
Dodge save the Queen First Place 6th annual Budd Cup Champions! Oi Oi Oi! Thanks for sending Tim! I forgot that our victory bottle of champers exploded up my face for taking one for the dodgesavelequeens team and embarking on the first sip out of the bottle. Tres Punk. Digging the PSH photobomb and that superhero we smote upon thy ruin in Sudden Death. Lolz Strombo has a question for Tim. That’s funny I didn’t even notice he was playing in jeans but anyway nevermind all that FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!

Anger problems? What ever are you guys talking about?

Bitches I’m zen. Ha. Howdy! Happy SOS (Strung out Sunday) We had an early night last night and I woke up to all these party people wanting to party, wahh. I didn’t go to charity arm wrestling last night because I think more sore limbs from physical combat donation would mess up this week for me ha. Also a four year old girl could beat me in arm wrestling. I need to get stronger before I can publicly humiliate myself (again). Life’s a journey, people!

Dodge this! (I think he did lol).

Ya can’t catch me I’m the blonde punky brewster. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

I’m sorry but you brought this on yourself.

My arm today is sore but surprisingly not so much. I do weights often so it’s ok doke. Legs are another story, guy I lazy in the winter.

Ha me wimping out. One guy was doing Stalin intimidation tactics, pick a victim and three balls at once is quite effective on your psyche.


Pink Blondie shirt was one of our team ringers, def in running for MVP.

That’s it I am throwing some Ramones on. Someone said I look like the Ramones blond drag version. Cool why not. My brother said that too, especially when my hair was black. I should print out every internet burn on me in to a book and give it to him for his birthday ahaha.

Colleague showed up to take photos for a bit. He got slammed in the head with a ball from behind bouncing off a wall and it exploded his glasses right off his head in an arc to the ground, warping them and his eyes instantly welled up red and teary and barely anyone noticed. I bet he regretted ever showing up lol but it was pretty punk.

He wore his NEW YORK FUCKIN CITY shirt especially.

Not to be a sadist or anything but seeing and hearing people get hit by balls all day long was straight up hilarious, they didn’t at all hurt if you could avoid them in the face. I only got body shots, legs, bare legs and loud slaps I wonder how many secret boners occurred haha.

There were tons of cute girls in all kinds of nerd crush bait costumes, hipsters galore and fit jocks it’s an overload to the senses and afterward we all go to the bedford to get loaded and eat carbs. I got a bad burn on my wrist from my samosa, those things are steamy!

We were very punk. I started the Oi-ing and when we’d wipe out or that one guy just fell in to us a big pile of punks it was amusing I am sure for one and all. I laughed my ass of all day long. They played the Ramones for us in the final game and that was a big help in our victory, plus we just wouldn’t lose. If other teams paid more attention they’d know to definitely win certain games against us. Total sleepers we was. Gear!

One of my gloves is gone but I could not play with wearing one on my right hand. I think people should stay in their full costumes, it’s kind of cheaty to remove your accessories which is what everyone does once the rageball takes a hold of their competitive nature. I think this Budd Cup was the least competitive one yet and it was still pretty damn lethal I’d say, myself included.

But I don’t cheat, and we saw a lot of cheaters, like one guy getting 4 balls rained on him at once and he acted like he didn’t get hit and no one said anything so he kept playing and we were like how in the fuck did you not just get hit there dude, bullshit. But cheaters never prosper so, guess which team won? It’s for charity and about fun so allowing things to slide yeah okay fine. Chris was like ha Raymi I knew you’d get a win one of these years I was like hey man I have always been #2 and I missed two years in a row and coming back in first place, ain’t too shabby.

Dodgeball is a great sport for me and stress reliever and GIVE ME A GIANT CONTAINER OF BALLS TO CONTINUOUSLY PELT AT YOU. Dekel and I had a bit of practise wherein I whipped a ball at him 20 times in a row ahhhhhhhhh release hahaa. It doesn’t even hurt and I was more so trying to be dramatic and artistic. I really like playing catch too, I’m a tom boy and I have a good arm, throwing ball on the beach or football is fun. Summer I am going to DESTROY YOU.

And you get caught on various sides of the auditorium while games were in play or have to comb the entire building underground passageway labyrinth to make it back to your stuff or team or whatever to find they’re not there but on the other side where you just were. A great day of exercise for sure. White unitard superhero guy (I think they were the comic con team) was the last guy standing against us and he did a few funny poses because everyone was watching and it was his moment. So good.

Some teams appeared to be stacked and full of giants and it was terrifying a lot of the time I almost broke my arm running along a wall and getting my hand caught up in a partition and the sound of the balls hitting the baseboards were so loud and BANG eventually one came right off and we left it off DODGE THE SAVE QUEEN Oi oi Oi! See how much this is going to my head? Everyone else is saying they are adding it to their resumes HAahahahahah Yeah.

I left my hair a mess to stay punk. I fixed it later on.

Too competitive to wear docs or chucks. Teach wore chucks.

Costumes everywhere and it was tres hilar seeing people’s fall apart or do theme poses while being attacked by balls haha good times. What charity was this for again? We donated money and jerk marinade and tuna. Sounds like a party to me!

No future. No future. No future for you.

