bad news friends! they took away the crappy exercise bike from the workout room downstairs! i mean, i haven’t been down there since the 5th (pathetic) but still STILL not fair. i have attempted many times to figure out how to use the ski machine thing and i just end up mr. beaning my way through it for half a minute, the skis fly out the front and i hit my face on the ropes and plastic podium part, fil can make it work but that’s cos he’s 6’4 and well, fil. the row machine is still there and so is the unusable treadmill (someone keeps the key). i hope whoever owns the exercise bike is happy having it take up room collecting dust in their lonely unit in this building, satisfied in the knowledge of my unhappiness. i swear there is a vendetta against me here.
ok i will go back to organizing clothes mountain and throwing away/donating more stuff, i made a video of myself eating yogurt, it’s kind of too retarded for this internet.
then i will paint some oh yeah i’m having an art show again soon, not only is it going to be an art show, it will be a musical colab. with two bands, (ministry of the environment being one) at a music venue, so i have to get to work. plus if you come and buy something you get to leave with it that nite, one nite only art show. more details once the date is finalized, either late july or august.
oh no party pants rip, claire pointed it out, gill said it was from pole dancing, ahem no ’twas not, this was taken BEFORE i hit the pole. sigh defective aa.