Just in case you needed ‘em, here are more examples of my stupidity. FIRST TIMER’S Lomography photography which is probably redundant because they made up the word lomography as a hybrid explanation of photography + the style of camera/film. I am so tired of typing lomography btw, that was the last time. Right there.

One hundred years ago these things happened. We ate popcorn I guess.
Hipster Hailey. She’s wearing a wooden guitar pic from The Hard Rock hotel in San Diego I bought her. This was her hippie phase.
Could these be considered legit instagrams? That’s my papa. Yes he is related to Jack Kerouac. Yes I have said that ten million times before. You have to keep repeating yourself because you never know what new important big deals may be watching you. I am very flexible too. LOLOLOLL Jokes shut up!
Holy am I drunk what the hell is going on here?? Hahaha this is how many f’s I give.
How’s about some of that too while we’re at it.
Double exposure bad ass.
That’s gotta be moms.
Kittens! These go for $900 a pop. Sha-right!