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are you seein’ yer own death and sellin’ it to me?

You’re a bullshitter AND a hypocrite. That passage where you are the star, bullying and badgering the drunken kids in the can? How fucking dare YOU call anyone who is drunk a loser. Are you serious. You’re a fucking sickening piece of work and if you are going to make a habit of abusing others, well…my dogma just ran over your karma. Biatch!

listen you bag of bitterness, i tossed e-tard twenty year old adults out of my friend’s bar, that he owns, therefore a massive vested personal interest in the ejection of said SCUMBAGS. yes, you are in fact A LOSER if you fuck a dude with a ponytail in a bathroom stall with backpacks on the floor, i don’t think parents would be very proud of this moment. no siree. i also used to work at this bar and therefore have experience dealing with these situations, i am trained, smart serve card carrying. they were fucking in the stall and their shit was all over the place you can’t walk into that smiling like a sugar princess fairy and politely ask them to leave. dogma karma what??? honestly you need to go outside and forget that i exist if my blog is instilling such a negative reaction within you then you need to get the fuck out of here. you sound way too caustic, totally projecting a ton of garbage on to me. you know what, i am FINE and always will be. GO FOR A WALK. you revealed yourself when you called me the star of that passage. ENVY is not a good look on anyone baby. go be your own star. practice bossing people around in real life and not just on the internet. i am way out of your league. you tried to call me trailer trash and now i’m a bully. gee boy what the fuck could be next? i will unban your ip now so that you can come at me with more brilliance.

ps i look like an adorable saucy french ballet danseur right now in thigh high oatmeal american apparel stockings and a black one piece body suit, jackass 3 is on, my hot teacher doter is presently making me scrambled eggs coffee beer’mosas and sunlight is streaming in through the royal tennenbaum looking dreamy windows. maybe i’ll ask him to take a picture to show you how not white trash this all looks right now or you can wait til my next blog post. which you will.


thank you for the content, albeit negative in nature. you are a legitimate troll ha i knew it. priceless. be gone you’re encroaching on my actual personal life time now which is pretty looney tunes of you and by the way i outlined in the post you mentioned that i had no fucking shame from that, i was 17? have you never done something so awesome before? you are not living. at all. you’re doing classic dig dig dig nitpick deflect and have my brain all in a shuffle over dumb specific crap you’ve held on to from my blog for years (gross) meawhile the moral of all this abuse is you hate yourself and i am refusing to be your soundboard for that. go away.

11 thoughts on “are you seein’ yer own death and sellin’ it to me?

  1. looks like a tastey breakfast
    Why do you let the bored trolls bring out your anger like this?
    They are lost & feel ugly inside, just delete & stay focused on whats important to your peaceful side.

  2. Raymi,

    You rock girl!!! Let haters hate. Seriously why waste time reading and then commenting on a blog just to spew hate. They are just jealous that they live some boring non existent life.

    I love the antics you get up to; maybe even a little jealous of your fun times, but would never hate you for being you.

  3. Ahhh there is nothing like being completely hungover at 8:30 on a Sunday mornin hating life cause you just pulled a 12 hour shift yesterday knowing that you have to be at work in a hour and a half but have no clean drawers so you are faced with the only option; going Commando which also happens to be my favorite option, So I throw on my pants turn on my comp bring up your lovely page and see you sitting there in some killer Thigh high socks, looking fucking completely adorable and for a second I forget I feel like someone has beat me with a bag full of door Knobs. So I thank you sweet princess for taking the pain away lol…….ouch laughing hurts.

    Keep up the good work; let the loner Douche’s hate behind the safety of the computer monitors and just be the rock star you are. They can be the lowly angry peasant we know they are.

    Keep on Rocking in the Free World

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