Alright newbs it’s trade show host time.
Going out as painted art was a neat idea I had. People interacted with me all day like we wanted, well, I wanted. Fun social experiment.
Sometimes I go a little bit far with it. #Diva. Give them the Raymi is what I always say.
Colleague just captures these moments and I can’t even recall why or what I am doing. Meh. It makes for good entertainment. I Think? Hello is this thing on.
What’s up Jessica. Plej workin’ with ya. Media Office coffee privileges holla!
Let the raymes begin. Ooh this show was a rush.
SO much adrenaline, tunage, bright colours everywhere, falling snow I had a really good time. Combing the venue, the stalls, the people I met, the looks I got. They hyped me on the mic a lot too, then more people talked to me after that I was in attention-getting pleasure overload.
I got to be her. The girl of my stupid dreams I invented. Don’t get me wrong I’m ubes shy so I ignored a lot of people too blaha. Lots of young shy boys so double-negative passing ships.
Yep there I am again.
The first time I chucked some t-shirts to the crowd my heart was pounding so hard too much attention but I made sure to not throw like a girl and then I went back to holding a snowboard award like a Canadian version of the teen choice awards ahahha it was awesome.
I am very good at just standing around looking extremely eccentric so this was the perfect thing for me to do on Sunday.
Going zen.
Nothing but hi-jinxing around all day :).
Best trick award handling responsibilities. Big times. One kid got sponsored by a brand of some sort who won the whole jib jam comp. Gnarly.
Make way.
Look what I can do. This is how you snowboard, right?
BRB Salad time with Bechnique.
TO BE CONTINUED. More footage here!!!!!!!