Hey friendlies!
TB PT.II is #happeningnow. Pt. I can be found here if you missed it FYI (I got you!)
Monday, am I right?

Oh, it’s time to go now? Well, fine then.

Lets see y’alls maneuver this big bobble head at the end of the night. Yeah I don’t care, love being a bit of a ham. Life is about fun.
These are going backward it’s the only way I can save my sanity and get through covering the madness of this event.
RSSR looked at this picture and was like, “Why?” it blew my mind he didn’t know why? “WHY!?” It’s all red matching omfg is WHY!”

The last room where anything was happening at the end of the night, meaning, the only dance party WITH A BAR OPEN. Can you smell the desperation? (Mine?) Lol.
This was a weird conversation and I don’t remember any of it.
That’s my hand. Awkward. This is the smoking area of Theatre Bizarre.
Do you know why masks are creepy? I read somewhere it’s because they are lifelike, but not and we start to engage with the mask, knowing altruistically it’s false human contact and barriered but we’re drawn to it still. Whatever!
Roxi D’lite killed it. She’s phenomenal. A great friend of my great friends. So great!
Lizzy’s awesome bangle.
One of my favourite costumes.

He’s asking if he can pick me up and balance me I’m like no chance bro I have been on a horse before I know how this ends. Maybe if we were in a pool together. Maybe.

That chick rubbed her foot on my shoulder as he was talking to me and now it’s like my favourite thing in the world. Have you ever had a bare foot tap you on the shoulder before? Go ask someone to do it to you but make sure their foot is covered in gymnast chalk first.
I asked if he was uncle Fester? By way of, “Addam’s Family, that guy?” Whatever I said I was wrong and I don’t remember the answer and it’s a girl beneath this cloak which befuddled me cos I am sexist like that. Befuddled!
What’s my mask count at now?
Roxi the renowned burlesque dancer is reason enough to brag here but the top hat guy is Theatre Bizarre creator, man behind the curtains and oh so umble about it blabbitry blah. I guess it’s like patient Zero for Burning Man. Those who know, know, basically. Nobody really applauds anyone for anything in Toronto so I don’t mind fangirling artists, my muses. My blog is basically my diary anyway (and sponsored by Bud Light).
A moment. Yes yes. Raymbo’s always gotta be in there eh.
What am I talking about? Probably nothing at all, which is the way to charm people who “are important”. It has taken me 32 years to figure this out.
My friend told me yesterday I was getting better looking with age and that it was weird. HAHAH Thanks buddy.
If you say you are from Canada you can do anything you want. Hall Pass! Do the mashed potato in the middle of someone’s conversation… lick a girl’s face as seen above. Anything and it’s yours.
I see, I see. This is the lanyard of someone who is scary as well as breathtakingly smart and makes taxidermy animal installations. Lots of prodigies milling about the grounds of the Masonic Temple.
Like this guy. So much went into this party. Sorry you missed it?
It’s very Tim Burton. My fav.
Year of the goat, bro. Plus another mask.
@destroyxbeauty is my Detroit photographer fyi in case that wasn’t clear. When a collab clicks you squeeze all you can out of that shit.
Pumpkin man is my fav.
As you can see we went down to the green room a lot. Lots of equipment gear and other nonsense down there.

More goat. Roxi came in riding that. It was amazing.
Oh hello there Mad Maxine. I’m scared and I like it.
Well hello there.
You know I love to strike a good pose.
Or, two.
Love it. Lizzy got to help volunteer the night before and deck out the Temple. Everybody pitches in. No divas. All equal. The only person who tried to get all things free was from Toronto. Of course. SMH. Sounds a lot like me though to be honest LOL.
Another picture from my travels but not particular to Theatre Bizarre but why not.
Me and David Bowie. I’m striking a Labyrinth pose myself and turned out to twin him, no? YES!
On our way out.
Thanks to the power of hashtags I have found all of these people in my photos for the most part. Ya hear that? Hashtags work.
An idea came to me in the shower.
Zombo is the mascot of Theatre Bizarre. Hail Zombo! That’s what you say when you see him. Lizzy yelled it out. So much weird going on at all times and I had a backstage pass to it.
6’7 kevin and I. He’s a famous Detroit instagrammer. He said VICE interviewed him the day before. I wasn’t jealous at all. Nope. Not me.
Planking. Peace til next time. There’s more. Which requires downloading uploading etc xo rlw