check out my girl deb’s etsy store she makes fantastic jewelry. model by day, solderer by nite, crazy! i would wear practically anything in that store though here are a few of my personal faves:
worth it enough just to cycle through photos of how she styled her kate moss mannequin.
it pains me to look at photos of earrings (my ear holes closed up in grade four after only 2 months of being pierced for a wedding).
way feeling it.
clearly a red theme goin’ on strong here for me.
by far my favourite styled photo from the hair to the glasses and the necklace. perfect. girl gets it right. ok i don’t want to spoil them all so just go on over there yourselves.
and you know deb via jamie, who sadly got in a motorcycle accident last saturday. he’s ok don’t worry just housebound and on his way to squirlytown. go pay his blog a visit.
one more thing while i’m on the do-gooder bandwagon, hit up dave’s donation page for the heart&stroke foundation it is of my understanding that he will peddling for this great cause.
there has been some internet fallout preceding monday’s town hall. basically, many people are finding themselves confused as to why myself and sass were included in the droning-on pointless getting nowhere irrelevant circle jerk which took place that evening. i’ve seen blame put on on to our heads for the “disaster” of the video shorting out (hilarious) to the then “embarrassment” of us sitting up there. we’re even being labeled as hipsters, ha ha. *update: now the prevalent term is “socialites” because going outside sometimes makes you one. news to me!
you know, i was personally invited to sit on this panel and i then decided to nominate sass cos why not, the more the merrier. if you felt like you are better qualified for something like this in the future, then by all means sign up. i am making absolutely no apologies for helping out. if we were male bloggers this would have been a non-issue. without a doubt. we tried to drive the point home that you need to appeal to others outside your stupid little boys club making a shit ton of noise garnering zero progress. why would i cut off an “expert” to reply to a comment posed as a question? i know the issues, true i cannot verbalize them effectively on the spot, but i know them, and i assumed everyone else in that room knew them too (in actuality no “new” news came to light monday nite) so why reiterate?
we were there to bring much-needed attention to this story, how that eludes some is beyond me. at the end when olivia chow finally turned up (then beat it out of there for a flight) i finally cut off rocky and said my little spiel to wrap it all up more or less along the lines of it is unanimous that we are all concerned and now we need to act, we can build a new internet tower in the sky bla blah blah talk tech all you want but you need to approach this emotionally…all throughout the talk we, myself, sass and ESPECIALLY even mark of mozilla were like people, shut up. i wish i kept his notes, he offered them to me. they consisted of a spider web diagram of real words that people can not only relate to, comprehend, but would actually care to listen to. his key point was DON’T BE DEPRESSED – how techy is that? guy understands fully that these panels are giant snoozefests and opportunities for cranky whiners to whine (and then go home to their internet to whine some more). hate to break it to you tech world but, you’re boring. it’s not that we are stupid and you are smart (why do you think my blog is so fucking popular, do you think i’m using the full-capacity of my brain every time i sit down here? you know there’s more than one kind of intelligence right?) it’s that we know how to influence people, we know how to make it interesting and for that to happen we have to show up and be interested and interesting. 95% of that room needs public speaking lessons, you couldn’t sell water to someone dying of thirst in a desert. luckily i have a brain and sussed out that this issue is a biggie and looked through all the boring blank white space and words on my own cos you sure as shit didn’t lend a hand in that department.
in summation, keep targeting my colleague (ha) and i instead of raising more awareness regarding saving our net. not like i didn’t foresee this happening to be honest (making it all about us oooh those GIRLS have NO BUSINESS involving themselves in technology). you flamers are so predictable. yawn.
did you know that i host my blog on the internet and not on a stack of old newspapers therefore, I CARE. did you know that i can reach thousands of people daily and you can’t THEREFORE 1. i care 2. caring + reaching people = please speak on our panel raymi we need you. do you want me to write a song about it or paint a diagram or create a graph to help you better grasp this simple concept?
