i forgot to say yesterday that i rented pee wee’s playhouse boxset dvd for a week and i have only made it two episodes through and there are 12 more to go if anyone wants to come over and watch them with me today they are allowed to.


ok this dude found me on myspace and i added him then discovered he was a vietnam vet and so i do my raymi crappy interview and made a few interesting discoveries along the way, here is the interview more or less:

raymi says:

hi i’m raymi what’s your name?

BTExpress says:


raymi says:

where do you live tony

BTExpress says:

Sayville, Long Island, NY

raymi says:

im in toronto canada

raymi says:

ok what do you do

BTExpress says:

right now I’m retired. My last job was as a Quality Manager in an electronics company

raymi says:

did you enjoy that? any interesting things happen to you whilst working there?

BTExpress says:

yes, it was a great job until the last 6 months. then one of the owners started changing how the company was run so it wasn’t fun anymore

raymi says:

that’s gay

BTExpress says:

yeah, it sucked too

raymi says:

ok so how old were you when you were drafted to vietnam

BTExpress says:

19 1/2 almost to the day. That’s when they drafted kids then

raymi says:

did you want to go?

BTExpress says:

nobody wanted to go, but I thought we were doing a noble thing, so i went

raymi says:

what did you think was noble about it

raymi says:

didnt you guys get totally slaughtered in that war?

BTExpress says:

you know, saving the world from the spread of Communisim

raymi says:


BTExpress says:

the war was not what I expected

raymi says:

was it like how it seemed to be in forrest gump?

BTExpress says:

for me, not really

raymi says:

so music by the doors wasn’t constantly playing in the background to the beat of your combat and marching?

BTExpress says:

LOL no

BTExpress says:

we all had radios and did listen to music though

raymi says:

did you see any guys get blown up

BTExpress says:

what ever the Armed Forces Network played

raymi says:

oh propaganda mood lifting music?

BTExpress says:

oh yeah

BTExpress says:

I saw 1 american get wounded he lived to go to the hospital, but died there that day

raymi says:

that sucks

BTExpress says:

Yeah, he was our platoon leader, a sargent

raymi says:

do you have post traumatic stress?

BTExpress says:

no stress

raymi says:

did you see any hookers when you were there?

BTExpress says:

hookers, yes

raymi says:


BTExpress says:

you could get laid for 50 cents

raymi says:

and did you?

BTExpress says:

no, I was afraid of getting the infamous clap they scared us about

raymi says:

oh damn

raymi says:

i was gonna say what if you had some children over there

raymi says:

don’t you think 50 cents is kind of insulting

BTExpress says:

to them it was a lot of money

raymi says:

you can’t even buy a chocolate bar with that

BTExpress says:

everything was cheap if we paid in military money

raymi says:

do any of your war buddies have kids in vietnam?

BTExpress says:

I don’t know anyone from there

raymi says:

i meant guys in yer platoon whatever did they knock up any prostitutes

BTExpress says:

no, most guys never screwed hookers

BTExpress says:

pot was also 50 cents a oz

raymi says:

did you smoke pot then?

BTExpress says:

I did once, but that was it. it was also my first time

raymi says:

did it make you crazy

BTExpress says:

I smoked a lot after that when I got home

raymi says:


BTExpress says:

naw, but the pot was very good

raymi says:

i cant smoke weed anymore – i lived in brooklyn during sept 11 and i have post trauma of sorts and smoking weed makes me paranoid

raymi says:

pot these days is ten times stronger

raymi says:

what about acid

raymi says:

tell me really seedy shit

BTExpress says:

after i got out of the army I did about anything I could get

BTExpress says:

a lot of pot and hash mostly

BTExpress says:

the pot was very seedy

BTExpress says:

and cheap

BTExpress says:

