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and another thingk

can people please stop saying the word FAIL

it isn’t funny

was never funny

it forces me to consider you as less funny than before you ever said it

and it’s actually quite a traumatic word like JENNY YOU FAILED SCIENCE AND NOW YOU HAVE TO GO TO SUMMER SCHOOL and you need your dad’s signature on this note so you will also probably be GROUNDED too.

plunking a shitty word like that into your vocab is just ludicrous, it’s as gay as this crap: ***throws hands up*** since when do people on the internet need to know my gestures and random facial expressions? i mean, people can barely tolerate my words here enough as it is and now they have to sit through this:





which also is against raymi law #211: BLOGGING ABOUT CONFUSION.

in summation, if i hear you say fail one more time, you are in the bad books, forever.

jeez guys i just get so peeved about this i don’t know why, it’s up there with hearing the garbage chute doors slamming. when you say I FAIL AT LIFE i’m thinking woah how extreeeeeeeeeme is that statement!? should! i! put! an! exclamation! point! at! the! end! of! every! word! from! now! on!?

but yes you DO fail at life for ever introducing that fucking word into our social consciousness, way to go.

omg google image search the word fail and instead of pictures of report cards with Fs on them you get lolzcatisms up the yin yang. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

like what is this shit, this cat fails cos you threw cheese on its face?

how’s about YOU fail for being an asshole!

can you just stop cos i would like for us all to be friends.

may the wind be always at your backs and sun in your face,

xo raymi

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