Monthly Archives: January 2009
this blackout is serious shit
allison is on her way over to shower, another affected zone dwelling friend. yes yes come to my palace, bring coffee, oh and i’m low on shampoo and conditioner bring that too. people keep calling from the burbs to check on me i feel so bad for everyone else, apparently every street is packed with people walking, braving the cold. eerie.
i just had to skidster clean the shower for her while i showered, best time to do it.
my face has erupted in zits and the one on my neck that was slowly fading away, welp it’s got a new friend RIGHT BELOW IT. awesome. there’s a huge crater on my right cheek.
britt and i watched leatherheads last nite – let me save you the trouble – all it is is george clooney over-doing facial expressions for 2+ VERY SLOW hours and Renée Zellweger wrinkling up her face as tiny as it can go with lots of red lipstick on (ps i love her). some guy from the office is in it too. i think i laughed negative 4 times. the old timeyness was appreciated, everything else did not deliver.
i was just thinking about how i wanted to tan today so i won’t look like such a ghost tomorrow on the court but i think the salon i go to would probably be out of power, also, the idea of superbedding whilst people are freezing in their homes feels like the biggest prick move to pull at the moment. kind of hilarious in a way though.
we got matching tube socks for tomorrow, i’m going to draw a tiny star on one of my cheeks with black eyeliner and fill it in with pink blush, JEM kinda. also i’ll wear my ghetto adidas jersey for show between games.
fil got wallabies for 80 bucks, i hate him.
but there is hope for me cos they’re uk sizes, i’m a women’s 8 north american, so uk men’s that’s a 7, not a men’s 6 north american which is what i would need. yeah the math makes absolutely no sense to me either.
have you seen this thing yet?
blackout toronto
check it. we is fine over here at camp raymi, though fil is out on the town, we are just borderline in the safe.
Last Updated by National Post 2 minutes ago
Flooding in a hydro sub-station is the cause of the blackout, according to Toronto Police.
Reports say that Toronto Hydro crews are on the scene but there’s no word on when power will be restored. fight the power
yikes guys, and it’s fucking cold cold cold get warm somehow!
this reminds me when my crazy roommate moved out and flipped the furnace switch off on us on the coldest winter nite ever and we had no idea all bundled up in one room and she called with total guilt in her voice inviting us over of course couldn’t simply come out and admit to what she did even said well did you check the switch and i guffawed why would i do that? maintenance dude shows up next morning and says someone flipped the switch off, furnace is fine. cunt. yeah i know you did that psycho. on a nite exactly as cold as tonite if not worse.
anyway, raw deal, i feel quite extravagant at the moment what with the tv on right now and the xmas lites and a light. i just ran down to fil’s car to give britt our headlamp as her new apt. is in the affected zone, she’s fuckin’ off to the burbs for some heat and light.
we also called the cops on a loon in the park earlier who was swinging away screaming mumbo jumbo songs at the top of his lungs in this siberian climate, once the po po showed he booked it though. britt called, team toronto that girl. we were concerned for his mental state and the frostbite. anyway. hey.
errr this is how crazzy i was
OH AND IT’S OFFICIAL I WON IT! i’m going to celebrate by OD’ing on chinese delivery, wine, and the gayest movie there is on video on demand with britt.
**came to my senses, took it down.
snowy drive from raymi lauren on Vimeo.
the whale he roamed the lonely sea
this is the hustle, it looks way better when the whole room is doing it, and to an actual disco song, AND if you leave out the stupid I AM DANCING RIGHT NOW face. my grade seven teacher taught our entire class how to do it we had so much fun we chose to skip last recess to do it more. ha. i fuck up the first sequence of it though, you’re supposed to twirl with your fingers pointed up in the air not roll ‘em like a fucking whatever raffle drum? the raffle drum part comes after the fingers pointed spinning part.
i am happy to announce that in wii fit i have unlocked all of the stamps and the last one is a stamp of my mii character’s face!
