake from Toronto. Who works at a pool store in the winter? My winter days have been filled with browsing the same websites when my boss and the manager aren’t in (already got a talking to for that one)

Stumbled upon your blog today by link at shedoesthecity.com. Not one to read, enjoy or even care about blogs, i wasn’t particularly impressed with any until now. Went to college last year for public relations- tried to start my own blog- failed miserably. Have never been particularly involved with the internet. the fact that trillions of websites are out there scares me. i just want one or two to enjoy everyday

Why do I care so much about your blog over the last hour? judging by how sore my eyes are- you must have done something right. your ramblings and rants are ones that i’ve had, just haven’t had the time to write them down. I try to relate to the fluffy- magazine type horoscope and letters to the editor, but it’s your blog that I’m intensely drawn to. I’ve read some reviews, and have done some google research on you, but I’d rather just read what you have to say. I’m a twenty-something, insecure, frantic and confused woman who is done school and has no clue how I’ll be spending the rest of my life hence, the pool store gig. minimal friends… out of whack relationships… problems with image/weight… etc. etc. Just started p90x as my new years rezzie… oh boy. I find comfort in knowing someone as established, beautiful and quirky as you has the same problems.

i’ll keep reading. I forsee a Saturday/Sunday marathon reading your blog from the beginning. thank you for being enticing and different … most of all honest.

give yourself some credit. you captured my heart and attention in an hour. can you walk on water to??

Still reading,

Kate P

I know you better than you think I do


did you let a 4 year old girl decorate this year?

you’ll find it at the corner of Hannibal Road and Flesh Way.


pinned bjork buns best curl yet.

more in a sec.

Allan Says:

when i see that someone posts a jerk-off remark trying to slam Raymi it is really disappointing that a person is so unhappy with their life that they want to try and hurt her feelings

there are millions of extraordinary women in the world, thousands on the internet, hundreds of those in Canada, a dozen maybe who stand out, and guess what?
Raymi still rules.

like Howard Stern, a hero to millions because he dares to be more honest about himself than anyone else, makes all others look fake, all wimps
so too, Raymi is a hero
takes courage and faith to do what she does
she treats all of us as if we were a personal friend, each post a private sharing to those she trusts.

only the shallow and ignorant fail to see that each post is a gift, and she spoils us with her energy and dedication

and oh yeah, did I mention she is one of the most brilliant writers anywhere

Go to the mountain if you must

the order of these is straight fucked.

(terribly) belated bday gift from me, to sass, that shirt.

two-day braids holding up.

cool left turn line-up!

that dude beside me i busted him pullin’ the massivest ugliest yawn ever.

love these ancient bridges.

i need to get a new shit purse. a purse for my shit inside of my bigger purse, purse. roots need to get did too. awful store lighting.

well if carrie bradshaw’s old face can do this then so can you no?

err. not flattering mirrors plus the tween store chick’s were spying us hard. amaaaazing twirling dress though for sure.

did not get, not practical for winter. it got stuck over my head and arms and it felt like the end of the world, sheer panic. happens lots you’re like I DO NOT WANT TO BUY THIS FUCKING SHIRT BUT I MIGHT HAVE TO COS I’M ABOUT TO SPLIT EVERY SINGLE SEAM INCREDIBLE FUCKING HULK STYLE IN TWO SECONDS HELP. my trick for that is to take a breath, calm down, inhale, tip toes and arc my back like the letter C and shimmy that fucker up and off.

sweating while shopping. my favourite.

a full bladder and weed pasties and mall anxiety. i ended up selecting a black/white striped number, kinda slouchy but not so much as i chose a small size. sass got a leopard print fur jacket thing and dave got pants and a cool shirt. i regret not getting the shirt i wanted initially and bee-lined for boxing day. kinda one-trick ponyish, but so am i, so perfect. i’ll go back for it.

oh gawd.

all this and more can be yours if you come visit me. bye sassbian xoxo.

going to try and get out with the dogs today. maybe karaoke if it exists anywhere out here tonite.

get the croaker

sass is back after her long work’ation in LA nice nice. more on that later but for now round II of stoner chat with spliffanie. happy friday pals!

me: pick a picture u want for your updated stoner logo
oh thats right i like hearing about drama class too

Steph: HAHAH

thats good
cute girls usually win stuff

Steph: i went to like, drama competitions

me: i went to my room and read fear street novels by myself

Steph: i read christopher pike

me: me too
they were better cos they had elements of sex

Steph: totally
pic sent

me: k
what one should i do

Steph: um one of the ones in the heart sunglasses?

me: ok
do u want a new stoner name

Steph: sure you have one in mind?

me: spliffy steph doesnt flow
no offense
i like it its just i dunno
you hate stoner steph?

