Hey all Happy September!
Boy, time flies like an arrow fruit flies like a banana Hey-oh!
Hi ma. Nice seein’ ya last week I’ll be in the hood again today so holla at’cher girl.
Instagram stories crop your pic like so. Meh. Sorry for phoning it in, this is us Friday on our way up north.
Yesterday at my friend Tamara’s building. Love these colours.
On my travels last night. I like creepy things… empty, haunting spaces at night.
I’m a TTC convert now. Sucks when there’s delays now I get the pain of the city when shit shuts down. Hating myself moreso for allowing the uber addiction and fear of public transportation rule me and my bank account what a waste I am still paying for *swan dives off a cliff*.
Mad love for this work space.
I’d wager that the owner of this Porsche is a fun person.
Or they are colour blind.
Last weekend was beautiful weather more of that, yo!
Two things. First thing, this was terribly hilarious to me at the time and the second thing is I thought it would sell this side of the bed and be more appealing. We fight over not sleeping on the inside of the bed and it worked, well I won but the unicorn didn’t actually help.
The first day of fall is in 3 days, Sept 22 *swan dives off an even bigger cliff*.
Random street pose. Dena my work gal pal indulges this behaviour big time.
I am impressed that the food at the Rhino is not as shitty as I last recall and the service is slightly less offensively slow too. It’s not the Rhino unless you recognize at least 5 people on the patio or walking by, as I did.
Burrito bowl with pulled chicken and tons of basmati rice beneath it was very good and I was an in a state of emotional eating so I ate all of it. Next time I’d share. Sometimes there is no off button for my eating/consumption like some morbidly obese people are afflicted by. I try not to live to eat but eat to live but who am I kidding it’s the former for certain.
There was a fire drill last week so I went here to use the bathroom then bumped into some colleagues and it turned into the best fire drill ever. I was not enthused by it being the day after 9/11 being in a claustrophobic stairwell crammed with people holy jeez. I use those stairs all the time anyway instead of the elevator because I’m a hyper-hypo and also yeah PTSD I need to just flee and not rely on elevators personally, and there’s those types in a crowd who will go slow and fuck it up for the rest of us and then the fast ones who will carve out a path through the herd and guess which type I am.
Another pig out day. This is after we both had a shawarma. Saw a sign for 2 for 9.50 (a great deal!) and it was delicious so much so we stayed and ordered a plate I think I immediately passed out when we got home. Great success! This week I’m doing a healthier thing so shush it up buttercups.
Last Monday or was it Tuesday, was it a long weekend last weekend? Anyway, whatever day this was was so depressing and rainy I hated it. I had to go around town to get some shit done, didn’t realize the agency I was going to had moved. So I got to spend extra time in the rain and I chose this particular course because there was a florist shoppe nearby it was all supposed to pan out from the train station I chose to travel to blah blah I kept it cool but it’s funny all the horrible thoughts that can go through one’s mind when they’re walking in the city rain. It was worth stopping to take this cute pic.
If you’re going to give flowers get something that lasts.
I may or may not have added one of these to the orchids. I JUST CANT HELP IT I’M A JAPANESE GIRL TRAPPED UP IN HURRRR.

Toronto gardens are adorable. I love those limited space ones in L’il Italy or wherever that are jam packed with crazy shit!
If you wanna come by for some backgammon lemme know.
Delish bday drank with Dena. I feel like I got a lot out of summer but I also feel like it whizzed right on by too quickly.
Weird pose I don’t care I love this dress Dena needed to go stress shopping at Winners one day at lunch time and I’m the one who ended up spending more oh well worth it. I love this dress however there is a gigantic black stain on the back from grease or some oil. Sadness. I bet I’ll wear it around xmas time for sure.
Another Raymazing pose don’t care I felt hot this day so I am owning it.

Hi again. This is what happens when you blog once a month you have a collection of hoarded photos.
TTYL thanks for dropping in these super posts take hella long and I promise you won’t have to wait a month for the next one.
You heard the sidewalk.