Hello blog reader-inos how’s your Tuesday!?

Lets try one of these no hidden agenda good ol fashion blog posts hey? Great, swell. Lets.
I saw terminator Genysis (Genisys? who cares) on Friday and ***SPOILER ALERT***!!
I bawled my eyes out secretly. I thought my date (just this new guy I hang out with meow nbd) was crying at this one part but actually his nose was just shiny and it wasn’t tears I thought I was seeing run down his nose and then Arnold says, “TAKE CARE OF MY SARAH!” and then my face was a goddamn river, super crying. The reason it was so powerful is because Arnie is a robot and the jury’s out on whether he has the capacity to feel or to love and what not but then he goes and says something like that and there you go, hashtag feelings. Then he dies and you are like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but then he comes back and you are like YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Told you there were spoilers here sorry whatever you spend money then you own it in a sense and then you can do what you want with that information.
Crushed a burger afterward and had to that popcorn was not enough I hadn’t eaten all day either. You can actually eat fast food (I do not reccommend that you do nor endorse it at all in any shape or form) whenever you like as long as you restrict to the point of mental retardation. This woman on facebook was like what’s up with all the burgers Raymi? (plus the crying at terminator) I forgot I had a quarter pounder the day before too oops! When you’re a stressed out maniac your metabolism gets all efficient. I did have a salad on the weekend so, that is good. Then we had a mini-fight about how “no I am not emo” then she got her period and apologized for projecting on to me haha. My daily life is comprised of having no less than 200 stupid conversations with people. It’s a living.
My hair is still growing and getting longer thanks for asking you should see the shower wall when I’m done washing it oh god. Blowdrying it in the summer gives me anxiety attacks from the heat it creates cloaking my back it’s the worst. I look forward to it being down to my waist. It’s my dream to have a nude portrait in a field with super long hair like a forest nymph.
Meeting with a new lit agent this week I’m excited and apprehensive? Mostly pumped. “It’s happening” in that I have ultimate green light to write super dirty erotica and I am kinda freaking out a little. I keep picturing getting a ginormous advance then going on a fuck holiday in Denmark or whatever. Joking joking yo! I have all these stories and experiences in me. If not now when, right?
Anyway I will keep you abreast (or a dick) of all that shit as much as I can. I am going to PEI for 5 days in 8 days so I’ll get some work done or maybe get my friend to ghostwrite a chapter for me LOL. I also can’t believe I am going to PEI! Anyone who lives there who reads my blog meet me in Charlottetown my first night. Let me know. I have never been to PEI before. I’m going to run on the coast, swim in the ocean, take great pics, drink a lot of red wine, eat lobster, blog about it, watch a lot of movies, try not to kill my friend. Pretty much almost exactly what my life is like in Ontario. Hook me up if you’re around.
Follow me on instagram btw if you’re on it thank you.
Went to the beach on Sunday. Port Dover Takeover whagwan.
We had a good time we only wish more of our friends were there. It was a last minute thing and if I knew we were going to Port Dover I would have protested more it’s hard to get me far from home. Thought we were just going to local Burly beach but all in all I am super glad we hit up the Dover. AJ took off on us as we were eating poutine before leaving town which was exciting lol.
We didn’t have a boombox or speakers so we just sang all day to each other like, any song we knew from memory it got pretty ridiculous and awesome. Wrote some rap lyrics to add a verse to Al and Andrew’s rap song about gravy and french fries. Typical Sunday.
See the guy making a bicep? Last known photo of him before he disappeared for an hour while we ate fries LOL.
And as we rolled into Port Dover.
Lana Banana ding dong.
Okily dokily other things to do now thanks for dropping in.