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comment hall of shame of the day

The more I read your garbage the easier it is to understand the basis of your drink addiction. You are trailer park trash desperately trying to forget that basic truth. Get help. -much love, loser in vancouver

try upper middle class you silly fucking asshole try hard

i am about to be 28 and i am lighting it the fuck up right now is that alright with you

yes i learned to blog from my trailer park and i am drinking myself to destruction to forget my terrible upbringing of having a well-adjusted nuclear family, a loving caring nurturing unbroken home, boo hoo where is my schlitz?

guess what, drinking is a luxury and when you’re an over-achiever genius like me (iq of 133, past valedictorian) well you can afford to get pissed. i know lots of brilliant degenerates, artists, big leaguers and the like, so, fuck you for raining down on me such shit. i am living for me and what i like to do is live in a bohemian utopia where people like you don’t fucking exist so good day.

ooh i look hot old here. mature.

this was a nice little whirlwind party ahhhhh i will look back fondly on this night for years to come.

when you have your shit together (like we do) you can yeah, fuck off assholes i am tired of waking up to abuse leave me alone. why do i get crucified for going out some nights and taking pictures of it and having fun wheeee. i really fucking hate you too guess what that’s what, the feeling, it is more than mutual.

19 thoughts on “comment hall of shame of the day

  1. You’re a bullshitter AND a hypocrite. That passage where you are the star, bullying and badgering the drunken kids in the can? How fucking dare YOU call anyone who is drunk a loser. Are you serious. You’re a fucking sickening piece of work and if you are going to make a habit of abusing others, well…my dogma just ran over your karma. Biatch!

  2. listen you bag of bitterness, i tossed e-tard twenty year old adults out of my friend’s bar, that he owns, therefore a massive vested personal interest in the ejection of said SCUMBAGS. yes, you are in fact A LOSER if you fuck a dude with a ponytail in a bathroom stall with backpacks on the floor, i don’t think parents would be very proud of this moment. no siree. i also used to work at this bar and therefore have experience dealing with these situations, i am trained, smart serve card carrying. they were fucking in the stall and their shit was all over the place you can’t walk into that smiling like a sugar princess fairy and politely ask them to leave. dogma karma what??? honestly you need to go outside and forget that i exist if my blog is instilling such a negative reaction within you then you need to get the fuck out of here. you sound way too caustic, totally projecting a ton of garbage on to me. you know what, i am FINE and always will be. GO FOR A WALK. you revealed yourself when you called me the star of that passage. ENVY is not a good look on anyone baby. go be your own star. practice bossing people around in real life and not just on the internet. i am way out of your league. you tried to call me trailer trash and now i’m a bully. gee boy what the fuck could be next? i will unban your ip now so that you can come at me with more brilliance.

    ps i look like an adorable saucy french ballet danseur right now in thigh high oatmeal american apparel stockings and a black one piece body suit, jackass 3 is on, my hot teacher doter is presently making me scrambled eggs coffee beer’mosas and sunlight is streaming in through the royal tennenbaum looking dreamy windows. maybe i’ll ask him to take a picture to show you how not white trash this all looks right now or you can wait til my next blog post. which you will.


  3. raymi, you’re beautiful and exciting and that’s why most of us read your blog! some of us readers are also beautiful and exciting and can therefore feel happy for other people when they are out there doing fun things, because we also go out and do fun things sometimes.
    this weirdo “muchclearernow” is obviously negatively obsessed with you for some icky menacing reasons. i just hope that he doesn’t have a shrine to you in some bus station locker like that stalker in the whitney houston/kevin costner film “the bodyguard,” because we all know how that turned out and it wasn’t good.

  4. you are a legitimate troll ha i knew it. priceless. be gone you’re encroaching on my actual personal life time now which is pretty looney tunes of you and by the way i outlined in the post you mentioned that i had no fucking shame from that, i was 17? have you never done something so awesome before? you are not living. at all.

  5. And so the kids in the can don’t deserve this wisdom and compassion. You’re a liar..

  6. they learned a lesson, that was the wisdom. compassion was not putting my hands on them like a meathead bouncer would. LEAVE ME ALONE NOW.

  7. Seriously, stop caring about the haters! If you are going to open up your blog to comments, a hatin’ is what you or ANYONE with a blog will get. Either turn it off, or let it go.

  8. i didnt know you were the creative director of my blog

    let what go? no why should i? YOU let it go. it was fun for two seconds now i have moved on in life. cheerio.

  9. If you are caught having sex in a restaurant/bar you are guaranteed to be met by a lot worse than a drunk princess. They should be thankful Raymi was the first to find them.

    That’s not to say none of us have ever done it or worse, but that’s not the point of the story.

  10. i got caught in a bathroom doing said activity once. those kids will always rememebr that and i bet they laughed about it after. it was fucking hilarious. great pix awesome night xo :)

  11. Oh Christ that idiot is STILL bugging you? I always wonder what the payoff is supposed to be…Do you suddenly realize that everything they said is TRUE and…then what?

    What a freak.

  12. I haven’t checked your blog for a while — glad to see that you’re still posting. It is a very good read, and I am catching up on your life (not to mention all the latest hip young persons lingo).

    You do so much for people — my home-town relatives would say “She has a lot to offer”. I hope you let people do sg nice for you once in a while. I would like to do sg nice for you, don’t know what, cos from my worms-eye-view, you seem to have it all.

  13. I dunno, like I say, to me, you seem to have it all: fame, wealth, recognition, friends, fulfillment from your occupation — do you actually have any other needs? Maybe children and a family? (sorry, I can’t supply that!)

  14. more money and a life partner to impregnate and build super human raymi army family with on a huge hippie commune compound somewhere in europe.

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