i say boom boom boom now let me hear you say wayoh
oh hello there BOOM lilitaly location don’t mind if i plant myself down here awhile while i sort out the next 48 hours of my liiiiife.
ground zero for this hero.
one day, when i have a boyfriend, we will sit here together.
i’m like, this close to goin’ muff don’t care if that offends lesbos or not. i was in a relationship with a girl once. she was way more mental than me, ended in a big mess but anyway, i can be a good boyfriend.
um. amazing. the key is in the details. you can sit beneath a normal light or you can sit beneath a light that is also a coffee cup.
walked by the place three times like a genius, thought i was going to mitzi’s other location (my marbles are scattered all over the road presently) um wrong-o i am not doing that place today haha. the men working outside were very pleased with my settling on this restaurant as well as selecting the window. i dragged both tables into a four-spot and nestled in.
classic class.
coug boots.
not much of an appetite but i know i gotta eat.
if you spot one of these around town let me know k?
remember when everybody first got digital cameras and all you saw were pictures of crap on restaurant tables ooooh so indie colour me IMPRESSED look we have a real artist on our hands now. heh. did my nails at the table it was like putting a layer of schmuck coating over grimey middle earth claws.
could not f-ing decide. i ordered off menu in the end. all the cool (difficult) people do.
is there a baby boomer club out there and if so do they have their meetings here? they should. i’ll make sure to be in the vicinity that day and tweet every single thing i overhear so we can make fun of it together.
um, do i look 27? i look older don’t i? i’ve always gotten older but lately i’ve been getting early thirties. great. i am 31 foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
that left handed cup again. me and my americanos. had two double. no, three? i should NOT be drinking caffeine right now but just try and stop me. i think the day of my party i’m gonna curb it just to be safe.
speaking of muff (i know you lost it or knew where i was going with that when you read it up there fyi. you know who) this is muffy. she, is awesome. the first ten people to go to any boom location and drop the raymi D list bomb to her or tony (or mike)(or whoever) you will be punished with amaziiiing things. also no she’s not missing an arm she was hiding a tray.
oh hi you again.
it’s official, i am a cougar in training. addicted to hair accoutrements.
my little impish friend is addicted to that ipad thing. she won it. she wins everything. BARFFFF. WAH wah hahaha nevermind.
what was this casie?
she ordered a hardcore truck stop breakfast with WHITE toast. i tsk tsk’d that and she put me in my place. you go all the way with eating grease i guess. breakfast is the one meal of the day you do not compromise or make comments about other’s choices by lest you wanna get cut.
what is this a movember cross-promo or what? sneaker. i’m going to hold a huge raymitheminx.com sign behind whatever next thing you’re doing or like run passed a window a bunch with sparklers and shit. don’t think i won’t.
stress lean out!
oh yeah baby soak it innnnnnnnnnn.
just kidding i’m a nice humble down to earth girl.
i look big and bootylicious here. i am actually an inch taller than beyonce and doesn’t she look like a big ass dragon on tv? just wait til i’m in heels and my crazy dresses (yes two) on thursday. i’m going to be all over your eyeballs.
i would murder something for one of those sausages right now.
no this! jerk chicken salad. not on the menu. muffy said a guy in the back had a bottle of jerk sauce (forget what country he’s from) i know i earned me some street cred with him on this. halfway through my face pricked sweats it was awesome. people get endorphin surges from spicy food cos the body thinks it’s in pain and wants to protect it.
it would be nice to hang out in the seventies for a month.
forget what we were joking about but she said “just the tip” and we died laughing and got shivers and said ew gross. ew penis. hahaha um i think you need to be invited to my brain to get why i think this is funny right now.