Most fun to watch play, his dress falling all off and said he looked online for the best thing to stuff with and a girl said bath poofs, she was right! Philip Seymour Hoffman in the dress was really good but injured his leg so sat like an old woman in a wheelchair for the rest of the afternoon. Hilarious. Funny cool people everywhere gettin’ up to hi-jinx it was pure jokes all day long.

See me in my backpack like an adorablah little ant. Yep that is me.

Fashion people, that’s Donatella and they also had a Lagerfeld that we thought looked like Beethoven at some points until Mike only had (or Steve? I can’t keep the Budd boys straight) his tie left and fake collar.

We are under attack.

And Kid Rock guy avoids?

Lets try it again.

And Nancy dodges!

Leopard leopard!

Three on one bullies.

Got it.

Here I come.

Also my roots are coming in so things are going to look a little more Spungen around here. Teacher was like and this was an outfit you had planned to wear today anyway ahahah yeah I made it from scraps laying around.

That’s my arch ringer nemesis from years ago (and friend too lol). He didn’t draft me because he didn’t know if I’d show this year and looky loo I am back from the dead hombre. Next year we can be on the same team. I didn’t mind leaving it up to random fate/chance the draft. Chris said they put all the names out on a pool table, based on experience and skill. Oh man I’d have liked a picture of that drunky sports fantasy football team/Churchill moment in time and I guess they made the right choice because our team ruled. Look he’s waving to people it would have been funny for everyone if I threw that ball right. Despite popular belief I am not actually an asshole though.

I was a gentleman and stopped myself and saved the ball for someone else as he is obvi out now but sometimes people just launch it anyway to get someone for a bonus JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN’T KNOW IT YOU ARE SO FUCKING OUT NOW hahahhaa.

Sometimes mid throw someone will yell stop, for you to save it for a triple assault. I think half the time you should just let nature occur because you took a bit of rageball power away from that READY TO GO throw, you know? A successful dodgeballer should not ever doubt themselves or think, just act and be courageous and confident and focus all of that energy from the bottom of your soul and direct it all to one place, as far and as hard and as fast as you can, and keep it below the neck. Oh I will show you romanticizing sports, Moneyball. Ps. thanks Chris for all of this and for keeping the Budd Cup tradition going for all these years!

Get him.

I mean seriously now how can you possibly beat a team of floating players. We were actually X-Men in disguise, fooled you’s.

In elem school track and field, shot put was my ONE THING other than high jump (and long jump) that I prevailed in, so yeah, when I say go long I MEAN IT. Christ!

Good gamesies after each match then you keep going in a circle after the long line and high five your whole team. I am easily delightible.

Too bad Lagerfeld lost his wig behind teach there. I want to know which team won best costumes, best chick and best dude.

Plenty of blond wigs in yesterday too, it made me blush a little bit Ha.

Just another day in the life of Raymbot.

Whackity whack that is that!

stop spittin’ on girls you love

blue t-shirt cheated a lot and was a bit of a sore sport. we caught a lot of people cheating, i yelled at many. people would get tapped by the ball and spin around in a circle like they’re wearing an invisibility cloak then keep playing as if no one noticed YEAH I SAW YOU GET HIT YOU’RE OUT. so irritating. fil has a picture of blue shirt cheating too, over the line picking up a ball. haha.

total personal trainer, that chick can launch ‘em. i dodged ‘em all. her bf is the ringer i got out.

how many stink-eyes can you count?

kelowna the fairy.

dekel the unprepared guy, actually plays dodgeball, doesn’t bring any of his own props.

i spied my nerd glasses last minute on the way out, phewf, played in ‘em the entire time too.

my teammates, i imparted my amazing dodgeball wisdom on blondy and she actually went with it. don’t be over-zealous all the time, kinda lay back and let others get picked off, be invisible, cherry pick basically eat up time by dodging around.

so awesome.

corner right, the ringer, best player ever.

sitting here to watch was very thrilling and dangerous.

worst team photo ever much. next time i’ll prop it up on a crate i guess or maybe not be a wimp and ask someone to take it for us.

during a break we had chicken fries from kfc, ugh.

second place is alright i guess (SO ISN’T) fil noticed that i am way more competitive than he is, well yeah, there’s fun and there’s winning then there’s fun and losing, which do you prefer?

in our play-off game against these clowns (ha) i noticed they were playing the same dudes back to back to back, unfair, so i tried to rally my team to do the same but everyone felt douchey about that, so we lost. it was close.

paddy jane’s outfit was insane too bad i didn’t get a picture of it before she changed.

yeah yeah happy birthday suck on that chris!

i’ll put up my video again so we can all enjoy the spazz one more time.

dodgeballerz from raymi lauren on Vimeo.

woah this posted at 11:11 everyone make a stupid wish in my comments i promise it won’t come true!

ps. and can someone please help out my friend joaquin come on people dude needs a little intervention right about now.

my turnzies

i’m kinda useless in this vid a bit, trust me, got way better later on, i even got the ringer of all ringers out i was so floored over that one. i can barely throw those stupid sponge balls. i can catch ‘em and dodge ‘em far better. ugh the soreness is kickin’ in now, i know i’m not gonna be as bad as fil cos i wii fit way more than he does.

dodgeballerz from raymi lauren on Vimeo.

i also just received the best news ever YESSSSSSS! can’t spill the beans yet though.

we’re having pesto chicken pasta for dinner, well deserved.

we came in second place, our team was awesome, that final playoff game was real close.