you know the guy sitting in the middle was a staff representative for CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) DOESN’T have a website (if you don’t have one today you are pretty much irrelevant in my books) and i bet you a hundred bucks you can’t remember (w/o listening to the podcast) one goddamn thing he said – i sure as hell can’t. why was that dude even there again? what? nobody knows? even less relevant than sass and i? yeah, fuck yourselves and you’re welcome.
next time host your own goddamn panel and fill it up with the same crowd, see how much progress you make.
as per the title of this post it is clearly in reference to my quote that has been misquoted numerous times so whatever, fuck it. i was trying to HELP YOU. you’re basically telling me you’re cool with this matter on your own and to not bother next time, yeah? ok no problem, back to beer bongs and porn for this guy cos that’s all i’m about, peace!
ps. way to be net neutral, f’n skeeves. next time if you see me in the flesh please bring this up like an adult instead of running home to your computer. you more than had the opportunity for it monday nite. no excuses.
me: i kinda want to say something jokey like actually we are the victims here we’ve been used and exploited and now shat upon for this cause. very fair.
Sassephine: haha that’s fair
all those comments etc are just about us
people want to prey on us because we’re easy targets
just so they can ‘say anything’ on the internet and feel important
just riding off of our popularity and controversy
in the words of the wedding singer:
look it’s me as adam sandler. thanks krista. see, that was an example of something interesting and fun. try it on sometime.
watch it in action (1.15)
don’t forget to check out my emoraymi twitter persona, it’s where i get real. real sad.
this video features my breakfast and some miniature hamburgers. i’m still watching so once i find out the rest i shall update you with whatever the hell else we talk about. oh ok we discuss fashion, rather, i go off on it a bit until sean cuts me off and the video ends. enjoy! (his computer actually ran out of memory so we had to go through a bunch of files and delete stuff to make more room before proceeding further).
big-ups sean w! so weird that’s my brother’s name (different spelling) it’s like um, you can’t have that name i know someone back home with that name, fuck off with THAT name!
holding a pen makes you appear as though you are deep in thought and what i was thinking was i am holding a pen right now i should continue with this further and make note of it for the future.
i felt like every time i fidgeted everyone noticed so then of course i fidgeted a ton.
rocky (second from left beside steve) of teksavvy was very on the ball.
that’s mark of mozilla – rules. i am probably composing a grocery list in my head at that point ha kidding.
at the end i kind of bulldozed through all the techy speak and preached that this needs to be approached from an emotional standpoint. lets think about how we would be perceived globally and other such jargon. it worked. applause and scene. maybe i will take my blog down for a week and encourage others to do the same to have a taste of what the internet would be like if we (canadians) all had to pay a ton of money to access it and host our websites on it. something to demonstrate exactly how this potential catastrophic duopoly would create a void on our beloved internets. i’m referring to netneutrality and you need to sign that petition and get others to sign it too, and on and on. get involved people!
sass and i sort of did a dueling-banjos speech, we prepared for it but in the end abandoned the structure of our points. we have two different voices, she is organized and efficient whereas i thrive on blabbermouth off-the-cuff. many people in the audience when passed the mic made comments posed as questions, then talked and talked and talked. i don’t see the point in talking if you’re just reiterating already known information so i kinda mentally checked out for a few. all in all it was a good sesh, impressive turn-out and i hope to hear more about them in the future – it is imperative. you can access the audio stream HERE. feel free to take minutes of all the crap i said. for some reason our names are omitted from that list haha. if you were in attendance last nite and we didn’t get a chance to speak, hi! if you have any flattering/funny shots to share send ‘em on in:
oh look there’s fil back there.
requisite self-taken blogger photo to identify ourselves.
managed to make it to the drake just in time for the 86’d menu. brosz7kowski has not shut up about the photo of poutine from last week since last week. so we finally go and the guy can’t even finish his plate WTF. we all jumped on it.
a job well did look how zombied out i am. nice.
the victory did a bad move in taking their grilled calamari off the menu. you’ve been usurped guys, drake wins.
ugh this book is brutal (thanks jamie!) to get through, though we’re trying. oh god we’re trying. so many gross words and cheesy cliche metaphors.
i need to see this movie.
we made it to chapter 2.
