That drunkard made me film him. Annoying. Back to packing now. And grabbing travel insurance.
Tag Archives: st. patrick’s day
You have everything I don’t want

Hey guys spent the weekend realizing my dream of being a hotel mall rat it was awesome. Splurged on the fam-damily too since I’m stuck around them all the time anyway. Plus my bro never really lives it up like Tray Cray and I. We had my niece let ‘em live a little and it’s my birthday month, beginning of March break for the Hailster before we know it she’s going to be too cool for us. We stayed at the Sheraton and had a rockstar blast. I’ve stayed there many times before I have a lot of history with the big S haha and I breathed a sigh of relief when a ton of shit was forgotten off our bill at check-out.
We had girl’s night mom and I at Milestoners yesterday the first non-hotel meal I think? 4 Bellinis and 4 apps for 40 pretty deece and some personal water bottle vodky may or may not have made its way in to our glasses mom was like nobody cares don’t worry. It’s interesting hanging out with her because we constantly fight but we understand each other, are resigned to the lack of patience but just deal anyway I appreciate her more than she knows or will let her.
I love the underground PATH of Toronto. How you can avoid being cold can catch glimpses of the city’s underbelly these mini fast food places, this photo makes me happy because it is sad. It confirms the sadness I feel afflicted with day in and out. A hobo was sleeping off to the left I didn’t at first notice. I don’t think people should sweep homelessness under the rug ever. I appreciate everything in life that I have and I accept my shitty short comings. My mom’s compassion for the down-trodden is a huge inspiration to me. At first I felt it exploitative but now I see it as kind and honest.
It’s an eccentricity linked-to thing, I’ve inherited it too. Colourful people and life is what my decade-plus blog’s foundation is built upon. I believe in self-improvement and the nostalgia-effect of a hotel staged as backdrop to certain periods of my life is sentimental. Everyone has a favoured hotel with sentimental attachment. It can be a home away from home when away from home and the constant flow of strangers, travelers, each as intriguing as the last perhaps, always an exciting tale around every hallway corner or lobby shadow throw in a pool and let the games begin.
The bonus excitement of it being St. Pat’s weekend was palpable. It’s no mystery I adore escapism so this struck each glory nerve. I am super under-socialized, like always I feel no matter what the hell is going on in my life so it’s like going in to the belly of the attention beast trap. I dunno, people at fashion week for example in the phoney world of that might be accustom to forced socialized pressures of “an event” in a different way than one might at say a hotel lobby where people of all walks are being real, for real. I prefer real. It’s been said of me in photos at events that it’s strained and the look on my face is obvious, it doesn’t mean I don’t like being there I just don’t like certain people who act funky to me there like they know me, I prefer the anonymous kindness of strangers to the pretense of Oh, so you’re here faces.
My birthday falls on Easter this year. Whaddup JC.

I made it to the liqbo before it closed on Sunday at five through throngs of drunks cutting through the mall on their pub thrush breathers. I missioned it through the mall I wasn’t sure what our night plans were going to be but I wanted champers and vodky on standby just in case to avoid ordering room $ervice. Some rummies eyed my precious bag of booze and had me worried I’d have to throw down.
Secret side door smoking section.
View zoom in.
H & S stayed for Saturday night only this was saying bye while waiting for valet.
Bellini accoutrement.
Can’t believe how long she lasted up there.
Fads are fleeting so I’d pass on these pinks but if I was platinum I’d consider them.
I should have bought that scarf hat thing
So gorgeous. I passed this display a hundred times.
So many still lifes. A lot of photos are still sending I gave up have to get ready for gym soon anyway. I’ll try again tomorrow.
The Irish bar smelled like barf so we decided to have a pool/hot tub girl party instead waaaaaaaay better idea.
Marnie was wearing this shirt on Girls last night Shannon pointed out to me which means I am clairvoyant because I bought it Saturday. Hers is likely the designer version of it but anyway it’s gone now cos there was a tear in the sleeve and although it’s really flattering the colour it’s a bit of a one-trick pony so I exchanged it for a cardigan and some jewelry. I didn’t buy it for St. Patrick’s Day either I just love this colour plus according to Sephora emerald is the colour of the year aka anything green which compliments my hair tone like cray. We stayed here long enough for mom to film the Irish dancing girls, didn’t bother ordering a drink and bounced.
Shannon’s scarf is famous guess why.
See how my shirt is static clinging itself to my body lol.
Pretty mom. I’ll blawg her pics later.
Someone made a wise choice and left this behind. OR it was the last one ahha.
Outfit win. They were sweethearts.
His purse matched mine haha. We didn’t want to engage so kept it at that.
I wanted to see Oz but mom doesn’t like fantasy movies WTF!!!!! We saw The Impossible and bawled our eyes out infinity times instead yeah cool story Tracey. Great flick though. Gripping.
Power Puff girls were here.
I would not shout that one out.
Time to hit the treadmill it’s Treadmill Tuesday don’tchaknow.