AVOID WHITE FOODS OK OMFG. why eat something that’s stripped of all its nutrients?
if you responded by slamming my face in this i would just laugh and give you props. i am not as uptight and crazy insane bitchy as you think i am really laid back and easy going, anti-reactionary in situations where one might embarrass me. you can go through life and nothing funny can ever happen around you, boring. the worst moments is when you prank someone and they have this godawful reaction that makes everyone nervous and uncomfortable and like, wow, did he really lose his shit like that?
look at that why the hell am i single? not saying i’m a mega-babe or anything but like, don’t you want to be feeding that every single day?
and pretending you are listening to everything (and there’s lots!) i have to say meanwhile you are picturing me dancing around in stupid underwear haha.
congratulations on leaving the house today. yeah thanks, you too. clink.
oh i remember what you said here hahahah. we only get mean when we talk about all the mean we get (apparently i am the only one of us who gets it) but really it is such a waste of time focusing on that stuff.
someone was in a big hurry?
have your worn those lolita shades yet?
she is so teeny. good teeny. curvy as crap too.
i am a professional here guys.
laughing cos i said here you can take my picture in a way that was like she is really lucky to get to take my photo at that moment in time.
i laugh in the face of danger. i look like your parents on vacation in europe in their leather jackets they bought just to wear around the urban settings. where is a fountain when you need one?
get out of my way workers.
i just wish more things were going on in this picture.
money shot. i should have held up my body with my butt cheeks alone like that hot asian chick multiple seasons back on ANTM for the trapeze whatever shoot man they gave her so much grief over her wicked body. i don’t care anymore about how hourglass i get, i am going bombshell.
don’t try this at home kids.
day time hang outs are stressful. day light on the vampire photoshopless aging socialite, quelle drag.
the chef wanted me to photograph muffy’s lunch.
food would go ice cold if i were in charge of presentation i’d be all macgyver PASS ME THAT TOOTHPICK AND I NEED TO CORKSCREW THESE ONIONS then blam we all die cos i took so long.
why does asparagus make your pee stink?
boom pens for my swag bags have clocks. i brought a handful home last time for adventurehouse didn’t know if melucas noticed or not, i presented one to lucas and melodie said she already stole one hahah. um as if i know how to set the thing.
this shirt is amazing for two reasons 1. you get to poke at my nipples (casie did) and 2. i look like one of the fish from mezzrow’s.
gift cards for my swag bags for YOU guys and pens (with clocks)(i am practically your sugar daddy here i bought you a watch with a pen attached to it you’re welcome). they know how i love the coke in glass experience so i got another 6-er, bigger bottles this time eh eh niiiiice.
tomorrow i am looking forward to inserting these into their sleeves god i love tedious tasks so much sometimes best thinking time ever.
then yoko showed up to pick my brain for blogto. she thought we were the same age. i am younger. i want to die. kidding. dayna and i met at beer fest, is that what it’s called? anyway, i love BOOM and so should you. i also love that they have extended hours so the next thing at mod club i am getting my pre-drink and eat on there. SMRT.
i selected two dresses for thursday. i walked in like a mental told them what was what and they said totally lets do this raymi. i was in gym clothes and mania and it worked heheh.
picture this and marie antoinette up-do and heels.
singing the beatles.
this one too. oh man i look tired but yeah, look! i’ve always wanted to wear something ridiculous like this. i’ve been staring shkank in the face ever since i joined my gym. this is in shkank’s window now i tweeted it and was thinking why don’t i go in there instead of buying a playboy bunny costume (which i am still tempted to do, might throw a party on my blog anniversary’s actual date nov 28) that might look cheap and too costumey. normally shkank only works with stylists but, when you are your own stylist like i am, f that you dress me and you dress me now.
they have so much to choose from so many styles. the blue one is worth $550 and the pink $600. i am borrowing them unless some baller wants to buy them for me and if you spill anything on me i will be giving you the bill.
before leaving dad’s this morning. we practiced some tunes last nite. he has material prepared to rip me on stage with oh god i hope you are grateful for the spectacle you’re going to be privy to.