I used to buy it buy the lb so it would last

raymi says:

did you sell it too

BTExpress says:


raymi says:

are you married

BTExpress says:

my wife died from brain cancer in Oct 2005

raymi says:

oh wow

raymi says:

sorry man

BTExpress says:


raymi says:

how are you coping

BTExpress says:


BTExpress says:

I have a girlfriend now

raymi says:

thats nice

raymi says:

how did you meet her

BTExpress says:

the gf?

raymi says:


BTExpress says:


raymi says:


BTExpress says:

she found me on myspace

raymi says:

ha nice

raymi says:

is she younger

BTExpress says:

yes, she’s 51, I’m 57

raymi says:


raymi says:

are you loaded

BTExpress says:


raymi says:

no are you drunk

BTExpress says:


BTExpress says:

too early

BTExpress says:


raymi says:

im kidding

raymi says:

are you wealthy

BTExpress says:


raymi says:

well you have a boat don’t you?

BTExpress says:

yeah, we took out a equity loan to buy it with $70k for it

raymi says:

do you have children

BTExpress says:

1 son, 24

raymi says:

does he like your girlfriend

BTExpress says:

no, he thinks it was too soon to start dating

raymi says:

does he give you shit like DAD IT’S TOO SOON

BTExpress says:

well, we talked about it

raymi says:

well he’s a shitty 24 year old dink what does he know

raymi says:

guys between the age of 20 and 28 are not allowed to have opinions

raymi says:

jus saying

BTExpress says:


raymi says:

did you have one of those big blow outs where you start crying and say SON DO YOU WANT YOUR FATHER TO BE ALONE FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE!?!?!

raymi says:

tell me if i am being disrespectful

BTExpress says:

your fine

BTExpress says:

no blow out

raymi says:


BTExpress says:

but we talked about it

BTExpress says:

he understands why i don’t want to be alone, but doesn’t like it

raymi says:

well again he can shut up it’s your life

raymi says:

is your son a babe

BTExpress says:

yes, you’d like him

raymi says:

probably not i feel annoyed by him already

raymi says:

i like older guys, my boyfriend is 31

BTExpress says:

I mean the way he looks

raymi says:

well he can do my laundry then

BTExpress says:

he doesn’t do much of that

raymi says:

does he live at home with you

BTExpress says:

yes, works full time

raymi says:

what does he do

BTExpress says:

asst manager in a super market produce dept

raymi says:

well there you go

raymi says:

so when you got back from vietnam did you have any panic attacks like search your house for bombs?

BTExpress says:

no, but for years I could never sit with my back to a room

raymi says:

really why

BTExpress says:

we always had to look in front of us for trouble someone always watched your back then no one could sneak up behind you

raymi says:

how long did that last for

BTExpress says:

not sure, maybe 25 years I’d still rather face the room but it doesn’t bother me anymore

raymi says:

how was the food

BTExpress says:

not too bad when they cooked it fresh. we ate C rations for lunch which weren’t very good

raymi says:

c rations?

BTExpress says:

same stuff all the time though

raymi says:

that sucks

BTExpress says:

yeah, c rations. today they are called MREs everything was pre packaged or in cans

raymi says:

have you been back to vietnam ever

BTExpress says:

never been back. may go some day, I know a guy through my blog that travels there a lot and said he would meet me there and show me arounbd if i ever want to go

raymi says:

be careful of people on the internet tony

BTExpress says:

oh I know

BTExpress says:

but so far the people I’ve met are great

raymi says:

thats good anything else you wanna tell me

BTExpress says:

I guess the most interesting was my out of body experience when i was wounded

raymi says:


BTExpress says:

blown up sort of

raymi says:

did it hurt

BTExpress says:

kind of, more uncomfortable

raymi says:

im reading the telegram on your blog

raymi says:

that’s crazy

BTExpress says:

yeah, I got fucked up pretty bad

raymi says:

where were you when it happened

BTExpress says:

going out for a night ambush

BTExpress says:

i have one blog for my Veitnam stories so they can all be read easily

BTExpress says:

and My blog for the Half-nekkid Thursday posts

BTExpress says:

the one i gave you is just Vietnam

raymi says:

haa you do half naked thursdays!

raymi says:


BTExpress says:

Oh yeah, I’m very brave with what I show.

