i’m gonna ween myself off of zoloft, first go back to 50mg then 25 then nothing and if i become grossly depressed i will try effexor. zoloft made me gain weight i now realise after discussing this with many crazy bitches who ALL gained weight from it and even a dude and dude’s don’t lie.
Monthly Archives: May 2006
Sent : May 30, 2006 4:42:48 AM
To : Raymi Lauren
| | | Inbox
we exchanged emails a little while back…
since my initial transmission and response i have come to realize that you are a
bit of a blog celebrity… what is that like?
that doesn’t really require any answer, it was more of a rhetorical, absurd life
position ahoy, question.
absurd in the sense that you seem to be a great voice from some sort of
non-hipster hipster section of society that i am rarely exposed to. excuse the
use of the term hipster. fuck hipsters. non-hipster hipster only has minor
connections to hipsterhood.
regardless, my uninformed stumble upon a few of your works inspired me to start
a blog… i guess i thought it would be a good release. and your wit provided me
with some evidence that not all the people who had blogs were in the generic
douche category.
i would be much obliged if you took a minute to check it out.
not exactly because i am looking for blog celebrity recognition gratification,
but somewhat… it is all so new and EXCITING!!!!!
more because it was a partial influence thing… maybe you will find that cute
or disgusting or nothing. irrelevant.
maniacaldeviant.blogspot.com is the address
and one quick question.
do you try to avoid making yourself the absolute source of your writing
meaning, do you try to stay away from always pulling intricate messages from
your own complex shit?
to disjoint this even more, is it improv based on information you have
synthesized or is it all from the subjective realm of interpretting your own
that might be one simpler question, but i couldn’t get it together.
good luck with your writing
enjoy the drinking
life is just so real. sweet.
$8 ADV/$10 DOOR
Hello Friends,
Perhaps you have always thought about coming to see the Creeping Nobodies, but kept telling yourself “Oh, I’ll catch the next show. There’s beer here at home and I want to watch the game.” Or perhaps you’ve come before , got really sweaty, and forgot all about the game. At any rate, we have a very special show coming up this Friday, June 2nd at the Horseshoe. It is the CD release show for our new album, Sound of Joy, that’s been two years in the making. We recorded most of it in NYC with Wharton Tiers at Fun City Studios, and it is our great pleasure to announce that his band, The Wharton Tiers Ensemble, will also be performing! For those that don’t know, Tiers has recorded and produced bands such as Sonic Youth, and played drums for the Theoretical Girls (late 70’s NYC no wave). Ryvyr will also be performing, which I am told is a psych band featuring members of Jon Ray and the River. Opening the show will be Wyrd Visions, who also just released an album, which is AMAZING. Craig Dunsmuir will be DJing, and I promise you that the man has excellent taste. Do not sleep on this!
Special advance tickets are available at Rotate This and Soundscapes. The tickets are a limited edition run of microfiche slides. We rip off the stub at the show, and you keep the microfiche as an album insert. If you take it to the library (or anywhere with a microfiche reader), you can view photos, artwork by our friends, notebook pages of lyrics, and more.
See the attached files for a copy of the poster and photo of the ticket!
I hope to see you all there!
fil and i went to see x-men 3 last nite and it was awful, i mean, it was good but still pretty bad and i have never seen so many loners in a theatre before in my life. one guy in front of us was talking and squealing to himself THE ENTIRE TIME. the acting was terrible, the dialogue was cheesy, the outlandish costumes of the rogue punk mutants were embarrassing and right from the beginning of the movie it’s like immediately accepted that mutants and humans live amongst one another but then five minutes later humans are all WE HAVE A MUTANT CURE!
also a cute thing, after EVERY movie fil and i go to see, for the next 24 hours, fil, IS, the, movie. after mission impossible he was like, a spy. last nite he was logan aka wolverine and he does all these superhero poses and pretends to stab me through my chest. then he hid in the dark in the livingroom when we got home and i just walked into the bedroom instead cos i knew he was there, i turned around fast, flicked on the lights and there he was crouching like wolverine with his invisible claws out and cid was sitting beside him just like, sitting there.
so scary.
oh yeah after the credits there is an extra scene, do not bother waiting for it, unless you are stoned or wasted – it will piss you off, it is maybe 15 seconds long and the credits are like 4 minutes long. not worth it. i could just tell you what the scene is now if you want.
nol says:
went to the famous Gellert Baths. had to put a hug4e deposit down to borrow a towel. naturally someone stole my towel. the staff encouraged me to go out and steal someone elses towel. Now i’m writing them a terse letter.
raymi says:
oh my god
raymi says:
did you steal someones towel
nol says:
in amsterdam i get lost a lot and it always takes me an hour to get to a place that always ends up being 10 minutes from where we were
nol says:
..i tried! i stole a wall clock instead
nol says:
maybe i’ll mention that in my letter
raymi says:
raymi says:
how much was the towel deposit
nol says:
“couldnt find a towel, but on the former recommendation of your staff to steal something else, i opted for one of your clocks!”
raymi says:
raymi says:
so you didnt get yer deposit back right
nol says:
it was like, 30 bucks
nol says:
yeah, burn on me
raymi says:
they prolly get people to steal towels on purpose
raymi says:
little inside job
nol says:
raymi says:
when they see a tourist sucker like you
nol says:
but dont know how theyd cash in, unless they could print fake deposit slips.. which, yeah, im sure they could figure out
nol says:
nol says:
what’d hungary be, anyway, if you didnt get people trying to rip you off every hour
raymi says:
well like no towel no deposit back, simple as that
raymi says:
what else happened
nol says:
nol says:
ate zebra in amsterdam
raymi says:
raymi says:
nol says:
yeah, feeling a touch guilty
nol says:
like game meat, but sweeter
raymi says:
raymi says:
i had venison once and deer and it was gross and raw
raymi says:
could u see the black and white striped flesh
raymi says:
raymi says:
did they give you zebra striped cutlery
nol says:
nah, just the meat
nol says:
nah, it was a south african resto
nol says:
they had alligator too
raymi says:
and a hat like crocodile dundee
raymi says:
nol says:
and other plains meats
raymi says:
fucking potheads
raymi says:
nol says:
nah, totally not that kinda place
raymi says:
i was making an amsterdam joke
nol says:
there’s a strong restaurant scene in ams
nol says:
surprisingly ggood
nol says:
budapest was all crap food
raymi says:
so when are u able to get me my bike lock so i can buy a new bike?
nol says:
and pretty $$$
nol says:
im seeing lucas today. i’ll ask
raymi says:
nol says:
i was preoccupied over the past coupla weeks
raymi says:
its stupid hot out
raymi says:
yes i know
i love car-free kensington sundays. fil went on an eating tour. we put the leather chairs on the balcony and finished reading the mist then watched our stories then uh, other stuff. it is ludicrously hot outside. ttc strike. fun.