Steph: stoney stephy?

me: omg are u mad at me
stoney steph is great

i was doing something else
hahaha i cant stop laughing

im you!

Steph: right so funny

me: k is there something better than resin raymi
i feel like
“i feel like” in ryans voice haha
ryan doing steph
i feel like some people dont know what resin is

roach raymi?

me: what stoner words are there that begin with r oh brb ill get my copy of junky
roach is good

Steph: ummm

me: theres a glossary in william s burroughs’ junky of drug terminology
its dated tho
btw i like that u are jealous of the author of the book that u are currently reading


me: you’re like i hate you read read read

Steph: ya she’s funny and good and enjoyable to read, im almost over my jealousy
but not quite

me: and u wont share it either
there is nothing that starts with r

Steph: its called I Was Told There’d Be Cake by Sloane Crosley. what a name eh. but then she goes and makes fun of it

me: oh man i hate that way to win me over

Steph: i hate that too

me: is she a character out of babysitters club

Steph: baaahahaa i know
once i wrote a book that was a total rip off of sweet valley high
its hilarious


Steph: print shop chapter title pages

me: ok my name is raymi the tea head
yours doesnt have to be an s word

Steph: k good that was cheesy
no offense

me: HA!
do u know what a tea head is
sorry i am old world bohemian

Steph: no clue

me: tea head, head, viper user of marijuana
chucks is excessive hunger
for sweets
heroin users get it
flop is a drunk passed out on a subway station bench
thats you

Steph: i think more people know what resin is then what tea head is

me: well theyll know once they read this

Steph: are you getting terms from burroughs?

me: yes
ok do u have a change?
stoney steph?

Steph: tea head fred

me: raymi the tea head fred
no im going to be raymi the tea head

Steph: no i want to be called tea head fred

me: i think you smoked too many roaches

Steph: so many rules man

me: haha
there are no rules
stephy the skid
like billy the kid

Steph: ug why do they all sound so gay

me: because they are?

Steph: hahahha

thats your name

Steph: sigh

me: the caps lock didnt seal it

Steph: hahaha no

me: urg
ok last chance
or should we keep our names

Steph: no they’re gay

me: ok

Steph: im asking rye
he’s smart

me: ok

Steph: spliffanie
he’s a genius

me: WOAH

Steph: i know

me: im jealous!

Steph: hahah ill ask for you

me: thank u

Steph: cannabis sativaymi

me: way too confusing

Steph: rollin raymi?

me: hmm
funny cheesy

Steph: brb

me: ok we can wrap it up now burn out

Steph: did i annoy you haha

me: HAHA no

lotsa ews

made good on that lazy ass thing and finally met with gym to have a reckoning. account is frozen, still paying. will have a 6 month credit with gym afterward whenever i like. whatevs. can’t get an appt with crazy doctor til early march. haven’t even seen the guy since before before the big change. will have to get chill pill refill from fam doc. notes to self.

and where do you think you are? her bf was barefoot too (at least kept his socks on) stroking her ass sides with his feet while reading in jogging pants. how long exactly is your go train travel you little lullaby land babies, can’t get comfers-cozers enough? uggs i spy down there, ‘course i do.

it was also FREEZING how hot do your feets get? bare feet in public places is just straight-up disgusting. disgusting for the person and super unhygienic. just gross. add to that jogging pants and the full circle of lazy display is complete. we get it you are in RELAXATION MODE.

ew again! what the hell is going on here why do we need to see the umbilical cord? and why is there a globe bubble inside of that woman? i think the guy who makes these has a wicked sense of humour actually.

i blog so you don’t have to

sorry to interrupt but my hair became amazing last nite. thanks bun!

how to get it? put it up in a bun the day after you wash it, have a bath and a brew, get out do your makeup, hang out be a sloth then take out your bun once you get a hair headache and be amazed by the cascade of beautiful flowing waves. the moisture/condensation/heat/steam from your tub soak is what does it then it dries all goofy fluffy princess-like taking on the curl of your bun.

fed the snake and he didn’t reject the mouse. good news. anyone want a jungle carpet python? he’s only a little bit vicious, not poisonous. he might even be a she, even.

in other news i’m pretty jazzed to have something new to stare at in the backyard.

soon enough little animals will be burrowing in you for shelter and hiding shit in you oh man it’s gonna be so sick! get ready for daily xmas tree updates. the dogs have graciously taken to pissing all over it.

nice check my little old lady future face.

sorry there norris.

dinner two.

that melba (what the hell is melba? does it mean stale or hard?) toast company finally got their act together and came out with some spicy toasts. very good i thumb up it.

i got tons!

my nose looks especially pointy here.