As you know the Toronto Ski, Snowboard & Travel Show will be gracing our fine city next weekend at The Better Living Centre – Exhibition place and it is a perfect opportunity to snag some great discounted snowboard, ski, anything gear because Canada’s largest Ski & Board swap will also be taking place. For Schedule/hours click this link. TSS&TS takes place October 11-14 boasting many things to take in over the weekend while you shop for snowpants. Zach Bussey will be live-podcasting Friday 6PM I believe so be sure to catch him with Meg, ever entertaining!
We’ve also got Daniel of @evolvesnowcamps on deck lending a snow campy vibe for us beginners and likewise the Girls of Summer ski-bootin’ around the Exhibition. I can’t wait. I will be judging the Jib Jam competition on Sunday. I like power, we all know this.

So far I’ve given away 5 pairs of tickets to the following keeners because their zest for winter sport is well-deserved. I have a few pairs left, hint hint, you know what to do. #TorontoSkiShow is the event hashtag, use it well and often, stalk to us there! Stalk to me at the event and see what silly outfit I am wearing. I will have to do some serious glamping homework.
Happy Birthday Papa! You’re a stylish pleasant man I love you. See you at T-Giving dinner tonight :).
So french and groovy widow’s peak. Good hair jeans.

Oh hi mom.
Tracey the Minx will be on the TSS&TS scene too with Lois. Fun times.
That is my uncle. Skiing at night in jeans. I remember every winter he’d do this a lot and take whoever with him, whoever was game at midnight or 2 in the morning. #FamilyRules.
Mom I want to come next time.
What is that an In Living Colour hat? I can tell it’s just reflected weirdly from the flash.
Okay peace. Congratulations.
@misscmissc its my 2nd year learning to snowboard, I need lady gear, not my boyfriends! show me how to be a hill bunny xo #TorontoSkiShow

Congratulations winners! Email me for ticket collection info and ps. The RBC race will be hindering/re-routing traffic during the show down around the CNE/Ex grounds so be prepared for that and react/drive/run/walk accordingly. Here is what it looked like last year. Pumped.