tyler and jill have quite the art collection. canadian at that. this is part of team macho, no?
the artist even showed up later on, i felt a bit sheepish over my tattoo, nerdy kinda. it didn’t come up.
do you think people would have noticed if i tucked that under my arm on the way out, oh this? um, it’s my um, science project yeah, on bristol board DON’T LOOK IT’S NOT FINISHED.
opposites, red white red white. ha.
holy mackarel!
um nice part and no hair volume much?
two blythes in one day! now i have two blythe books, two blythe dolls, one blythe tattoo. i think it’s officially becoming “a thing”. thanks again brosz7.
i’m not really a candy fan so when i acquire it and then pass it on it feels like kind of a non-gift but never underestimate the power of stoners. that bowl was emptied in seconds.
oh hey dudes.
do RAY MI thanks sass.
she has wicked scrapes all over her legs. too many bar fights.
you call that a bar? never ever ever going to mr. green jeans again. so many gross white tourists eating gross white tourist food. buzzkill. if you know any great undiscovered gems in the YDS area please let me know.
sass and i are considering synchronized swimming as our next move.
oh guess what i made a new twitter, follow it: RAYMI IS EMO.
don’t forget about tonite’s town hall at the gladstone – 7pm. sass and i will be making a little speech. it appears that we are “winning” the internet war right now so that is good but still, awareness of this ish needs to be spread i don’t feel like it will ever fully go away. i think it would be a huge embarrassment for canada if it were to come to fruition – others already think our nation having “free” healthcare is scary socialist propaganda enough, i don’t understand a country that supports same sex marriage can have such a backward and possible stringent internet law. i can only imagine going back in time when i first started this blog and say this two-tiered thing was a-foot. how daunting and pointless trying to make a name for myself on the internet would have been. what about all the other youngins out there who can’t sing, or dance, or act, or basketball whatever, but can write, and really well? how many designers could blast website circles around us now and have more than surpassed any skill us fossils could hope to figure out in a month cos they grew up with it (www) from day one – why limit them and their future?
that is basically what i plan to say but with more stuttering, sweating, swearing and stammering – i call it the 4 S’s of public speaking.
also in a nutshell, i think when this issue is discussed, it needs to be dumbed way the hell down so that any non-internet guy can understand it straight off the bat. they shouldn’t have to be explained it multiple times over email (uh like me) and then still be somewhat confused, otherwise they will adopt a let the nerds handle it approach. not cool.
us? oh well you know, just partied over at tyler‘s house with all his brood for an amazing smoked brisket bbq hot tub pool booze jam. not at all a big deal, really.
the sun back there was fantastic. i guilted fil into finally getting into his shorts, said he is going to feel pretty stupid come monday looking at these photos.
think i’m gonna have to cave and get my own heart frames.
just some highlights will share the rest a little later. oh man this week got me, but a great week it was. thanks again tyler clan!
after team bbq we went home to change and headed over to alicia‘s for some nite time patio hang – these are some of her photos. i am in no shape capable of proceeding any further going through my own and “dealing” with them right now. that last sentence was impossible to churn out.
on our way out the door the musical stylings of tom petty delayed us a few. muchly enjoyed the 80s tunes all nite long actually.
brosz7kowski seriously tried to leave with my hat, i had to explain why that was not a cool thing. that would be like leaving with some child’s binky or whatever. NOT HAPPENING. i don’t care how cold you are be prepared next time. ps thanks for the blythe picture book (i felt like such a dick but so what that hat is a major part of my repertoire, it cannot be budged upon).
number one in case you didn’t hear about it.
no more ghetto vodka, k fil?
funny at parties how everyone likes to cram in confined spaces, is that some stupid womb metaphor or something?
my hair was a little f’d from the pool bun.
autographs in the lobby you guuuuys.
whatever it was i’m sure it was important.
i gave alicia one of my miniature twined packages and she almost cried. um i swear you were the one who said they wanted to borrow my shrooms smock, or maybe that was britt. wear it with short shorts and belt it.
props. never not funny.
if you like to be a conversation hog, party tip, sit at the head of all tables.