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incomin’ out clubbin’ nite lovin’

AUGUST 2008 ARCHIVES one year ago this month some shit happened!

hi chirpies, it’s facebook graffiti fan-art sharing time!

drunk blog post with steph.


we decided to spend the beginning of our hangover at cheese boutique, such a good idea.

holy shit-disturbing game much?

fil rearranged the furniture so now i am facing the other side of the room, it’s bomb dude! now when we bang on the couch the building across the way’s view of our performance will be totally better. here look it’s me about to shove an onion ring in my face, probably the same one i later barfed up in my mouth and the last one i will eat for a loooooooong time.

what is up

wicked, a dirty chick thinks we are losers. why would you instantly assume over a snippet of conversation that we’re beach snobs, fuck you idiot, i love that beach.

whenever i get interviewed about this piece of shit blog, i’m always asked how or why i started blogging and i always credit this guy…

the first time i met pierre the dog. i was also blasted.

unicorn love.

had to return that green bell. no bells exist for road bikes like fils’, he is still bellless. maybe if i tell his mom she will force him to get one. apparently they are insanely expensive to have custom-made/fitted.

august 2007 archives part deux.

i’ve strayed too far from the original point of this journal and have allowed all your sensitive-susan’s opinions shit up my vision. you know what i mean? i’m not a giant asshole who walks around screaming at people, i merely share stories on my blog about stupid assholes who get my goat cos i find it entertaining, as do many others. i go out in the world and shit either happens to me or around my immediate vicinity and then i friggin’ blog about it, simple. if you live in a city and frequently go out, the probability of some jerkoff lipping at you for no good reason is pretty high (and i don’t even write about every little thing that occurs) but you wouldn’t know that would you from behind your safe little computer desk in suburbia, so stick to your martha stewart crafts webring in the future maybe?

wow guess i blogged a lot august 2007.

i will probably be wearing it in a dream tonite.

still awesome. sites like these were created with me in mind.

it takes a long time but god dies too but not before he’ll stick it to you

the only sunglasses available in kensington are those dumb kanye west things and yeah, basically anything kanye west ever shitted up.

and OMG bernie mac is dead!? wtf!?

someone touched my laundry!


we went to the arms to kill time during that ridiculous downpour, all of which funneled itself onto my fucking soul from just dashing car to bar, steph choked and lingered way too long under the awning where all the tropical buckets of rain were sloshing the most she’s like WHAT DO I DO i’m like OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!

kinda hard tunes to groove to and sometimes the shy just takes over.

breakfast of champions in the afternoonz

dudes i’m stacked!

man crush

i sincerely hope you burn in hell, i would tell you to get a life, but we both know that is never fucking going to happen.

how to slutify a t-shirt.

before coffee/after coffee

you cheating asshole

i should start wearing that more often.



oh god i’m turning into one of those “you keep me young” chicks GROAN brutal!

oh and thanks everyone for the push-up bra quips THEY’RE NOT PUSH-UP BRAS just reg. bras with like a mile thick layer of foam. i’m not as flat as i look, the way my jublies party is like a wonky-eyed dude with both pupils pointing in opposite directions but when you stuff ‘em in a bra, up they go all that stretched-out overlooked area and BAM! i’m stacked.

go fly a kite eh

There was probably a time when I reloaded Raymi’s blog more than my own email, mostly because she actually updates that much (we could take a cue). This was a revelation– a time-killing mega-distraction on a pre-Mark Zuckerberg Internet. For some, it’s hard to pinpoint the appeal of her blog, outside of the blankfaced voyeurism it affords with little to no censorship. Its been referred to as everything from performance art to soft porn (and thus occasionally blocked on the computers of those with real-people jobs), and she gets written about by everyone from Eye Weekly to Drunken Stepfather. I dunno, we just like her. And other people must too because she has lots of those weird little Best Blog in Canada/the-Universe awards on her site, and more hits than we could dream of this side of becoming a Warren Kinsella hate forum. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt her rad factor that she’s related to Jack Kerouac.

fwah. there’s not a chance in hell a hipster would deem ME a hipster, all hipsters are islands of themselves, i wouldn’t even be on their radar. the point is, that article is a hack piece and didn’t unearth anything i didn’t already know four years ago.

i would also like to add that never in my life have i been cut off at a bar, i have been swinging from chandalier style trashed performing floor gymnastics and the like and not once have i been tapped on the shoulder. (we still don’t drink at this place we have held true to our blacklisting that shit scene also they fired the karaoke guy too so extra no reason to go there).

flying dildo

phil what do you want to do tonite?

part two archives later on xoxoxoxo

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