Hey guys! In order to attempt to change the never-ending toxic media reportage narrative of the dumpster fire what is going down in the States right now (and the fact that I haven’t blogged in over 2 months) I hereby proffer an update on the ol RTM page-o-rama — where escapism is a good thing.
Over the summer on our way back from Huntsville we traveled home via Gravenhurst to visit Currie’s, as one of us is deep in the throes of a wicked vinyl addiction and as for me, I just like eclectic junk.
Each inch of this store is photographable and u know how I do.

Our friend’s band, oooh starstruck!

My bf didn’t move from this spot while I managed to comb the entire store and take pics I had to drag him to the back in fact just to gander at what I had found. We had an hour until the place was going to close.

The vinyl thing has rubbed off on me a little bit sow now I am bitter we didn’t buy this WTF??

Okay enough records let’s go scope out the weirder stuff.

There’s a few epic music rooms scattered throughout Currie’s…
Molasses drop cookies recipe from the turn of the century.

outdated likely out of print cook books.
Muskoka Dry gingerale was a thing.

As I made it to this point bf is still standing in the same spot.

I used to go to Thorah Island quite a bit so finding this treasure was elating.

You can only get there from boat from Beaverton…
There’s wolves on the island that get there over the frozen ice and even a sunken jeep that didnt make it over the ice it’s a whole other world the cars on the island are old beaters like your back-up island wheels, love it.
I always feels a little bittersweet when I look back at my pics of things I didn’t buy but then again wtf am I going to do with this hat, start the next Stone Temple Pilots?

My mind wanders at the thought of how one procures a Kentucky State police hat.

Can’t forget the little tchotchkes now.
Someplace out there a man cave yearns for its boxing machine.
Suffice to say I spent a lot of time in this room.
Sensory overload, what would your eyes rest upon first?
Yes my Queen.
And more records.
Oh Howard Hughes…
The set-up here impresses I took this picture for a facebook header photo.

It was a fun trip back through time.

When people DIY their fave cartoon characters I love it they always look creepy and funny as hell.
Feeling it, feelin’ it.
Yes I played with them.
A few regrets in not buying is present here.

Not bad to look at.

Douglas Coupland romanticizes nostalgia big time, one of my fav authors, I get it.
What in the hell is a tin roof?

I’ll just leave that there.

I could just not stop capturing things good thing we ate Harvey’s before there is nothing more irritating than waiting around hangry and hovering.

Apologies for the lapse in updates I wish you all a Happy 2021 too btw and what a crazy year to type out oit’s the Mad Max year now and sure does feel like it.

Okay these guys I like.

It’s a Dad thing.
and likewise.

and that’s that howdy-doo if ur passing thru the big G-hurst go say hi, see y’all around xo raymes