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i did not sleep very well last nite, anyway, it got to where i was thinking of every situation i have ever been in where i am wronged and haven’t properly stood up for myself so my rage was keeping me up.

then i spent two hours re-enacting each event and then saying/doing what i should have.

for example:

insulting me in front of my peers = sucker punch to the right eye and two stomps on your left foot and i am wearing high heels.

correcting me in front of at least three people = uppercut to the nose and once keeled over shoved to the ground for further humiliation.

touching the back of my chair in a movie theatre = I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!11!

making fun of my outfit = an interpretive haircut given to you in the middle of the nite when you are sleeping by yours truly.

arguing with me in front of my friends when you know you are wrong and i am right but you continue doing it because you think you are being entertaining = face punched in until your face looks like it exploded.

raising your voice to me unnecessarily to make your “point” = cut-eye then 3 hours of public dissing by way of silent treatment and totally ignoring everything you say and do until you leave.

biting my style and claiming you didn’t = i dunno, nothing really other than the total shitbagging of you behind your back.

you get the point.

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