last nite we (sass, caitlin, britt) ate at kilgour’s before heading over to steamwhistle – our server was smitten with britt and pumped to be serving a table of chicks, but then everything went to shit, he was overwhelmed by how many inquiries we made (separate bills, waters, a HUGE curly hair implanted in one of britt’s french fries, more mayonnaise etc etc) however i went with the wings so i was solid until i felt a panic attack coming on so i had to have some white wine and part of a chill pill and play head games with myself. panic attacks are so embarrassing, you commonly want your party to see you as aloof and it is such a feat to appear calm and well normal meanwhile you feel like you’re suffocating and the walls are closing in and other stupid metaphors. i know stress is the trigger and i can be fine all day long then blammo once finally out on the move it rears its ugly face. natch whatever, thankfully it didn’t stick around long, i was going to be super pissed if i had to miss out on my wings (you cannot mix food with anxiety, just doesn’t work).
where was i, oh yeah, the service was a little fucked up and i specifically blame britt’s blond hair (compliment) and cute face. next time take-out ok? sass had the platter, she dug it. i really like it when your friend orders something off the menu you’ve never seen before, you get to size it up for next time.
on saturday fil and i are doing charity dodgeball, we did it last year and i am so amped for it cos i’m in better shape (we were sore for a week after playing, it was ridiculous) than i was last year and our outfits will be sexier. we were mr. dodger’s neighbourhood and that was a cute idea in concept but come on, running around in a cardigan sweater is retarded, we just threw them on the benches. this year our team’s theme is oldschool ballerz, so now i have an american apparel knee socks excuse, two pairs too cos fil is going to need them. i’m going to wear short shorts and some kind of tank? bikini top? any ideas? does anyone have bling i can borrow? fil and i were also scooped up first off the bat in the draft, they saw our mad skills, i hope our team is stacked! we came in second place last year it was SO SO close. i am not the best thrower (cos the balls are sponge, it’s like trying to launch a balled up piece of paper and you throw your shoulder out over and over and over again) but i am really fast and agile when it comes to dodging and i have staying power to have another person come back on in after a minute is up of me pulling stupid dance mock dodge poses and smack talk.
lastly, this is how you can apply for my LEOPARD PRINT ONESIES giveaway thank you for voting for me – leave a comment stating that you voted for me, however many times or just that you simply voted, i will collect all these names, write them on a piece of a paper, put them in a hat and film myself drawing TWO NAMES (one onesie each). also type your name first and last as well as nickname if you have one (some of you have the same names).
thanks bro.
hello sirs
yeah yeah yeah vintage fur blah blah snoooze. i never got the whole IT’S VINTAGE justification, so bullshit, (no offense world) yeah it happened before you were born but so what, you bought it. blood is on your hands too. ps you look like a mental case who are you, whitney houston?
person 1: is that a fur coat?
person 2: it’s vintage
person 1: is it real fur
person 2: vintage fur
person 1: ok, and that solves what exactly?
person 2: it’s ok because IT’S VINTAGE
person 1: how so?
person 2: JUST BECAUSE
person 1: superb argument i’m convinced!
that being said, i love this coat.
the one time i make a go at steph‘s big scarf another girl turns up wearing the exact same one.
little impy came out despite being sickly. we did the photobooth there and the pictures came out very dark, if you ask the bartender nicely for two loonies for your toonie he gives you tokens. i’m going to scan them in and get fil to lighten them up.
the man of the hour i wanted to bring him a flower but they only had gross dried out antique looking forest garbage at sobeys so i got him his favourite instead, garlic bagel crisps which we all slaughtered by nite’s end.
paddy jane’s outfit was amazing.
check that one piece red velour number and you can see me asking the dj for fifty songs she didn’t have.
these are jeff‘s pictures (you can see the rest of the set there) he knew raymi before raymi was raymi too, don’t bother asking him for stories though.
hi everyone coming from here my hits are ‘sploding!
what am i drying my fucking nails here?
