Hiya pals here I am blah blah and we’re just more than midway through July summer be flyin’ I hope you’re making the most of it. If you’re a long time Raymitheminx reader you know that I whine and lament about summer here often and despise those who can’t wait for fall (yes I love fall too) but what I do not get is that they do not get that winter comes immediately after and then lasts for six months so why would you wish for that and not just enjoy the short-ass summer, appreciate and accept it for what it is (melty and arduous for some) and then as the days get colder, you’ll have your fall. I dunno do you like snow? Dealing with it, layers, chapped hands, and all? Are you a masochist?
Anywaaaaaaaaay just gonna go ahead and unapologetically enjoy summer and try not to trash on fall and winter too much here.

Life is so balls-to-the-wall high octane next level lit right now in fact we go for walks hunting cats then hang out with those cats for as long as they will allow. This little bastard scratched me too and drew blood. Far out.

We cat-whispered him on over and just chilled for a little while there’s a few ginger cats near us so starved for animal love literally hanging in parking lots with these little furry idiots. If it’s free and it’s fun, so down.

this only makes me want to go see him again now. We have another cat “friend” we call Barfy because the first time we saw him he just looked at us and proceeded to upchuck the most grossest upheaval of god knows what and we have since come to learn he’s quite a vicious hunter we saw him with a fucking rabbit in his mouth wtf! He lives in a party house on the corner so is like always out and about left to his own devices he comes right to me when I call, I feel proud about that.

This is Garbage Surprise as we call it or “mmm delicious garbage” I don’t waste money on food as much as I use to although it can be fun or “a treat” I love to cook and am making up for the years off taken from it. I like being a food scientist and making well, yeah, garbage, lol. Leftovers are great too, repurposing, smothering on hot sauces and other spices voila you get it I am sure.

Butter chicken (turkey) this one I would not call garbage surprise. You gotta change it up.
I liked the composition. bf made breakfast this day and it shows.

roots are so long rn ughhh time flies.

Interesting hair day. I uploaded these many days ago it’s hard to pause and pick up again on things did days ago like oh did I post that cloud yet let me go back and check meanwhile NO ONE CARES either way.

It seems we go here more often than we do but whatever it’s a good spot great views not many people around and last time we caught a model airplane guy flying all his toys, bonus entertainment he had his door open the entire time he killed his car battery so then we got to hear him call CAA and then they showed up we were in hysterics trying to act cool and chill.
Then the deer came out and watched us watching them weren’t very spooked at all I even busted out some of my cute animal calling noises and one wandered over DEER WHISPERER EXTREEEEEME.

yeah it’s been an interesting summer for hair I suppose for all of us…

This was a fun night and ended up crashing in the tiny home after herding some sheep and chickens. Just absolutely passed out hard realising we didn’t “need” to leave so why not. Also we went down for a nap and you know how that goes!
Great aesthetic.
oh hi.
thank u for the flower.
It was perfectly country and relaxing thanks for having us!
Swamp Shrek vibes <3.
The stars of the show.
and these guys.
Super fun to watch.
They were posing for me, I swear.
hen house hay how are you?
We bbq’d I marinated these for a night first. I want to get or learn Mongolian sauce or whatever that Korean short rib bbq sauce is all about you need brown sugar white sugar soy sauce etc etc I found a recipe for marinating 3lbs of short ribs hmm sounds like a good plan!
It was boiling hot I put this on for four seconds I was really into how Johnny Cash I looked a’spose or Shawshank redemption’s my good ol friend Andy Dufresne I’ll slick back my hair next time fur sure.
Hmmm shall we discuss the bike accident now? Nah til next time leave them wanting more. ttyl!