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Hey dorks who read the internet on Saturday

I guess I’ll update today, fuh-ine.

I climbed a 130 foot tall thing today amidst a hangover. That’s me hitting the base. I tried to quit three times from exhaustion, not fear. Ok ok the publicity stunt is over. Cue more families gathering at the bottom to watch. Haha. In my head I was thinking of Fear Factor and Survivor. I make fun of weaklings on those shows all the time who can’t push themselves through challenges so this was an opportunity to see how difficult it really is. And, it is. I am not as in shape as I once was, yeah I’m slim but I don’t train anymore “professionally”. I just run and dance and do weights on my own and that seems to be enough for now.

The rocky sway of the ropes and ladders combined with my rag doll balance totally synched up. I am not a pussy, so never forget that. This was a moment for Raymitheminx TV. My spotter Claire was amazing, everyone was so friendly. Too bad I am suspicious of friendliness ahaha. Thanks Outward Bound Canada. Can I join your organization? I’m not sure I can climb stuff like, everyday though. Maybe just every other day. Oh yeah I was like what is with you people, the ground just isn’t enough? They liked me.

Everyone liked my docs and attitude. They wouldn’t let me quit when I tried to pack it in. My arms were blown out by the time I reached the top. There are reflective moments of pause along your journey upward when you are like, I am completely insane, everybody is watching, my colleague is photographing, they know I can do this so why do I have to keep doing this how do I jimmy up that tire, more ropes next time you design this please. It’s a full body work out, all my strength is in my legs but luckily I am agile and have mega-fitness know-how thanks to TMR so I knew how not to over-exert myself, take a deep breath between transferring weight from legs to arms, legs to arms, legs to arms pulling myself up like a monkey or mario up a ladder during a battle level.

Remove your rings. I even removed my bra. I am way scrappier without that thing on. Next time I will need gloves so my hands won’t be so sore or cold.

I’ve wall climbed and zip-lined before so I knew that I would not die or fall and these guys would bust their asses keeping me safe so there is no reason to be a-feared at all. Looking down at others gathering to watch who all have scared looks on their faces is a good feeling of accomplishment. Full on emasculating rounds of Dads in one fell swoop. And then I fell. Lols no I didn’t I just get punnier with age. Better too, like wine.

That one guy recognized me from Parkdale somewhere. It’s neat seeing people you see on the street and know absolutely nothing about really other than they get coffee from Cherry Bomb or, they have a friend with Buddy Holly glasses at Parts ‘n Labour and then you bump into them at your own gig and it’s like, hey, wait a minute What’s going on here! You drink coffee! I figured it out. People are stupid like that.

I look like I am going spelunking. Not after that friggin’ Descent movie, thanks a lot and you couldn’t think of a better word than spelunking?

They care so much at Brickworks it’s a really very special place. These pipes are rivers/water table flowing through Southern Ontario up on that wall, it is gigantic and impressive. I sent Rob last year in my stead to the picnic I will be attending this year. I am a year behind in foodie world thanks to not going last year. I was working on my book up in the boonies at the time. Tyler you should get a ticket to this event.

This picture blows but that’s the place. You see it from that DVP place that’s all confusing and scary and extreme off ramps going this way and that. They made bricks here in case you didn’t get it. Arlene Stein (she’s a VBD)(very big deal) gave me a tour today and told me all about it. I like her. She’s hot and geeky and cares about stuff for real not just for pretend like some of us half of the time, at times. Haha my new thing is triple-double negatives and WHOOSH! Where did I go?

I have to learn how to pose with a slimmer face, lots is going on? The helmet and adrenaline sweat made my hair go funny. I bet that guy in front of me has an Austin or something. I had a grilled cheese and onion sandwich and became 25% more likeable afterward. I can go on fumes but my personality sure can’t.

Note to self: I am not a Vet and Cats don’t like wearing outfits in the form of band aids adhered to their fur, but to be fair I added a cotton pad for gauze. Teacher performed the in-grown nail extraction surgery. Still taking her to the vet. I am gunning for Lady Garbage being submitted as her name so that I can have an antibiotic bottle with LADY GARBAGE printed on it. Seeing animal names on pill labels is hilarious. MR. JINGLES cat medicine (whatever it’s called) or Robert Pommer (for a pomeranian Addicted to love fan/owner ahaha).

This looked pretty to me yesterday. My nail polish removing ritual.

I dunno if I posted this particular one yet. I take several.

My brother and Linda came by last night to see the game and then party at ours. I sent him a picture of my little climbing adventure and he was like !!!!!!!!!!!!! He has a heights phobia. When I left this morning he was here still so it must have been funny an hour later getting a photo text of my ridiculous adventures, it was. That’s why I did it ahaha no other reason than spite. We had a fight about how when I punched him in the head that one time it never even hurt. It’s my favourite story to tell and he insists it didn’t hurt. I am having trouble accepting this. My left hook hurt for DAYS.

Did not at all appreciate the irony of Hello Kitty band aids. Well maybe this is why you de-claw the bastards. OMG don’t start PETA. MMmmm Peta chips.

Happy Saturday!

5 thoughts on “Hey dorks who read the internet on Saturday

  1. Wow, are you promoting this place?

    I felt the same way climbing the mountains in Utah last week but wasn’t hung over.

    Your brother is gorgeous and still doesn’t know it!:)

  2. felt which way? good for you for that trip mom, lois too. bringing camera along to brickworks for raymitheminx tv for the picnic :) and you can thank shawn for my hangover, I wouldn’t expect you to be hung at a fat boot camp and I forgot that we were competing MOTHER. Miss you.

  3. hey raymi. that climb looks like a super good challenge. i’m always looking for fitness challenges. how do i sign up?

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