i may have a mean brain but i’ve manners

some work to be done in five hundred window velvet curtain blinds land but first we must weatherproof.

expect more late nite postings. i seriously feel 19 again. sometimes lucas wouldn’t even know i was home i’d sit hunched over my antique school desk for hours quietly combing the internet and crazily blogging then off to work i’d go at 9 or so. i blogged so much cos we didn’t have a tv. well we did but we didn’t bother with it. i am too lazy and most often too anti-social to bother walking to the other side of the apartment so this will be good for book headway. or stupid posts about shitty things i used to do/intend to do more of. basically if there’s a post it means i’m at home not getting laid.



why one would want to do this on a regular basis is beyond me.

i’m really into that one arm in the air thing eh. jeez.

this part was a little nerve-racking.

to celebrate my move lets watch this together.

so touching.

Gaburo Girl

sass‘ roommate is bummed over some docs not processing in his favour and as he was bemoaning the situation his lovely girlfriend faith says remember what earnest hemingway said…and he says EARNEST HEMINGWAY WAS A FUCKING DRUNK AND HIS GREATEST LANDMARK IS A BAR IN KEYWEST. he’s got a very defeatist attitude right now. everything about him is hilarious to me, how he complains about his misfortune, all peppered with clever digs.

thanks for this, fuckos!

the thing that blew my mind about oxford one time was leaving a bar with a drink in my hand and walking right on down the street with it and that being perfectly alright. it was a lazy sunny sunday and i pounded a peach schnapps and sprite (archer’s lemonade, try it. archer’s peach schnapps is the one yer supposed to have but they’re all exactly the same so it doesn’t matter and lemonade is what they refer to sprite as in this drink mix. why they couldn’t call it peach schnapps and sprite is beyond me) then ordered a bottle of smirnoff ice to go (blech ew this was the year before it hit canada so i drank it exclusively over the summer of 2000 in england and can not have one since unless it’s in a power shandy)(ew way too much booze talk lately) where the fuck am i now? right so i am talking about all this because we were taken on a tour of oxford and one part of it led to a pub where a billion famous author’s names were listed off to us who drank there, bringing me back to gunther’s hemingway zinger.

i am moving today it just occurred to me that i won’t be a commuting gypsy after tonite, like, can sleep in my own bed for once. mind is sufficiently blown.

were you touched by the mj tribute last nite on the grammys? no that wasn’t a double entendre you sickos. (yes it was) but anyway seriously now, do you feel they’re being slightly exploited maybe just a little? and why does his daughter look like a mini-sarah palin? prince’s little speech was moving and what poise. i was impressed.

these tights nancy spungen’d all the way down the left leg.

this woman is killing it.

ok so my thighs aren’t going to look any better any time soon so i’ll show these crap pics of my new insane asylum vintage number instead of taking better ones.

flash does not do me or my hair any justice or favours.

yeah thanks for help making my body look like a coke bottle.

i am having laundry clothing organization fantasies right now ahh swoon. looks like i’ll be hitting up my fave swedish store pretty soon. no not h&m, i mean the one with the meatballs and the stupid names for stuf everyone thinks they’re funny about when they point to their stupid coffeetable.

running on steam. bye-o!

unhappy hipsters is so fucking clever oh man, best meme tumblr to date, hands down. good find sass.

He couldn’t stand another night with that smug hookah. AHHAHAHHA making fun of design culture is just as rewarding as making fun of fashion culture. it’s not that we hate fashion and the people and the skinny, or we’re jealous, please, it’s that we’re sick of hearing about it, reading about it, who cares already? stop making it a thing. yeah yeah nice shoes COOL 600 words please do go on. omg drool a dress omg sigh faint a chair that looks like a suitcase. obnoxious. that being said i really did enjoy snp’s fashion rebuttal. sometimes catty snark can be oh so beautiful.

flat roof