ps. my grandpa was in the war. i invited him to speak to my class in grade 6 for remembrance day which made everyone laugh their asses off but my teacher asked me to ask so i did. instead he wrote a long account of his wisdoms regarding all that (he was in intelligence, i come from a long line of brainiacs) and i read that to the class i’m sure no one knew what the hell it was i was reading but my teacher had tears in her eyes by the end and then he died just over a month later on the same date as john lennon’s death. it was the last thing he wrote really. they read some of it at the funeral. the funeral dude said my name up there on the podium during and it resonated, it was one of those self aware moments you get, one of the first i ever had i think. people are giving me shit about having an event on remembrance day like the whole day should be respected and somber. i think my grandpa would be very proud of me. i know i was young when he died but i still remember him and have dreams about him sometimes. he taught me chess and took an interest in me because he knew i was smart. oh my god i better not say any of this shit on the mic i will be bawling. i am not allowed to embarrass my mom either i was going to drag her on stage to present her with something in front of all of you. she gets really shy in public for some reason you think she would be loving the attention but no, she is a lady. she said that it’s for me, the spotlight. i am just as shy as her. i really do have to fight it you see snapshots of me hamming it up but they’re snapshots. i am already flushing all over from the couch just thinking about people looking at me so much.
my nana had a bad bail yesterday. compartmentalizing stress and grief. ugh.
two more sleeps. email: mandie.j.armstrong at gmail dot com for media rsvp g list cheapskaaaates.
Awe, Blythe.
Yum looks real tasty.
Will have to check.
I don’t like the stage
small groups maybe
Do I still get the purse:)?
yes, nana took a swan dive from the top of the stairs
she even makes fun of it already
she does the noises and actions of the fall
this might be a good sign of her recovery
your dresses rock.
should i come down to the city to your party? i should, shouldn’t i?
Take it easy. All in good time.
oh, I bought the same polka dot H&M see through top you told me to get
we can be twins again
I thought Angelina Jolie was in her early thirties for years until I found out she was (at the time) 29. Sophisticated faces age gracefully!
Definitely the blue dress. =)
a couple things:
1) i really like when you are funny as shit like in this post
2) i will eat white toast if i want to until i grow up to adult size
3) be my boyfriend
4) ILU
6) see you tomorrow k.
Pingback: crazy awesome
It appears as though you had a good day! And I believe your salad looked amazing! <3
I HEART your shirt…would you mind telling us where you got it?
costa blanca
mom i never said to actually buy it i said it was funny that u grabbed it too. whatever get in line copy cay
kwil DUH YES!!
you are hell
You look 27 not 31. Love the dresses!
Spicey food does cause pain. Even pop/soda causes tiny little pain bubbles in your mouth (causing your body to release endorphins) which is probably why I love it so much.
Casey really is adorable.
Have a great time at your party, sorry I can’t be there! xo
that comment about tedious tasks released feel good things in my body because just thinking about doing tedious tasks like that while daydreaming about things IS great.
hahahaha anon’s comment.
this post is hilarious.
Raymiy #1 You have to auction off the headband from this post.
#2 The cougar boots too.
Or failing that just the headband! C’mon you know you want to.

that blue mermaid tutu is kind of fantastic. and by kind of i mean really, really.
you are going to look like a mermaid ballerina goddess.
What a lovely tribute to your grandfather – and – lest we forget – he also loved to throw a big party with music and dancing.
I hope your Nana will soon mend!
See you soon,
XX, eh.
im going to have marie antoinette hair. erica go to costa blanca for the headband.
my parents totally each bought a leather jacket when they were in turkey to wear around turkey HAHAHAHAHAH
see you tomorrow!!!
i think i will have to go to costa blanca. i’m such a copy cat :S
Asparagus affects your urine due to the choline and inositol (and variants / by products) that it produces in your urine.
Ass Lover,
P.S. I look forward to your book being published…what was that teaser website again?
Gotta say, you’re title made me giggle. 90’s music just makes me happy and dance-y. Thanks!
Shit, it’s like the TO female blogger equivalent of that Law and Order/Homicide: Life on the Street crossover miniseries. (That’s a compliment, that was an awesome series).
“Girl your booty is so round, I just want to play around…”
Fucking love that song. I hope oldies stations play it in ten more years.