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lotsa ews

made good on that lazy ass thing and finally met with gym to have a reckoning. account is frozen, still paying. will have a 6 month credit with gym afterward whenever i like. whatevs. can’t get an appt with crazy doctor til early march. haven’t even seen the guy since before before the big change. will have to get chill pill refill from fam doc. notes to self.

and where do you think you are? her bf was barefoot too (at least kept his socks on) stroking her ass sides with his feet while reading in jogging pants. how long exactly is your go train travel you little lullaby land babies, can’t get comfers-cozers enough? uggs i spy down there, ‘course i do.

it was also FREEZING how hot do your feets get? bare feet in public places is just straight-up disgusting. disgusting for the person and super unhygienic. just gross. add to that jogging pants and the full circle of lazy display is complete. we get it you are in RELAXATION MODE.

ew again! what the hell is going on here why do we need to see the umbilical cord? and why is there a globe bubble inside of that woman? i think the guy who makes these has a wicked sense of humour actually.

41 thoughts on “lotsa ews

  1. bahaha

    a person who has attained eminence in his or her field or is an inspiration to others: one of the luminaries in the field of medical science.

  2. Well your making good on some of your resolutions, buying litte things you don’t need only weighs you down and adds to clutter
    You can put your gym membership on hold then which is good
    Negotiate another appt with your crazy Doctor then if he will.
    Why don’t you just call him your “therapist”, its in vogue.

    Good luck with the rest of your resoutions, its a great start!

  3. haha, just in case the stupid among us couldn’t disambiguate the symbol: PREGNANT WOMEN ONLY. NOT JUST FATTIES OR PEOPLE WITH ABDOMNIAL TUMORS.

  4. bare feet is totally awesome, feet wouldn’t smell so bad if people weren’t constantly puttin them into boots and shoes. you could walk onto a plane or train and take up two seats and smell like scotch and a wet dog and no one’s gonna kick you off but as soon as you kick your shoes off you get a flight attendant tellin you to put ‘em back on. ever stupid, my feet are clean.

  5. no one wants to clean up your blood if you step on glass

    and you will

    also lots of people have feet issues, i personally don’t despite this post. it’s cool on hippies in a field, not in a supermarket. also it looks cuckoo.

  6. fine i’ll keep my shoes on, on the bus but now i am a barefoot on the plane advocate because they don’t even give you glass and they let all kinds of skidlets and their pets on the plane, let a dude tell his shoes to fuck off for a couple few hours big deal.

  7. ive seen people cutting their toenails on the GO train before. not ripping them off, like taking out nail clippers and self grooming. grosssssssssss.

    also i have something to tell you and you’re not gonna like it- taking up smoking weed is not going to aid you in being less lazy.

  8. havent you seen those dateline specials on all the semen and bacteria and filth they found on planes, theatres, hotels etc etc with black lights and other tests. have fun!

  9. P.S. Have you laid on your new bed yet with a bun in your hair and then sat up only to find that it’s someone become entangled on the swirleys on the headboard. Look forward to it.

  10. i woke up and came to a realisation every morning and afternoon and in those evenings I’m not watching old beta copys of “nowhere man” i find myself reading this blog,

    and by the way it’s not because the lack of renegade re runs in australia its because its not that its wrong its its right and the wrong becomes right

  11. winter bare feet sweating into go train upholstery

    i’ve done socks on a plane that is understandable. 40 minute go train ride? no.

  12. weed makes me totally do stuff that wouldn’t be fun if i weren’t stoned enough to enjoy the drug’s impact on the boring thing i’m doing

  13. and i actually like feet but yeah guy feet needn’t be flaunted and barefoot in public is not necessary unless you’re at the beach.

    the worst is when you see girls at bars or areas around bars stumbling around barefoot holding their ridiculous heels. i’m SURE that there’s not broken glass around all these drunk people holding glasses…surely not!

    it’s like get comfortable shoes, fool.

  14. barefoot wedding dancing is the only exception cos everyone has blisters from brand new fancy shoes and standing all day but haha on the glass thing too funny

    haha jenny yeah my toes are all doing the wave

  15. Bare feet/snuggie attire in public transit or in public anywhere bespeaks an oblivious sense of middle class entitlement that is basically rude; also impractical and unsafe at a few should-be-very-obvious levels. That they are Making Somewhat Of A Show of it, too, is rage-inducing. What is it about contemporary culture that leaches away some people’s common sense about what is and is not appropriate public behavior? It may be a question of parental upbringing.

    A great man once called Weed an assistant, and a friend. It is a useful substance as a matter of subjective choice. May I glibly sound an alert that Lazy Is As Lazy Does. Also: is a contemplative euphoric state lazy? The more subtle affect, to this correspondent, is more the drug’s affect of hyper kinetic crappy judgment in assessed value of subject’s imaginative ideation.

    (How much pretentiousness, above? How much can you stand?)

  16. yack! i just threw major chunkage!

    that fatty with her sasquatch feet make me sick. if you have big flipper feet i dont think they should ever be out in public, even the beach. get lost porkchop!

    the worst shit ever are men with hairy toes wearing teva’s….ughhh blahh!

  17. Everyone should go to crazy doctors–the world would be a better place! Don’t ever take a black light to your bathroom–oof!

  18. if this is too nosy or unnecessary, understood, but what kind of chill pills do you take? Asking cause I took some for awhile and they didn’t help nearly as much as I’d hoped. Forget which ones now. I kept asking my doctor to give me something different and she just kept saying to “give them time, try upping the dose”.. did.. didn’t help. I need help!

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