Matthew: what time are you heading to steamwhistle?
me: 6 or so maybe be there a bit after
Matthew: cool, I’ll probably get there at like 7
I have to pick up my tux for my brother’s wedding
me: ahh
are u going to wear it
you should
fil is wearing work clothes
Matthew: hahaha
that would be awesome
me: that would be SOOOOOO funny
Matthew: I can’t fuck it up though
me: then you can be uptight about it all nite long
Matthew: just in case anything happens
me: omg that would be the funniest surprise ever fil would laugh his head off
Matthew: oh my god that would be so fucking cool though
me: like dumb and dumber
Matthew: bahahahahahaha
me: except u are one-upping fil at his own show
me: PLEASE do it
im going to sort of dress up
well wear tights and a dress at least
Matthew: I totally can’t, what if I spill shit on it or something
me: dude there’s nothing to spill other than beer and that comes right out
are you planning to fall into some red wine
Matthew: you never know how the night will go
it could happen!
me: oh man
Matthew: I fall in some pudding or something
There’s mud wrestling there
me: well i think it would be one of your more greater accomplishments in life if you just started wearing a tuxedo
like as your new thing
other than socks and shoes mainly being your thing
Matthew: it would be quite awesome
me: you dont have the balls for it tho
Matthew: my brother totally wanted to get dumb and dumber tuxedos for the groom’s men actually but the wife vetoed it
hahahaha what are you trying reverse psychology??
like if you dare me to do it I will?
I think you’d know me enough by now that I totally would
me: im just saying if you have an eccentric thing, you stand out – an eccentric mess is always appreciated
i dare you to wear your tuxedo tonite
i am posting this conversation
Matthew: you should buy me a blue tuxedo with frills
me: and then if pictures turn up tomorrow of me and you and you in your tux you will come out looking like a champ
Matthew: I would totally wear it
dude, I can’t wear it. If it was mine yes, but it’s rented and 2 days before the wedding
me: bok bok
Matthew: wow, that is totally gonna work
me: hahaha fuck you fine just wear your regular shit garbage
Matthew: I will, I’ll be dressed like you
me: pantyhose?
Matthew: no, I mean the male version
me: i already dress like a man
Matthew: haha how do you figure that?
me: well there are certain manly things i add to my wardrobe
sloppy shit
Matthew: dude, it’s all in your mind
I never once thought you dress “manly”
me: you’re all in your mind
Matthew: crazy, yes. manly, no
me: well i guess the perception i have of myself is a little outdated
Matthew: you dress normal girly, maybe you’re thinking of your lesbo short hair cut from 30 years ago
me: 30 years ago!
it looked kinda how yours does now
Matthew: yeah, you’re like what, 47 now?
me: i am going to charlie horse you
Matthew: hahahahaha
me: i dont dress nearly as crazy as i used to when i was actually crazy
Matthew: I was just fucking with you cause you write it on your blog, I don’t think you dress crazy
me: like punched out lenses sunglasses and lipstick on my teeth
i didnt take it to heart nothing you say affects me
Matthew: I think the lipstick on the teeth thing happens with old age
I read about it yesterday
nothing to heart? not even nice things?
me: when was the last time you said something nice to me
and im kidding
Matthew: I know
lipstick teeth explained!
me: dude that is like the only place you get your information from, the only links you ever send me are from cracked
Matthew: hahaha it’s part of my lunch reading along with your blog
and porn
me: so you are becoming progressively more stupid with each passing day
Matthew: by reading your blog, yes
me: and cracked
i lobbed you that one purposely
Matthew: there was no other way I could respond to that
me: you were supposed to one-up not barely match it redundantly
ok i have to pick out a shit garbage outfit now
Matthew: I’m working at the same time
I’ll be at the top of my game as always tonight
me: wicked!