What’s up beauties, are ya ready to vibe out to some relaxing blog? kk sames.
You seem stressed have a glass of relaaaaaax.
Keeping it slow and low out here in burbia like I like it. We cranked’er up a notch in Toronto for an afternoon a night and an afternoon so I could break out my summer wardrobe… my duds I packed away in a box and stored up above in my apartment layout for a season and it is nice to be reunited with my fashions. I have enough out here but wearing the same outfit-style all the time more or less when you’re a peacock and your bf’s stuff is all around you, you get cagey and you cannot adequately express yourself style-wise.
Actually we are both a bit’a fashionistas but tend to ‘err on the side of “garbage” normcore a lot when we’re alone lol so hot.
He has this pair of khakis that when I ask him to hold my phone it falls through a hole in the side-pocket and hits the ground. They’re actually my favourite. We embrace the skid life. Literally doing any and every thing we can to entertain and amuse ourselves.
Toronto gave me anxiety to be honest all of Thursday up until the afternoon then I was fine. I did apartment viewings for a unit in the building both days for my friends, whom are also my landlords. More on the viewings later and I had anxiety because my neighbourhood there is off the chains: summertime and living there is C R A Z Y. The Window News never disappoints let’s be honest but anyway I have a crop of friends who live on Front and we always light it up at Sugar Beach when it’s summer, so that we did. Tashina picked us up in her convertible and we blasted on down. Bf noticed the crew already there and party was a-go.
There aren’t any bathrooms down by that beach though so you have to get creative and it is disgusting the only two areas everyone uses for a toilet. This Covid life is so degrading in many ways but I’m outdoorsy with ample outdoor whizzing experience… I even got my mom on board – ladies, just always BYOTP and you’ll be good.
I just think it’s hard existing in the city or any urban setting during the summer you truly feel trapped in a concrete jungle I feel for the people I do. I am the people but I always have a base I can flee to in the burbs or made sure of it well yeah being the only one of my particular tribe to also ride the rails in the city but as for now I am “over it”.
Time seems to have flown by since April. I spent the worst birthday of my life alone thanks to covid and some meddling of others suffice to say, but yes it’s June now and that’s all behind us but I remember everything, every detail, because a lot of living has been packed into that time since before now.
It’s been domestic bliss more or less shaking the cobwebs out and adjusting to new dwellings which has been fun coupled by anxiety. The thing is, everyone is going through some form of shit right now. We have seen behind the curtain of errrryone’s bullshit and there is no hiding. Deaths, closings of businesses, BLM having a well-deserved huge moment which I will also be addressing – this was supposed to be a fluff post as in, a breather-log so as to not say all the things I really would rather air, got me? Y’always do.
Nature is religion to me right now and I feel as though I have waded through enough hoops of hell to get to this place where I am at. It’s hard for people to be happy for themselves or for others but also to just enjoy what you’ve got your ample privilege like it’s hard to just be happy with your day? Really? You are so fortunate maybe you have a bit of money in your pocket it’s summer now finally yeah the world is sincerely going to shit at the moment but look at the bright side if there is one. Be grateful. Gratitude isn’t that hard it’s just you’ve become hardened. It’s hard to appreciate what’s right up in front of your own nose and why nobody knows but, just live your truth as best you can and look around you. You have more than you know.
People are at their happiest when they are doing what they are meant to be doing. Like right now I’m happy because I am doing this and my bf is happy because he is scrubbing a bunch of golf balls. You do what works for right now, you putter and you come together, you may fight but you just keep doing you and if you’re lucky you become symbiotic and there’s a flow.
I am re-reading my favourite book right now Rule of the Bone I may have spoken of it before here but I am sure there’s newbies who I do not expect to dig back although I am always delightedly surprised when readers are like oh yeah I remember that. Or dream about me.
Anyway, Rule of the Bone is by Russell Banks and there is a lot of Rastafarianism wisdom in it I found it in my library in highschool and was instantly shook. I also read the Darling by the same author and I recco both to you but yeah to re-acquaint myself with this literature I see my true self again and the girl I was when I first found it and how the world has changed since, it has aged well but it accurately encapsulates an era of grunge and also includes a motorcycle gang and triggering sexual misconducts too, yikes.
The best parts of it however is when the protagonist goes to Jamaica and before that when he’s living on a school bus in an abandoned field and meets his Rasta buddy I say no more except you really get to nail down your Patois when you are reading this shit and your skiddy dialect altogether and as a writer, personally, I need to read it’s like breathing in and out – to write you need to read you need your salt and you need your pepper too.
I feel like I have been consuming way too much and have read the entire internet I need to come back to creating content again but mostly for me (not for you no offense), but yeah of course part of me is interested in seeing where this goes and who cares who knows I mean if you’re gonna do it just do it and shut up right haha.
People would say I punch you in the face with my writing and then punch you again with a picture okay maybe I just said that about myself and am paraphrasing like if they even say anything about me at all I also am always just practicing comedy here too and if you’re not in on the joke or get it you can go into a hate-reading mode it is nothing new to me like why does she do this or that? Maybe just appreciate that I do it at all and stop questioning it because I have asked nothing of you.
A rock pile near our friend’s place no can’t divulge the co-ordinates my mom has adorned my nana’s garden with the rocks she finds but has since let-up a little on taking them because they are for all to enjoy. One of the silver linings of this pandemic is the creativity you get to experience via others finally geeking-out and flexing those parts of themselves right??? yes.
Aw my heart.
Wow, great uhh, address. Lol.

Can you believe I waited this long until posting a selfie? I am “making a point”.
I love this donut so much thank you for injecting some kitsch in to Burlington thanks a bunch for really reals.
Pretty sweet have a bud who lives so close to us with a backyard set-up like so.
My chalk art was trying to do tropical sunsetting I googled it was aiight but a bit hot messy in the end we all drew a bunch of stuff love this bike path very much so.
haha our car’s reflection.
I got yelled at over the bullhorn we still make fun of it just let it roll off yer back everything is comedy pretty much right now.
This was a surprise location hike there’s lots to explore out here.

Alrighty, my fingers are tired and it’s a heatwave it’s time to do the thing, live the life — this has been great. To be continued I will be back with more.
As always,
your pal Raymi
oh and ps. if you need a lot of golf balls for a good price, get in touch lol.