Here’s just a quickie post to link my two videos from yesterday’s busy day.

There’s never any time before you’re off to the next thing! I have to start going to bed sooner and waking up earlier.
Yesterday we went to the National Post building for an art show exhibit of Gina Godfrey’s amazing work, entitled GUESS. It was a bonus to bump into two peeps from the social media scene I know, one of which said I inspired her big time at my talk 8 years ago way back when (I’ll link to that blog post when I get a chance to)…
I love Saucy minx Glenda! She came to that talk I was just mentioning earlier and the other said a ton of incredible stuff to me too that really lifted me up. It’s good to be back in the scene again doing stuff. Then I met a new friend/prospective client which was the hat trick to that event. Note how I leave the party telling everyone to “enjoy their time”. Smooth. But then it gets even funnier after that actually.
Popped over to Coco Lezzone for the rebirth party which was packed to the tits with beautiful people everywhere. I’ll be featuring the event on my new brand friendly site so look for it when that launches. Have to get ready for paddleboarding now. Excited. Lots to share soon as I have the time to. Meeting with lit agent tonight oh god summer is flyin’ by.
Have a great day!