Monthly Archives: May 2016
blog dj
Hey pals. Look I selfie stick now it’s the latest new thing. A girl I know dropped her Iphone while on top of a volcano on her destination wedding trip recently and I think about that each time I use it. Yikes.
This blog post is going to be about THE LAST FEW WEEKS OF MY LIFE.
Woah that sounds dark *knocks on wood*. THE LAST FEW WEEKS OF MY LIFE. SHIT I DONE THE LAST FEW WEEKS. Good and good lets look.
Love this ring. It’s Medeival kinda and well made. Do you know the kind of stone it is? We went to a church sale. Got a good deal on my finds I did. Julian has the other ring I got it’s too big afterall. The pair compliment each other.
I have her email I must write to her before I lose the card.

We had dinner at a nice place in an undisclosed location. Post bday hangover thing. I dressed like a lion tamer four year old.
My caesar baby.
Dinner times!

SO good. Heavenly.

Don’t be a champagne snob it was perfs.
Butter chicken. Next time I would just order this so I can eat it all in one sitting. Date night is great night. As long as you restrict in between WHICH I haven’t at all except for when in the city. Whatevs just enjoy life.
We bought that ball when we went on an art supply bender at Michaels. Which reminds me of a piece I need to write about them. Note to self for later.
Julian’s 30th BDay party. We are the party. Brett came by too. It stormed crazy all night long and the lights would go out it was exhilarating a bit.
Ah derps. Earlier that day we went to the Mandarin and had a walk which Julian’s Dad recorded of all of us in High DEF 3D and we watched it the other day it’s hysterical af I can’t even begin to describe it LOL.
Fellow early bird Mandarin diners like us too. They are like 90 years old a piece (about). Merv stopped us for a chat on our way out adorb and pervy. Merv the perv ftw! Gord, Merv and John. When you are zany in love your energy spreads like wildfire. They asked who’s bday it was and I said Julian’s, he’s 30. They gab for a bit and then I go and I am 33 all proud af and that gave Merv the thrill of a lifetime. He repeated it many times afterward, “you’re 33. So, you’re thirty threeee eh.”
Our other bestie is the girl at the supermarket and we show her what we plan to eat that night and the wine to go with it or caesars. She must be bored out of her mind and we’re the perfect storm for that. She’s like how were your puffs last night I am like oh we destroyed them you know it! Totally this close to asking her to hang out but will leave the two worlds separated probably for the best.
We went to a stag n doe one night in the pouring rain and predictably got obliterated and later on my purse was attacked by a spraypaint stenciling monster. It looks like something from a Destiny’s Child music video. In case you are wondering that means it is tacky oh well what me worry. I hate this purse to be honest it’s so small I have to carry my phone alongside it if I want it to close if I have too many other things in there. Like I have to choose between what is really necessary to take with and I am a hoarder so therfore this teeny purse blows. Will be good for a cocktail gala I will never be invited to plus it’s no longer black so fail fail fail like a whale.
I did something stupid last night. Stupid awesome?
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) May 8, 2016

