Don’t get scared now.

One more for the road! This one features Stella, the yeah yeah song, barking, singing, getting off my ass and putting on a coat, something I said in my stand-up act blabbity blah bye bye enjoy we are adorablah!

You will love this one the most! I am going to have a Lost fiesta siesta now on the couch so check ya later! I look like a pterodactyl when I look to the side. Yes it is spelled like that. When I next have to spell out a postal code I will be sure to use pterodactyl for sound out the P-word jajaja oh life. Send me in Dear Raymi questions to answer in my vlogs okay, just drop em in the vomments section it’ll be fun times.

I am going to be a vlog superstar you can’t vlop me! Better ones than this crap as fast as I can compress them! Sorry for the song halfway through I had to practice for band. Screen grab change any time now holy crap.

may be ugly later sure as shit pretty now

So far this guy is beating you! Hi Mark nice one.

Alright it’s growing now it’s “a thing” guys! Good one Chris.

Ok there’s Lisa!


PAAAAAAAYCE. Cray fug face competition just began bitches!There will be a prize! I will add your stupid face picture to my post. Dance run time! Not feeling it but it is punishment. It’s raining yay I can dance inside with Stella :) I made some dumb videos and cleaned the kitchen. I will make more videos maybe after this oatmeal and chocolate sauce. Banana chocolate oatmeal party. Yeah boy!

a beauty solution by Raymitheminx

My friend is even worse today and I can’t even play this video because I think my computer has a virus (update: I can play it!) but don’t worry I know it is golden material, I am being stupid on purpose can you tell? COOL! WICKED! Great that is great! Having a computer virus is super great fun. I blame Lost. Now here’s a bunch of stupid photos. I am crabby today watch out I might zing you! I just had to force quit and it made everything better again but I know it is only a matter of time until I go zero to rage watching this typing field gradually type slower and freeze out, hope not though! Moving along.

My hair was very long yesterday. It was a long hair day you could call it. Longer in t he back though (where the party is!)

It was a stare longingly out the window long hair day, yes you could call it that too why not.

See how white I am I’m penis coloured jajaja, pink! Ethnicity? Penis pink.

That’s my how I get my way face. Just kidding. That face usually looks like a witch face. Well, I do a good puppy dog eyes. Only for emergency use though don’t get greedy!

I am aging obsessed it’s ridinkulous.

I post fugly Raymi pics too.

You can picture my head independently from this hair easily with the darker roots. I didn’t wash my hair this day so it looks greasy, I greased it up a lot with mythic oil. I am seeing how much I can repair before trimming my split ends. You will barely be able to tell the difference I’ll just look like I don’t have pieces of straw sticking out of my head everywhere.

That’s not duck face that’s where my dimple, dimples. I smiled so much the last few years I made my dimples permanent that’s sick guy! At first I thought I had wing sauce on my face in photos then I realized that indent was permanent and not wing sauce. On one hand I was pumped I wasn’t a slob but on the other, face indent! But, I also have other dimples in the proper dimple place too. See how much crap I just made up just so I could feel better about duck face? I don’t like adopting cheesy mainstream jargon is what and it’s not what I was doing anyway lay off me!

Can’t wait to hit the beach mon.

Much better. See, these eyes are not brown sorry guitar guy who asked if I had brown eyes but even weirder I said NO THEY ARE GREY. Who has grey eyes? Who says they have grey eyes into a packed restaurant? We will do a feature on my eyes and you’ll see that they’re actually grey green blue and once in awhile a burst of yellow will explode around the pupils okay cool I bet you can’t wait.

Sarah Connor arms. I assure you they are not this skinny. Maybe slightly.

Nothing makes me want to clean the house more than this picture.

Boohoo official weekender

Ha sweet and classy that’s me!

Much more was eaten this day, this entire long weekend oh god please no more eating all we can do is eat here and be horizontal for hours on end watching tv I think I lost all muscle definition and toning from my arms which my mother was kind to repeat numerous times about her stupid trainer wanting to sculpt me. RUDE. Go sculpt your own damn self. Hmm I guess I am premenstrual ha ha. I am just tired of people’s shit, everyone’s. Hi it’s me over here being tired, you got shit? Well then I am tired of it straighten up and fly right asshole. I will be sure to launch a lawn chair before I leave. You’re welcome. Should we film it?

And please like there are lawn chairs here, we have real chairs not made from lawns.

I think the reason people eat more out here or city people do is because of boredom and NO I am not saying I was bored here I mean, Rebecca (take a drink) says all she’s done at her grandparents is eat and eat again once she was finished. More cheese? Hey, is it time to eat again yet? I made every single thing that I could from the fridge. Bacon and eggs at dinner you bet! I think it is the timing of my hormones and stuff and also I don’t know why I just feel fatter in the suburbs and when we drive home somewhere on the QEW we pass through a slim down force field. You feel more isolated from friends and shit so each handful of chips is a handshake from your friends and you just keep going for it until you have to open another bag or go to the store and buy more bags of chips and popcorn for all the tv you are going to watch. Necessity! You can’t take a spin out the door around the block to have a beer (well you could but you won’t) so then you start to cut some cheese instead and get the crackers out hey guys I made a plate of cheese and crackers want some? Everybody always wants some. Then, while we are eating that I get the idea to dismantle the rotisserie chicken and make sandwiches! and that is the story of gaining five suburban pounds no problem. Maybe if there were some exercising to balance out all the gorging but there isn’t of course! I am dying to do my free weights and go for a run when I get back I hope I don’t have a bacon heart attack.

Zit is in the scrabble dictionary by the way. That’s 50 points. By the way.

So what’s going on tonight, nothing probably. Maybe a mini bender? It’s the official weekender boohoo back to reality tomorrow not that this guy ever actually has to go back. But I have band practice! And I have to go shopping and exchange my dress at Holt, I am thinking I’ll get a dress or a nice cardigan, I don’t know. Maybe some awesome shorts. Hi, where are the awesome shorts? Jajaja. :) Til next time. Oh right, Happy Easter.

French Fires

Now that’s some french fires for ya!

Holy moly my niece is growing up! Sob. So proud so, so, time is going so fast. This is her grade 8 grad dress. She looks more adult than me. My dad measures her every time she visits and now she’s two inches taller since Christmas, 5’2 and three quarters (or so she says I’ll go check) and I’m 5’9ish so I will enjoy my height lead while I have it. She’s back to teeny her bopper outfit now phew.

It’s my bro’s 31 birthday in three days O_O! I am still the baby jajaja!


Welcome to the weekend! No, you’re welcome.

Woah narcolepsy much! Well, it was late-ish (for suburbia so like 9 o’clock) and we went out for more snacks and to rent a movie.

There much better. I like the Celina Kyle eyebrow shadow effect from the glasses no wait that’s my french heritage shit guy! Also how do you like Rebecca and I’s two piece band name FRENCH FIRES. Inspired by french fries. And then someone goes would you like french fires with that? I am always play writing at night in bed aligning all my stupid thoughts like ducks in a row.

Zit is slang REBECCA WAKE UP so you should not have won that game that I kept trying to throw to end it.

I brought crazy wigs and fire crackers.

Thundercat hair. Raaaaaaaw.

Slutty vintage choker.

Nice shiny face. I can’t wait to bake my face off.

Oh hi, what are you guys talking about?

How many looks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie blog?