Ready to see and hear things you’ve not before? Theatre Bizarre is a huge 2 day affair masquerade ball gala (Friday night) and then it is open to the general public Saturday night where you do it all again. Saturday night’s theme was Year of The Goat. You HAD to wear a mask for Friday night otherwise no entry. It was nice to be VIPlease as usual and also have green room access. The Masonic Temple is a maze (actually world’s largest Masonic Temple in the world) and having a home base for all your junk really helps make the night if you’re an insufferable diva. This is the director of costumes and I. I made sure she liked me and this is how the deal was sealed.
This post is overwhelming me. I’m under the gun and there is just so much to say and share as well as process, reflect. I’ve been a bit of a fuck and chucker. Do it, dont blog it. I blog more and have in the past because I felt largely unfilled (bored) by real life and now I’m fulfilled, I do not blog. I tweet and facebook share a lot but I am so behind. I wish I was a brooklyn vegan type blogger. I did actually do a Big Raymi Toronto post before I came to Detroit however. There’s that. I just do a lot of shit, etc. This will be a two part post and that’s that.
After seeing the movie eyes wide shut and being a lifelong hedonistic waste of space, this sort of affair was just my flavour. I saw sacrificial sex shows, altairs, girls being all kinds of thinged on a pedestal with guys in monk robes sitting in thrones silently watching it was super arousing and the best time ever. Frenzied, gorgeous, have you been to a kinky seedy swingers club before? Well it is 500% better and classier than that. When I met my friends they told me Theatre Bizarre was on the horizon and I was like yeah I have heard of Burning Man before I get it bla blah. It’s nice to be a lover and not a hater all I am saying and you heard it here first just you wait. Next year it’s going to be a double weekend affair. You sleep in the asylum if you need to and you don’t have to leave this insane circus game of thrones sex castle bubble.
Lizzy and I prepare for night one. I’ll upload pics from my phone when I am back in Canada. An instagram celeb named good signman Kevin was en route to say howdy pre-TB and drove us there with Terry. They are amazing hippies. omg I have friends in Detroit you guys!
A need to see back shot for my Lizzy and that’s the Kevin guy as previously mentioned he is 6’7 Kevin it rhymes.
That masquerade ball line-up tho. It gave me goosebumps.
Fire performers. I got chills. Remember the scene in Batman when Nicholson Joker shows up and they’re at that ball you could feel the crazy in the air the excitment the pop colour. Lizzy says Theatre Bizarre is like being on a film set and it is because there are actors there. The tickets are not cheap. It’s a luxurious affair.
Something is going on at all times at every minute in every amazing room.
This is a main hall when we first arrived I was clicking pictures like mad because I knew I’d eventually be unable to do so and have my camera down below etc etc etc get them now bro. Go with your heart bro it is always worth it because you notice things you could not while in the throes of it. Wear flats btw as you know I did. You will be on foot quite a bit.
I was basically a victorian Satan. I had many mask changes through the night. Lizzy was her Mad Max Romanian Witch self. We matched as an oddball couple the second night.
Still in the main hall.
For masquerade ball night it was open bar. We met these light up hat chicks later on in the ladies room. L and I were singing a florence and the machine song like ding dongs while fixing ourselves in the mirror.
This one is mostly about the painting behind me FYI.
I’ll clean this post up proper later on.
Redge the ledge.
This became a vestibule of the most colourful characters throughout the night. Hitler Mickey Mouse, Zombo the clown (Theatre Bizarre mascot #hailzombo) and anyway I gotta split and hang with my Detroit Fam one more time before the train so tootle-ooh see you soon 416.