I am pretty sure I will survive.
That is some 30th Birthday look eh. He still gets carded for smokes. And still smokes.
Enjoyed this windy walk my dress flew all over the place and I was sweltering like a mennonite in my black tights. I am so pale right now if it wasn’t a family walk I would have removed stockings.
Road cheese emergency. Almost as good as road head. Wait a minute. Tons better than muahaha.
I love this set-up.
I got Kanye dissed. I prevailed with this treasure for you.
We have been hotel life for a bit here and there. “It is neat”.
I also went golfing. There will be a whole Rayme Toronto post on that. I smashed those balls brah I am good at golf and athletic, competitive. Give me a thing and I will do it.
It was nice to see another lifer too, a blog diva such as myself wedding girl .ca I think? Don’t worry like I said full post later on just relax okay.
Then I was feeling myself. Generally I am self conscious of my looks and feeling fugly, like a scruff. When I am on fleek I celebrate that so just shoosh ya haters.
I wasn’t done yet though.
Some more highlights.
FO’ SALE. The wolf looks like this now:
This moron is almost complete and up for grabs.
It was gonna be a portrait of Justin Trudeau originally…
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) May 16, 2016
Wolfy watches you. Make an offer I cannot refuse #starvingartist.
@shannoncrane worked us out real good @BrassVixens just now. So relaxed #aerialfitness #yongestreet
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) May 17, 2016
Aerial fitness class taught by Shannon yesterday on Yonge. Loved it.
See you sooners @BrassVixens ☝ #sixenvixens
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) May 16, 2016
My uniform. Reject shirt the shoes are wrong LOL!
I’ve got one left of these numbers, this one no longer looks like this as I added layers of gold and whatever to it who even knows.
The one on the right is available.
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) May 16, 2016
There we go the one on the right is avail. The middle is for my bro’s daughter who will be due in…June? The one on the left is going to Nawlins. I have a lot of paintings to ship actually. Do whatever you can on the side to make money am I right am I right? I am right.
The weather was great this day. There is just something about sun. Well. A lot of things but you know what I mean. IT IS MAGIC FROM THE SKY.
I am so Justin Bieber. Don’t hate me cos ya ain’t me.
(I will never say that term again here promies). OMG promies is my new thing now though. I am so Raymazing. I mean. Grateful for my mind. Sometimes it works against me and sometimes it is fine.
Buttons and teddy bears for the baby girl I should have gotten a bow stencil. Stenciling is fun. I killed the can of pink spraypaint.
I am cool. This place is awesome actually.
Guess who is a hypocrite secretly drinking boxed water like a douchebag for weeks meow ha ha!
These guys. Will be chillin in BTown this long weekend. Should be purty tight. AND the Hammer!
proud of you sister @LanaKamaric
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) May 3, 2016
Here I am looking juicy picking up my glasses then Julian wanted a pair.
The power was going out one night so then we were forced to all talk to each other once my laptop died and our wine dance party was over LOL and I learned some truly interesting things. There is always wildlife and creatures roaming the property and howling winds it gets spooky.
Lana had an art show at Paletta mansion I finally got to see the inside of it. I have spent a lot of times on the grounds in the park generally loitering and just mooning about in the flowers and forest. I know the history it’s kinda Gatsby-esque in an extremely Ontario/Hamilton steel fires burning across the water fashion.
Just you know, more of my giftedness.
I ate one. I had to could not resist and I have zero shame. The middle had something in it I forget. Delicious though.
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) May 11, 2016
Another lovely day spent on Queen west.
Volcano roll omg so good
Unagi roll. Sashimi. Never eating again so full but good af.— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) May 6, 2016
I should not have looked at this.
— RAYMI THE MINX (@raymitheminx) May 7, 2016
Love embedding tweets what a time saver. I uploaded all of these for the most part to flickr anyway. This catched the sun and burns birght gold and looks totally normal girly cute not-intense when not lit up.
Julian collects lot sof weird masks accessories and disguises like me.
Catching the last bit of sun. It has been a long winter.
Stagg chili philly cream cheese layered dip I added mushrooms and green onions too. Seen seen. Steph’s superbowl chili recipe. You throw the tin away when done.
I have gained weight but am quickly getting back in shape again so it doesn’t really matter now does it. I am a foodie it is what I do!
We showed up to Ukranian Easter at his relatives with my hair like this and Julian’s Dad was all oh my god get that shit out of your hair what!??! HAhaha. That means he liked it.
I tried blood sausage. Omg whyyy???? It tastes like it sounds and looks.
The moment my pizza got smushed at that wrestling party at Super Wonder Gallery I have a lot of crap to catch up on.
Absolutely hilarious though. We partied with all the wrestler actors backstage afterward.
I am a ham.
My outfit.
OMG there is me LOL. This was the most hilarious night ever I did not stop laughing for 3 hours straight. I will write about it later I promies.
PROFESSIONAL was his name and people were just arbitrarily yelling it out. I could not stop laughing at all.
This past Monday.
Next level.
I went for wings dressed like that. FABULOUS.
Buy this giant lampshadelier!
In real life you need to see it to take in the awesome of its grandness. It is sister to a bunch like it in a Mexican resto in the Distillery District. Make an offer!
Dying to know what happened here.
New twerk pants thank you Shannon.
Before Aerial class yesterday we did Ass Kick. I am loving these Brass Vixens classes big time. It’s a lifestyle, social club and good routine to get into. Not to mention fun. There are three BrassVixens locations in Toronto and one in Mississauga.
It’s a zen-like space in there. Good to shut the world out in.
Once I get pics of each class I take I can finally do the full classes. I am OCD plus abide by my own Raymism motto. PEOPLE DON’T KNOW IF YOU DON’T SHOW. There are a lot of life moments I use to cover each bit of incessantly and there’s just so much life that I live these days I cannot even begin to capture it all. I still have the urge and I still make the effort but just lesser and, it irks me. #blogshame.
Lunch reward is gangster. I am happy to be bonding with my buddy Shannon lately. It’s fun to make plans together. I am one of those needs things to look forward to types. I think many people are.
Aaaaand my new dress I finally tried on and we are done here for now folks thank the blog and goodnight!
Oakville Eye Exam Minx Style
I was pretty excited to get an eye exam in Oakville at Next Optical at 388 Speers Road near my Nana’s place. I was able to drop in for a mini visit before I headed over to my appointment.
A surprisingly more informative version of my eye exam story is on Raymi Toronto and you can check it out too after you read this more colourful account. I spread my pics out to both websites so you won’t be reading or seeing the same thing.
Here’s friendly store staff at Next Optical watching me fill in the blanks on the questionnaire. I’m waiting for my espresso to cool down. Time’s ticking…
Looking fierce af is half the battle in life amen sistaaaaahhh.

Lovely wet bar too. Just kidding. This is for sterilizing the chin bar you rest your face on, and the forehead bracket.
This post brings me back to when I used to blog with stoic photos of myself and paragraphs of rambling ranty whatever and call it a day.
VIP treatment always no. Me and my espresso. It was delicious. You have too do all this rigamarole before they let you in to see the optometrist at Next Optical. The lab worker lady makes you sit behind these gadgets just so she can fill in more blanks in your profile on those blue clipboards. Its full service, and permanent – the data stays in the system forever.
Get full account of what happened here on Raymi Toronto
Hugged some random man. (I do that).
When I went back to Next Optical with Julian to pick uo my Dior glasses he fell in love with a pair of PSY discords for himself and had to have them.
Monkey see monkey do.
I have been into sunglasses my entire life. I always have a good pile of different styles on the go. It’s always sad when a pair breaks. Having designer shades is a good way to keep better care of your things, and not sitting on them hopefully.
What now?
Basking in the glory of my newfound beauty. You can see the owner in the mirror behind me lol. I always wonder what these kind folk think about me but then at the same time do not want to know. I am sensitive.
Loved these frames too. Matching yellow on blong hair would have been cool as hell too.
Thoughts? I am happy with my choice fyi but you know I like to always be a bit different.
This is what they look like out in the real world.
Lollipops on deck for the kidlets, big and small.
So now you know where to go to have your eyes checked out. Tell Next Optical Raymi sent you over btw!
When you stand beside an ornate statue with new Dior glasses you own it.