BTExpress says:

PG-13 I’d say

BTExpress says:


raymi says:


BTExpress says:

my dying in Vietnam helped me deal with my wife’s death well

raymi says:

i bet

raymi says:

and her suffering is over now

BTExpress says:

I look at dying different than most

BTExpress says:

she had the brain cancer for 2 1/2 years before she finally died

BTExpress says:

took its toll and she was beat and decided not to have more surgery and let it runs it’s course

BTExpress says:

It’s all in my regular blog

raymi says:


BTExpress says:

I’ve talked about evrything sinec April 2005 when i started it

raymi says:

oh your out of body experience was you dying

BTExpress says:


raymi says:

so you floated on top of yourself?

BTExpress says:

I know others that had the same experience too

BTExpress says:

I floated 10 feet up in the air over my dead body

BTExpress says:

went into the light

BTExpress says:

and then came back into my body

raymi says:

thats cuckoo

raymi says:

were you flipping out did it feel like dreaming

BTExpress says:

no, very calm actually no, I knew I was dead strange that I was calm when i came back

raymi says:

well i would have been overwhelmingly depressed to see my body and not be in it

raymi says:

so cos of this you believe in heaven and shit

BTExpress says:

I’m not sure what I belive exactly but I do know there is an after life and a supreme being other than that, not too sure I am a Christian so belive in Christ though no traditional religion makes too much sense to me though

raymi says:

so basically i am fucked then cos i dont believe like ill start floating and then god will be like screw off you whore

BTExpress says:

LOL no, I don’t belive that

raymi says:

ok cool so i dont have to pray

BTExpress says:

won’t hurt do you believe in God?

raymi says:


BTExpress says:

well then, I’m not sure what happens then

BTExpress says:

all I know is what I went through and what others told that went through similar things

raymi says:

maybe you just hallucinated from blood loss

BTExpress says:

naw, doctors told me too many people report the same stories

raymi says:

i see

i did not sleep very well last nite, anyway, it got to where i was thinking of every situation i have ever been in where i am wronged and haven’t properly stood up for myself so my rage was keeping me up.

then i spent two hours re-enacting each event and then saying/doing what i should have.

for example:

insulting me in front of my peers = sucker punch to the right eye and two stomps on your left foot and i am wearing high heels.

correcting me in front of at least three people = uppercut to the nose and once keeled over shoved to the ground for further humiliation.

touching the back of my chair in a movie theatre = I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!11!

making fun of my outfit = an interpretive haircut given to you in the middle of the nite when you are sleeping by yours truly.

arguing with me in front of my friends when you know you are wrong and i am right but you continue doing it because you think you are being entertaining = face punched in until your face looks like it exploded.

raising your voice to me unnecessarily to make your “point” = cut-eye then 3 hours of public dissing by way of silent treatment and totally ignoring everything you say and do until you leave.

biting my style and claiming you didn’t = i dunno, nothing really other than the total shitbagging of you behind your back.

you get the point.

someone gave some kid a whistle and he is running around whistling and i am going to explode.

fil smashed his head, right above his right eyebrow on my side table last nite. we were, um, hugging. he was half asleep. he went AGGGGHH and when he took his hand away from his forehead his entire hand was covered in dark red blood and his forehead was all smeared and bloody, a cut totally stitches-worthy.

we never have bandaids available so after i cleaned it we used my cotton makeup removal pads and a hundred pieces of scotch tape. i wanted to use packing tape but fil said no.

at work today he told everyone he hit his head on the shelf in the bathroom in the night, the full-contact hugging version being a bit too sketchy to address to thirty people at 7 in the morning.

poor fil.