double v double v eff!

just a sampling of POWERSLAM ’08, lets go in order tho…

brosz7kowski‘s sweet view.

toronto rules more than your city cos our buildings are designed by preschoolers.

queen elizabeth and dude i kept calling hulk hogan all nite who actually was someone else entirely, help guys!

aliciaon of doom!

it’s ok though cos fil/matt and i weren’t actual wrestlers, well we could’ve been like a cross between gi joe and the bushwackers.

kz and corey.

the rock was abused all nite long.

wrestling was on the tube all nite long as well as a wwf soundtrack/playlist haha.

it spins!

rowdy roddy piper.

chloe the lucha libre (some wrestle w/o masks). i finally asked her why she called her blog lamenotlame and she said because some things in life suck and don’t suck and she will be the judge of that. oh, makes sense so much so it went right over my fucking head.

steve austin.

cowgirl rad.

non-costumed girls, shocking.

flight suit onesies are awesome, for dudes cos you can just pee wearing them by pulling up on the zipper (gross if you think about it) and you can be a fat pig all nite long the more you eat and drink just re-adjust the velcro. i had mine so tight every time i sat down they exploded off on each side in a loud hilarious eruption, eventually i just gave up and wore it loose like a mechanic.

gossip party.

then we noticed we were all lame as hell.

my last brew (carlsberg LITE) and height of my coolness for the eve it was all downhill after that, you can’t top a six pack shit hawk killer accessory.

legion of doom vs. machoman randy savage:

this is the same pole my bike was thiefed off of one nite when i was 19 and this genius, i guarantee, will meet the same fate as i. and yes i cried when it happened.

be your husband if you be my wife

yesterday i crapped, no lie, about 15 times. it started right after that shawarma and stupid latte. oh and i barfed too. plus side today is a total skinny day. yesterday suuuuuuuucked. in honour of that here are some disgusting photos:

nose volcano when i came in ripped at 2am thursday/friday.

sty from earlier this week plus uni-brow remnants, hot. you can’t really see the sty, this eye is just inflamed and puffier than the other one. gill said i have to throw out my makeup so it doesn’t spread. fuck that!

more uni-brow party and naked eyes.

britt came over last nite and watched be kind rewind with me it is TERRIBLE, i knew this going in but thought maybe everyone was lying. seriously it blew. we ordered chinese food and were at the lcbo when it arrived at the door so we had to peel out to find the dude pacing in the front driveway and i’m all HEEEEEEEEEY SORRYYYYY. he thought it was funny. back to the brew store to get some hair of the dog. then fil came home from the island (bedouin played some party) and we watched the onion movie, i lasted about 2/3 then went to bed still feeling like shit. fil feels like shit today (he’s sick) and i am sick of this grey sky weather. i am going to wear my ninja costume to alicia/joe‘s party i hope fil will come with me.

alright and here is what i think about the lindsay lohan samantha ronson pairing, clearly lilo is being taken advantage of by sam and i know this cos i had a similar relationship when i was 19 wherein i was the lilo/sam of the pair, meaning the boy AND the wallet (plus i was somewhat out of my mind at the time and everyone was taking advantage of that), here we have lilo as wallet and lipstick, sam is the boy and that’s it BUT she makes up for it by making lilo feel safe and pretty and i dunno, pursued. i think lilo is totally being manipulated here and i foresee this ending in a total fucking mess for her and it’s sad. she gets more of the attention and upper-hand in this relationship because of it, whether it be full-on courting or not, doesn’t matter, this is more of an emotionally controlled relationship, chicks know how to play chicks basically, and lilo is totally being played. lilo gets street cred from sam (brother mark ronson duh) and sam gets it-girl paparazzi coverage cred. whatever i’m bored of it already i just wanted to say that it’s going to blow up in lilo’s face when sam goes cuckoo bananas over getting dropped and then the shit will hit the fan, videos, pictures, gossip will surely surface.

love aunt raymi.

stupid kids

so i guess i should tell you that before we went out on thursday, sass, myself and britt went down to the park outside our building and chastised the bad kids for tearing off a gigantic branch from a tree and generally being total asshole kids and when i say chastised i am underplaying a bit, going down there i knew i would completely lose my cool before i lost it, no matter. here is a medley of things said to these dweebs:

how would you like me to come to where you live and fuck up a tree?

do you like being stupid little kids cos that’s what you look like right now.



we see you here all the time and we’re sick of you destroying this park how do you feel knowing that little kids are going to come here tomorrow and all this trash and destroyed branches are littered everywhere?

then britt said some shit about the environment.

then we were locked out and had to call fil to let us back in.

anyway, fuck those kids.

no more free boozes pleases

and so it begins at the drake for the SDTC estrogen fest.

complimentary vodka is always a good idea at the time.

elizabeth’s new shoes.

and now on to the rest of the sloppy mess evening, i just want to state that right now i hate myself and i am too embarrassing for this world. i ruined every video i took last nite by thumbs upping in them and hiccupping for an hour straight.

1985 called they say what’s up.

elizabeth purposely blinks in every photo cos she thinks it’s funny, well, it isn’t.

hiccupping like mad at this point.

check the haterade going on behind us, ungh it’s called ENJOYING YOURSELF LADIES.

sugary booze evil.

alicia and joe showed up for a bit then left w/o saying bye, something must have pissed them off, i know it wasn’t me cos i’m perfect.

sass decided to climb a wall and this guy decided to join her. oh and she blogged last nite also.



everyone this is britt’s hat she wanted you to know that.

and a nice christian time was had by all the end good night today is going to be rough.

i’m so lucky i get to run around with that thing on my nose today!

goodbye yellowbrick rooooooad

yeah copy this one people

oh man i did not see this one coming. yay new internet meme.

and if you give me shit about those guys here is that classic cat power with her pubes hangin’ out picture that is equally disgusting:

beef n oxtail.

i discovered a massive white head on the bridge of my nose, it was basically 3-in-1 and took several squeezes, ugh i know sorry, and now i look like i have a massive burn on my nose. great! magnifico!